The Death Penalty

Hanging people Iranian style
I am one hundred percent behind the death penalty, unwavering in my support for the same. I am sick and fed up of the liberal middle class fuckers telling me that I have to understand these murderers, that they are the fucking victims. I DON'T GIVE A FUCKING TOSS, about how abused their lives were, about how they got dropped on their heads as children, it wasn't often enough if you ask me.
Ok now if you are one hundred percent AGAINST the death penalty then you may wish to leave now. If you have an open mind then read on...
First and foremost what is the death penalty? It is the state sanction death of an individual who has been found guilty of a capital crime, and that their trial was fair and just and the verdict was reach by a jury of their peers. The death penalty is NOT:
Now it is time to address the bleeding heart liberal's concerns over the death penalty. I will address each one of their concerns in turn I will be using the capital punishment in USA in my examples, this is for a number of reasons but mainly it is because the USA is very forthcoming with its capital punishment.
Capital punishment does not deter crime.
I personally do NOT beleive that it does deter crime, it is a punishment for a grave crime. Punishments are designed to be societies revenge against an offender, if you steal a video recorder to have to pay for it, how do you pay back a life, with your own. Furthermore I say that if you commit a capital offence in a country which has the death penalty, then you have chosen suicide, but are too chicken to do it on your own. Some of these criminals are too FUCKING chicken to face their just punishment, a reminder to all capital punishment is well publicised. In short, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime
The USA is unable to prevent accidental execution of innocent people.
Yes maybe the odd innocent person is executed, and this is a travesty of justice, BUT in that is why the USA has a death row. That is why all death row prisoners are entitled to a lengthly appeals proceedure, largely funded by the public purse. And when they do find an innocent person they release them, thus we find out about innocent people that were on death row.
waiting for the next client
Race plays a role in determining who lives and who dies.
This is one of the most spurious allegations that is levelled against the death penalty, most studies that are quoted were conducted in the early 90s AND do not look at the crime figures. In order to analyse this allegation we have to ask ourselves what the racial mix is of capital cases that are tried and the racial mix of convictions. For example if we have a state where there were two capital cases brought in a given year and both of them were committed by white men. Both men were found guilty, and they were the only two men on death row then the racial mix would be 100% white, but there would be NO reason for anyone else to be there regardless of race. Also we have to take into account the advice that people receive, most capital cases are only brought after a lengthly discussion phase during which plea bargining is talked about.
The death penalty is applied at random.
As stated above it can appear random, because of plea bargining and various issues, including incompetant trial lawyers. BUT at least it does get applied.
Capital punishment goes against almost every religion.
I will discard any religious comments, because religion is not a finite or precise tool what it means to one person can be the bi-polar opposite to what it means to someone else. Religion is an instrument that people can abuse for their own ends. So while I know that a lot of religious groups are ANTI-death penalty Christians build huge effegies of an ancient form of death penalty, not to mention the ones they wear around their necks this can only be seen as a silent support, you wouldn't hold a symbol of something you truly detest in such a high regard.
Executions are carried out at staggering cost to taxpayers.
Yes they are very expensive that is mainly due to the lengthly appeals process that exists and I mentioned above. When people quote this they neglect to inform you that a lot of the 'life-without-parole' case that are compared to the capital case are ones that are plea barginned down from capital cases and that part of the bargining proceedure includes a 'no appeal' clause.
This are just a few of the issues that the anti-death penalty lobby present and my answers to them. I am so PRO death penalty that I would happily execute all prisoners on death row in the US.

What the condemned say before they ride the lightning

Ways to kill

What I DON'T agree with

It does what it says
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