Poll: Bush Performance Backed 56 Pct

 Some results from a new poll by CNN-USA Today-Gallup about President Bush and some of his policies. The poll of 1,010 adults was taken May 18-19 and has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

 Bush approval: Almost six in 10, 56 percent, approve of the president's job performance, while 36 percent disapprove. Only four in 10 approved of Bush's handling of energy issues.

 Tax cut: Two-thirds, 67 percent, thought Congress should pass Bush's proposed tax cut while 27 percent opposed passage. Half said the tax cut will help the economy at least somewhat, and a third said it wouldn't help at all.

 Energy: People were split over the administration's energy proposals, with 44 percent favoring it and 42 percent opposed. Six in 10 said energy companies have too much influence on the administration's policies. More than half, 55 percent, said the president is not doing enough on the nation's energy problems, while 38 percent said he is doing enough.

©The Associated Press May 21 2001 7:04PM

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