Leo Rebello's Anti-Christian Nonsense

©Prakash John Mascarenhas. 30th July 2003. This page is copyright.
Mr. Khodegant Goenkar
Cc. Mr. Leo Rebello & To Whomsoever It May Concern


I had written Shushrut Martins, the son of the traitor Jose Francisco Martins, and his justifier, an article critiquing their joint actions, but had not received a reply. Then, suddenly, a few days back, Junior wrote me, inviting me, among others, to join him in some Congress of Voodoo Practitioners. Please note that it was he who wrote me, not I. Therefore, I replied, reminding him of my previous letter, and objecting to this Voodoo Congress.

My letter was civil and peaceable. It was not violent, or even venomous, as your pet kook so hatefully and lyingly categorizes it. In fact, I have made that letter a part of the public record so that all men may judge and know.

In reply to my letter to Junior, you wrote, and you invited your pet kook to write me. And indeed he wrote me, partly an original message, and partly, quoting from what he wrote Mr. Michael Prabhu of Metamorphose Ministries. (The exchange is set out below.)

I had promised you a reply to the arrant nonsense and ranting blasphemies against Christ Jesus, my God, the God of Israel, by your pet kook, and I set it out below.

In so writing, I write harshly where warranted, and all that your pet kook writes warrants me being harsh, extremely harsh. I do not coo sweet nothings in the ears of the village idiot, and am far from patronizing the local blasphemer and heretic, Leo the Apostate! But I make no apologies for my language: It is richly deserved!

I am astonished that you, who calls yourself a "True Goan" (Khodegant Goenkar) put your faith and trust in so unworthy a man as Leo Rebello. You even wrote saying that he is worth more than superlatives. Indeed, with a monster heretic such as this, superlatives are not enough. The words "Satan Incarnate" or Khodegant Soitan rise to my lips...

Once previously, I had occasion to point out an error in your thought. You complained that because of the inconsistencies you perceived in Mr. Agnelo Gomes's behaviour, you had turned quisling. At that time I had pointed out that one is a patriot because it is moral to be so, not because you are to follow someone else.

Are you certain that you are a Khodegant Goenkar? Before what manner of malodourous heretic monster are you prostrating yourself and being sycophantic?

Should you not rush to be a member, along with your darling kook, Leo Rebello, the Satanistarch, of the BJP, etc.? You certainly should reconsider.

If you wish to be a Cristao and a Goenkar, then you must repent of your sins, and flee from the pollution and contamination of such monstrous heretics as Leo Rebello. Your eternal salvation demands it.

Now, I set out my reply to Mr. Rebello, your pet kook. His text is in blue, and mine in red, interspersed between his.

Prakash John Mascarenhas
O Patriota! — Long live Goa! Death to the Indian Union!
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:24:16 +0100 (BST)
From: "Prax Maskaren" <[email protected]>
To: "khodegant goenkar" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Dr. Martins" <[email protected]>
CC: [email protected]

"Khodegant Goenkar"

Very truly and sincerely, I am greatly disappointed in you, that you support this nonsense, and worse that you are in cahoots with anti-National and anti-Social activitists, kooks and weirdos like this "Leo Rebello"

This is not what I had expected of you. I had thought you a patriot.

As for the bullshit that your pet kook sent me, I will reply to in a day or so.

I am very grieved.

Prakash John Mascarenhas, Bombay.
leo.rebello Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 11:29:25 +0530
From: "Dr. Leo Rebello" <[email protected]>
To: "Prax Maskaren" <[email protected]>
CC: [email protected]

Mr. Rebello,

This is to say that I have received and read "Carefully" your letters, one of which is what you had written to Mr. Michael Prabhu.

You have written me of your own accord, and have presumed to arrogate to yourself, without applying your mind seriously, the right to superciliously pontificate or talk down to me, assuming that you are my moral superior, my elder.

You, as a self-confessed rebel are the least fit a person to lay claim to the conventional right of an aged person to instruct one younger than himself. By rebelling against and rejecting conventions, you forfeit any such right that you would have incurred in the normal course of events.

Therefore, as I respond to and refute your blasphemies, you should remember that it was you who took the initiative to write me your nonsense and not that I have solicited it from you, and that therefore, I have the right to defend myself and my faith against your crap.

I am a man who has no place for the art of duplicity. I call a spade a spade. Therefore, you will find me offensive at many places. I make no excuses for that. I, for my part, find that you are not merely offensive, but are in fact, positively satanic.



----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. Leo Rebello
To: Michael Prabhu;
Subject: My following reply should metamorphose you

Dear Michael:

This has reference to your letter dated 9th July, below.

