Talkin' Turkey
Or An Opportunity To Open the Armenia, Kurdistan Questions

©Prax Maskaren, Bombay. 24th March 2003.

Turkey's betrayal of America in the Iraq War should not surprise anyone: After all, it has been returning to its Islamic roots! But this is a great opportunity - to open the Armenia and Kurdistan Questions and force justice for these peoples long victimized by the Turks
The newest kid on the block in the long and ancient war against Islamic imperialism, America, is just learning — and learning the hard way! Today, its greatest, most faithful ally Turkey has turned traitor and refused to co-operate. This should be a surprise only to the Americans: The Turks have been the ancient enemy of the Christians, and they are now reverting from the temporary amnesia imposed by Kemal Pasha Ataturk.

More than a decade ago, America went to war against the Soviet Union, not to benefit itself but to spite the Soviets. That was a grievous mistake. By doing so, it cultivated and rejuvenated the ancient Islamic dream of world empire and whetted its appetite. After a decade of gestation, the child of that promiscuous union was delivered in the US itself, 9/11.

At the time of the Afghanistan War, I held the position that though the Commies are bad, the Muslims are worse, that Communism is a flawed ideology that cannot survive for long by itself and that it would inevitably collapse, but that by taking over Afghanistan, it was doing mankind a great favour, for it was de-Islamizing it, and bring it, to an extent, into the ambit of humanity.

That project was sabotaged by America because of its unthinking stupidity, and now it is paying the price.

The perpetrators of 9/11 attacked America, not because America did them any wrong — after all its greatest 'sin' is its passive presence in Arabia, but because it is the greatest obstacle left in the face of resurgent Islam.

When the Wahhabists founded Saudi Arabia, they were trying to recreate the heady days of the founder of Islam, when his armies swept triumphantly all around on his great campaign of world conquest. However, the Wahhabist campaign of expansion ran into the British Empire and so it was contained and forced to make a pragmatic compromise and sit within its agreed boundaries.

But, idealists such as Osama bin Ladin saw that there was no need to make such a compromise and that the imperative of Islam to world conquest remains. This is bin Ladin's sole imperative, his real cause.

Today, with the betrayal of Turkey, America has been presented with a great opportunity to redeem itself and to make up for the years and decades of betraying Christianity. It must carve up Iraq to free the Assyrians and Chaldean aborigines, and the Kurds. It must demand an accounting from Turkey for the Great Armenian Holocaust it perpetrated in 1916-17, and demand the restoration of the historic territories of Armenia stolen by Turkey.

It must use this opportunity to fashion a belt of Christian states from the Caucasus to Lebanon - Georgia, Armenia and Lebanon.

And most importantly, it must use this opportunity to recommence the ancient Christian project of rolling back and exterminating Islam from the face of the earth — with the same zeal it showed for the Cold War!

Prax Maskaren

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