Sakura Info
Japanese name: Sakura Kinomoto
English name: Sakura Avalon
Age: 10
Birthday: April 1
Blood Type: A
Family Members: Brother, Father, Mother(died when Sakura was three)
Grade: 4
Favourite Colour: Pink, white
Favourite Flower: Sakura
Favourite Food: Any Noodle
Favourite Subject: Music, Physical Education
Least Favourite subject: Math
Extra-Curricular Activity: Cheerleading
Most wanted: A new school bag
Description: Sakura is a fourth grader a Readington Elementry.When Sakura let the Clow Cards out of the Clow Kero-Beros(the guardian of the Clow) made Sakura a Card Captor.Only three people at Sakura's school knows about the Clow Cards, Sakura, Li, and Madison. Sakura has a crush on her brother's best friend Julian. Sakura has a brother Tori and a father Aiden. Sakura's Mother died when Sakura was three. Sakura loves playing sports and is really good at them to. She is also a cheerleader and so athletic that she has a good chance of making it on the team everytime.Sakura is a kind person so it is easy for her to make friends.
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