Further Developments in l'affair Zhong

©Prax J. Maskaren. (Prakash John Mascarenhas) of Bombay, India. 18th April, 2003. Continually revised.
Given the trauma and distress that Robert Chung is facing, I had sought the advice of Gordon Bateman, Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt, Bishop Thom Sebastian and Pope Michael I as to whether I should send my latest letter, Come Clean - II to him (Chung).

Below are the answers I have received.

Since I am not enamoured with the desire to be seen as a heartless persecutor, I too am content to let things stand as they are, although, to be very frank, I am very far from being satisfied.

Prakash John Mascarenhas

From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 17:29:54 EDT
Subject: Re: Preview
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Chung has publicly (via e-mails) denounced the Pius XIV sect, as well as Mr. Lorenz, and he has sought out public penance and reconciliation from a Roman Catholic Bishop. He wishes to distance himself from this scandal, and so, since he has done everything required by the Church (public confession of a crime, denouncing of those who continue in this crime, reconciliation, etc.), Mr. Chung should be allowed to go his way in peace.

Now should he return to any more of this nonsense, then he must be exposed again; until then, we must all assume he is in bona fide in regard to his contrition.

In Christo Rege,

+Thom Sebastian, sscr
From: "Gordon" <[email protected]>
To: "Prax Maskaren" <[email protected]>
CC: "Bishop Sebastian" <[email protected]>, "Pope Michael" <[email protected]>, "Fr.K. Vaillancourt" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Preview
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 15:55:40 +0800

The simple fact of emails is that it is unverifiable. That is why email conclaves \are too suspicious and inconsistent. I am not altogether enamoured with Robert Hess and his sources as I have been the butt of some of his errors.

Whilst your letter is too long and complicated and judgemental, the simplest way out is to accept honest repudiation and to wait and see what Robert Chung does. As to his language, part of it is the Americanisation (such as "junk" picked up no doubt from Hollywood) of his learning process from the Chinese language.

As for myself, I have said already that I am NOT initating nor pursuing any conclaves, but just will watch from the sidelines. So we see again that emails can get mixed up.


Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 10:08:26 -0700
From: "Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt" <[email protected]>
To: "Prax Maskaren" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Preview

Dear Mr. Maskaren,

Thank you for forwarding a copy of what you intend to send to Mr. Chung. My pastoral suggestion is that you not send it. From what I have read of his public and private correspondence (to me), I can see no Christian purpose that would be served by sending this at this time. I believe that, in time, some of this information will have benefit to him, but not at this time. It is Holy Week, after all, and the spirit of forgiveness should be in our hearts.

With my prayers,

Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt
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