Solve Et Coagula

©Lucio Mascarenhas.

When our Lord cast out demons from the possessed and worked other miracles, his detractors alleged that he did it with the aid of the demons themselves. To which our Lord retorted "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." Devil does not work against devil. They have but one master - Satan.

Nevertheless, Satan in his guile has always sought for means to provide alternative errors for man, in order to keep man locked in between them. This is what is called Bipartisanism. The forces of evil pretend to be two separate and opposite forces locked in irreconcilable disagreement. In fact, however, both forces or fronts act for Satan, in order to delude man and to lead man to damnation.

During the time of our Lord, there were the Pharisees and the Sadducees. More famously in our time, since the Protestant Deformation, the Revolutionaries have cleaven themselves into two apparently opposite and irreconcilable forces - the Left and the Right.

Behind the Protestant Deformation, and all the mischiefs since, are the Jews. The Jews, having rejected the Messias, were punished by God with the loss of the Temple and even of their homeland, and, like Adam and Eve, cast out into the wilderness without. Ever since then, the Jews have been obsessed with sabotaging Christianity and Christians. In the first age, they achieved this by poisoning the Caesars against the Christians. In the present age, following the Protestant Deformation, they act through their dupes, the Noahides, organised in the institution called "Freemasonry."

Yet, from the same hellish spawn called the Protestant Deformation, from the very same ideas, there have arisen two apparently opposite and irreconcilable forces — Socialism, Cooperativism, Collectivism and Communism, in their various editions, on one hand, called collectively, the Left or Sinister, and on the other hand, the Capitalists, arising out of the much vaunted "Protestant Work Ethic" — which has no place for the dignity of workers and the non-capitalist classes, and which contemns the natural principle of the integrity of society, the Racists, arising out of the heresies of Calvin and Jansen, etc., collectively known as the Right.

The Freemasons also staged the French "Revolution" — as they are so fond of boasting.

One of the greatest anomalies is that of Israel. The Jews have worked their dupes rather well in order to bring about a Godless restoration of Israel to its lost homeland. The previous restoration — following the Babylonian Captivity — had been by Act of God.

And yet, on examination, one notices that Israel is a Communist State, patterned on Collectivism, just as the Soviet Union was. And yet, it is protected, first of all, by the Americans, who are supposedly rabidly anti-Communists!

In opposition to our Lord the Messias, the Jews have attempted to raise up themselves substitute Messiahs, none of which have succeeded. Therefore, lastly, the Jews have styled themselves as the true Messias in their collective, corporate identity.

That claim, however, would ring hollow without a Passion similar to that of our Lord. The Jews claim their "Passion" in their "Shoah", the "Holocaust" of World War II, at the hands of Hitler.

When one looks dispassionately at Nazism, one sees that it was a product of Protestantism, brought to its complete development by Nietzsche. The Nazis are also Freemasons. It is intriguing why the Nazis made a fetish of persecuting the Jews. They were certainly not consistent in their racism — they attacked the Slavs, who are as Aryan as the Teutons, and allied with the Japanese, who are not Aryans.

Be that as it may, it is tantalising to speculate that the Shoah, despite its brutality and the enormous toll that it took in Jewish lives, was staged at the command of the Jewish masters of the Freemasons themselves, in order to fabricate a Passion for the Messias that the Jews claim to be in their corporate existence.

World War II was also the means by which the United Nations apparatus was brought into being. Despite its origins, the UN today claims to be something more, far more: It makes the tacit claim to be the One World Government of all the Earth. It treats its members like recalcitrant schoolboys, or like insubordinate provinces, rather than sovereign states that are its members.

Despite the unpalatability of its claims, the UN was specifically designed and set up to achieve the ancient goals of the Perfidious Jews, and of the Freemasons.

Having brought about the birth of the UN, the mischief-mongers then set about to pervert the few remaining Catholic states — Spain and Portugal.

Previously, they had taken advantage of the French Revolutionary Wars, including the Napoleonic episodes, to seduce the Spanish and Portuguese dependencies in the Americas to secede, and reduced them promptly to puppet states — Protestant America�s backyard!

Then, World War I was used to gerrymander the last great Catholic Power — Austria-Hungary.

The miscreants who constituted themselves into the UN immediately began to apply their hypocritical principles in order to destroy off the last vestiges of Catholic power.

The Jewish — and Freemasonic — program is encapsulated in their motto: "Solve et Coagula" — Divide or Dissolve states, then recombine them in an arrangement that prevents the Christians from re-arising as a power.

Russia began in what is now the Novgorod region. Over the last millennium, it has spread relentlessly eastward and southward, conquering and colonising all its neighbours progressively till it reached the Pacific Ocean, and till it had swallowed up all of Central Asia, excepting Chinese Turkestan, and penetrated beyond the Caucasus, into, among other countries, Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.

The Chechens are viciously fighting for their independence till this day.

Under Stalin, Russia invaded and annexed and occupied Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. It also invaded Finland and annexed and colonised Eastern Carelia.

China commenced by the fusion of various people in what is now China proper, then spread by Conquest and colonisations, into Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Tibet and Chinese Turkestan.

England conquered and colonized Wales and Scotland and Cornwall, and attempted — which attempt is still ongoing — to colonize Ireland — the infamous "Ulster Plantations." In Scotland, the Catholic majority, dominating the Highlands was systematically uprooted and exiled to North America as white slaves and latter to Oceania. This was the infamous "Pacification" of Scotland. Today, Scotland alone of European countries has a population lesser than when it was a free nation.

