Live Show Trading


(Renaissance list members...please click here...)


    Since getting my CD burner almost a year ago I've gotten seriously into the hobby of collecting live shows and rare music from my favorite bands.  It's a neat hobby...I get a lot of enjoyment out of comparing several shows from a single tour or section of a tour...the music may be the same song wise but there are often big differences in performance from night to night.

    I have a (to me at least) significant list of live shows residing on my PC in MS Word format.  Easy for me...I can update it all the time.  Tough for me...each time I want to trade I need to send it out.  No more.  I've finally decided to put my list on my webiste so it's readily accessable to anyone looking to trade.

    I've also got my 'guidelines' for trading as well as a FAQ here.   My list will be broken into bands, and I'll eventually have artwork for the shows I have here as well, so potential traders can download the artwork here instead of me having to print it all out.  Just trying to make things easier all around.

        I've also (as of 6/17/01) been trying my damndest to get grading up on the site (grading conventions can be found below, between band list and other sundry links tables...bands listed with ** after the name have grading up for a majority of recordings on that page).  It's a slow process.  Please be patient with me.



1 General Info

    1.1  Who do I collect?

        King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Dream Theater/related, Danzig/related, ELP primarily.   Progressive music in general.  Take a look below at my table of bands to get a better idea of who I'm currently after.  I have a very little Hawkwind and Marillion (comparatively speaking to, say, Pink Floyd or King Crimson), but I'd like to change that...any takers???

    1.3  What do I collect?

        Live or rare studio recordings.  I don't trade or burn officially available material.

2  Trading Info

    2.1  Preferences

        DAO (Disc at once) on live material.  No exceptions.  I don't have a problem with burned MP3's, but tell me.  I'll do the same.  No preferences on CD brand...I've used Sony, Imation, Maxell, and PNY with good results.  At the moment I'm using mostly Sony 74's and Imation 80's.

         I do prefer to trade with people in North America due to postal costs, but this isn't set in stone.  I certainly won't turn away someone outside of North America.

        Also, please let me know if you desire/require artwork to be included with the CD's.  Some people don't bother, others prefer it.   I know I do, but I can download it from a website or find something appropriate if it is difficult for you to provide artwork.  Just let me know so I can do everything in my power to make things right.

    2.2  Timeline

        I try to get trades out in the week I make the agreement.  If life gets in the way I'll let you know.  I hope you'll do the same.

    2.3  Taboos

        NO OFFICIAL MATERIAL!!!  Buy what the artist sells, accept what the artist gives.   It's that simple really.


If you see something you might be interested in, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] and let's see if we can work out a deal!!!



(red artists/links are the most recently updated)

King Crimson 1969-1973 (updated 4/20/01) King Crimson 1974-present (updated 6/17/01)
Pink Floyd 1967-1972 (updated 6/26/01)** Pink Floyd 1973-1994 (updated 6/26/01)**
Yes 1969-1989 (updated 6/26/01) Yes 1991-present (updated 6/23/01)**
Roger Waters (solo) (added 2/03/01)** Dream Theater/Liquid Tension Experiment (updated 6/04/01)
Misfits/Samhain/Danzig Primus/Les Claypool (updated 6/17/01)
Hawkwind...Friends and Relations (updated 6/26/01) Marillion/Fish (updated 6/17/01)
Emerson Lake and Palmer/Powell (updated 6/26/01) Genesis (updated 6/26/01)**

Renaissance/Annie Haslam (updated 6/04/01)

Rush (updated 4/07/01)

Jethro Tull (updated 6/17/01)**

The Black Crowes (added 6/04/01)**

NEARfest performances (updated 6/20/01)**

Blue Oyster Cult (updated 6/26/01)**

complete show list, no tracklistings (updated 5/30/01) misc bands (updated 6/26/01)



EX- or EX = excellent, or just slightly below.  a super high quality audience recording, or soundboard.

VG or VG+ = very good to very good+.  these are mostly quality audience recordings.

G, G+, VG- = good to good+, or just below very good quality.   average audience recordings.  may be of special interest due to setlist, etc.

FR or G- = fair, or below good quality.  for hardcore collectors of a particular artist only.  again, historical/setlist issues may make a recording of this quality grade one of interest.

FR- or PR = poor.  stay away...use a 10 foot pole...etc.





PROG_CDR FAQ, V 1.0 (MIRROR SITE) (added 6/13/01)

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