Madison Info



Japanese name: Tomoyo
English name: Madison Taylor
Age: 10
Birthday: September 3
Blood Type:A
Family Members: Mother
Grade: 4
Favourite Colour: white, Yellow
Favourite Flower:Violet,Sakura
Favourite Food: Sushi
Favourite Subject:Music, Chinese
Least Favourite Subject:None
Extra-Curricular Activity: Choir
Most Wanted: A new video camera
Description: Madison is sakura's best friend and also knows about the Clow Cards. Most of the time you'll see Madison with a video camera in her hands taking shots of Sakura. Madison is also behind those outfits that Sakura wears juring battle. She is a very talented sewer and loves making the outfits. Madison is also very wealthy but she doesn't show it or brag about it either. Madison has a small crush on Tori sakura's older brother.

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