Natalie Info



Japanese Name:Nadesico Kinomoto
English Name: Natalie Avalon
Age: 34
Birthday: May 20
Blood type: Unknown
Family Members: Husband (aiden) Tori and Sakura
Favourite Colour: White
Favourite Flower: Wisteria,peach,Sakura
Favourite Food: Anything sweet, red tea
Hobby: sleeping
Special Ability: Can fall asleep anywhere
Occupation: Model
Description: Natalie is Sakura's mother. Natalie is dead, she died from an unknown sickness. her parents didn't agree for Natalie and Aiden to get married because it was a student and a teacher ( not many prople agree for a student and teacher to get married). Natalie worked as a model so they have a lot of pictures around the house of her. Tori can see his mother's soul but when he went into highschool she just disappeared.
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