The USA has been created by a constant aggression and genocide against the natives, the Amerindians. The remnant, bloodied, savaged, and vastly reduced in population, culture and abilities, brutalised and traumatised, have been forced into Bantustans doting the USA.

The Indian Union was put together by England, by coagulating all its conquests into one state. However, many nations forcibly included, resisted and fought for their right to freedom - only to be savagely bludgeoned by the Indianists.

But the UN ignored all of this. The only countries that it really targeted were Spain and Portugal.

The UN passed and imposed the Resolutions 1514, 1541 & 1542, among others, in order to fabricate more and more banana republics for the Communists to seize, and for the Anglo-Americans to toy with.

England and France staged mock plebiscites and fabricated puppet states out of their dependencies - tiny territories that had not psychologically reached the stage where they could attain to complete independence.

Spain and Portugal, however, resisted, and paid the price for withstanding the hypocritical nonsense of the UN.

In ancient times, states arose as communities grew. Families grew into clans, and clans into tribes. However, soon states had to face the embarrassment of acknowledging the allegiance and serving equally persons of different tribal and ethnic origins. Thus the state was forced to expand its base, and was no longer merely a tribal institution.

In its early stages, the state was forced to be, perforce, a small compact territory, with its lands immediately contiguous. However, as the thoughts of men expanded, it became evident that a State did not need to be restricted to any particular stretch of land, and that it could include discontinuous territories. After all, the real purpose of the State is to facilitate man�s pursuit of his ends, the chief of which is happiness, and a State will be secure as long as it reasonably facilitates this, and is capable of attracting and keeping the affections, loyalties and allegiances of its peoples, whether as individuals or as societies.

Portugal had its origin in a small, western county of Iberia that was liberated from the Arabs and set up as an independent country. Gradually, it expanded southward into the Iberian peninsula, taking and making Lisbon its capital, and ending with the conquest of the Kingdom of the Algarve. This process was simultaneous with the southward drive of the other Iberian states - Castile, Leon, Aragon, which coalesced to form Spain. These more powerful neighbours put an end to the further growth of Portugal on the Iberian peninsula, and Portugal then devoted its attentions elsewhere.

Pushing around Africa by forced marches, Portugal reached and crossed the Indian Ocean to reach Cochin and then to take Goa, before pressing further north into the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and East into the Orient, to take Malacca, Alor, Flores, Timor, Formosa and Macao.

Having lost extensive territories to the Dutch, and later to the English and French, Portugal consolidated itself within its remaining territory as a multi-ethnic, multi-territorial state.

Portugal, because it remained Catholic, when North Europe went nearly wholesale over to the Protestant heresies, did not, like the Protestants, adopt the ideas of White Racism that was inaugurated by John Calvin and Jansen. There was therefore no discrimination on basis of race, and the White Portuguese freely — and unashamedly — intermarried with native peoples in Portugal�s new territories.

However, as one of the few remaining Catholic States, Portugal became the object of the concentrated hatred of the Left and of the Right, and this especially in the UN.

The miscreants there went so far as to suggest that the A�ores and Madeira be added to the list of "Non-Self Governing Territories".

By these measures, the UN created and nursed along secessionism in the Overseas Provinces of Portugal, created Civil Wars that led to enormous loss of lives, destruction of property, setback to civilisation, trauma and genocide with tribes arising against tribes.

But the UN�s complete hypocrisy was demonstrated when the Indian Union invaded and occupied the Portuguese Overseas Province of Goa, and blithely announced that it had thereby become "Reunited" (sic!) to the Indian Union!

There was no plebiscite, not even a mock plebiscite. The Goans have not been permitted to choose whether they wanted the Indian robbers and rapists in their country, whether they had any grievances with Portugal and desired to secede from Portugal and to integrate with the Indian Union.

On the contrary, after its hypocritical "annexation" of Goa, the Indian Union had the insolence and impertinence to impose an "Anti-Secessionist Oath" upon the Goans!

Shortly after these events, Goans from around the world gathered together, united and approached the UN for justice. This was the "Goan Freedom Movement," now defunct. The account of its treatment by the hypocrites in the UN is harrowing.

Ever since I have learnt of these facts, I am implacably against the UN. I recognize the UN to be nothing more than a Criminal Organisation. I want nothing to do with it. I want none of its "tender mercies".

Today, once again, some Goans dream that they will achieve the liberation of Goa by humiliating themselves and Goa once again before these ravening wolves, these misanthropes and malefactors. I do not believe it.

Even if the UN does act to force the Indian Union to vacate Goa, it will act only because of ulterior motives — such as to pre-empt any attempt at restoring the status quo ante, pre-1961, and to lock into place an immoral set-up, a continuation under traitorous Goans, agents of the Indian Union, of the Indian Occupation apparatus with its in-built corruption.

I believe that the Liberation of Goa has to be achieved by force of arms. I believe that Goa is an integral part of Greater Portugal. I believe that the Greater Portugal should and must be restored. I believe that the only means of bring back the values that make Goa what it is, is by restoring it as a living member of the Portuguese state and social community.

I do not believe that Goa, as a Portuguese province, has the legal right to a plebiscite or referendum, a legal right to secede. It only has the right to autonomy and to democracy.
©Lucio Mascarenhas.
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