Li Info
Japanese name: Li Syaoran
English name: Li Showron
Age: 10
Birthday: July 13
Blood Type: O
Family Members: don't know
Grade: 4
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Flower: Peony
Favourite Food: Dim Sum, Chocolate
Favourite Subject: Math, Physical Education
Least favourite Subject: Japanese
Extra-Curricular Activity: None
Most Wanted: Clow's Magic Book
Description: Li is a very Serious person from the day Sakura met him in class til when ever. Li moved to Japan when he sensed that the Clow cards had escaped. Li always thought that Sakura was pathetic but instead of being her rival after a while he helped capture them. Li is a decendent of Clow Reed ( the creater of the Cards) that is how knew that the Clow Cards had escaped. Li is engaged to his cousin Meilin Rae(weird!). Meilin loves him a lot but Li only loves her the brother sister way.
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