Please note that I am replying to you immediately and without doing "investigation" about you! For me it hardly matters whether you are a male, female or email. Your letter reveals you and that is it. Instead of doing an indirect "Inquiry" about me through a friend who got in touch with a priest (who seems to be having wrong information about me), you could have asked me directly about my profession, preferences, philosophy, personal life, etc. I have nothing to hide. My life is an open book.

Therefore, first let me reply the usual question "who am I?". I am a human being first and last, made in the image of God (as the Bible says) and therefore superior (?) to lower animals!

I was born in Bombay of orthodox Goan Roman Catholic parents. I took active part and interest in church activities until I saw the "holy acts" of "holy priests"!

All men are sinners, prone to sin. Even priests, bishops, popes. But because men sin, it does not justify the idea that there is no holiness in the Church, or that the Faith is nothing but a fraud.

After studying many major and minor religions, I stopped going to church some 33 years ago because all religions talk of the same things - love, brotherhood, evolution, do not harm, do not cheat, do not kill, etc. And yet, in the name of religion they divide, discriminate, despoil, and indulge in death dance. Godhra is the most recent example of that. History is replete with gory incidences connected with religion.

Throughout history, men have been disaffected with their current religions for one reason or the other. Sometimes, they were justified, and sometimes not. Yet at the same time, other men have returned to the true faith, from various false beliefs, such as atheism, paganism, Manichaeanism, etc. Thus St. Augustine. Thus an innumerable host of saints.

You flaunt yourself as one who left a church, abandoned faith in orthodox Christianity and fabricated yourself a foul, blasphemous perversion of Christianity, fusing it with paganisms and the New Age. And you exhalt yourself as exemplary, outstanding, something to be admired and emulated.

And yet, unthinking fool, do you not know that, in fact, you are truly pitiable and stupid? You deceive yourself with your ignorant insults to God, and think that you can mock God. Wiser men follow those who overcome their base passions and sacrificed themselves and their aspirations to the Will of God, for, as St. Augustine said, "Our hearts are made for Thee, O Lord, and they shall never find rest, until they rest in Thee."

Therefore, you only delude yourself. But those who wish to imitate your folly and take your path, I say, "Congratulations!" May you enjoy your mutual company and follies and may you rejoice in it, for shortly you shall arrive at the Pit of Eternal Darkness, of Eternal Torments, and certainly there you will have no enjoyments.

But those who have mourned in this day and place, and who have not partaken of the blasphemies of this World and of its "God", shall rejoice in all eternity with the God of Abraham.

I am married to a Parsi lady (Kashmira who got distinction in the Bible studies, since she studied through Queen Mary and St. Xavier's College) under the Special Marriages Act.

Nobody asked you to flaunt your wife. After all, though you may delude yourself that she is your conquest, she is hardly your chattel. Therefore, a wise man does not proffer the public intimate and private information that has no bearing to issues on hand. Please curb your proclivity to gossip.

I have NOT converted her nor have I christened my two sons. Even in their school, college register the religion and caste columns indicate "NA" - not applicable. I have also not innoculated or vaccinated my two sons, because vaccination pollutes the blood stream and produces mutating diseases. My boys (21 and 17), know nothing of bitter medicines, injections, surgeries, for they have always been treated with the sweet pills of homoeopathy, fasting, enemas, cold packs, massage or meditation.

Men, in keeping with conventional wisdom, suffer their offspring to be innoculated and vaccinated, in the belief that this will protect them against particular microbes. In this they may be wrong, but may, on the contrary, be right. You, with your unconventional belief, forbid your sons that same protection, but you mock the ordinary man as a fool, and exhalt yourself as something wise and exceptional.

You display brillant leaps of logic. If the ordinary man is foolish, you are exceptionally foolish. You make your sons Guinea pigs for your weird ideas, where ordinary men, trusting in conventional wisdeom, make their sons Guinea pigs for conventional wisdom. In both cases, the persons to be injected or not injected, have no say in the matter. They cannot either ask or forbid the innoculations or vaccinations.

But if your sons have received the questionable exemption from innoculations , vaccinations and injections, etc., they have certainly been inflicted upon by their eccentric parent and his eccentric ideas, practices, treatments and procedures. And this must willy-nilly leave a mark on their psyche, their soul, that they are different from ordinary men, that they are kooks, sons of a kook, nutcases.

Therefore, what you boast that you have given your sons, I pity them.

And, that only goes to show that you are demonstrably the greater fool than the Ordinary Joe who reposes trust in conventions.

The wise man experiments, but he does not exhalt himself as something superior, and he humbly acknowledges that he is fallible (correction made here, from "infallible") and that in experimenting, he inflicts possible injuries and ills upon his "guinea pigs." And he keeps always in mind a regard and a painful acknowledgement for the sensitivities of these, his "guinea pigs."

You do not have the humility to be one such. You can only boast and make a public display of yourself.

I sent copies of my letter of 19 June to the CC recipients because it is through exchange that ideas crystallize. Hence, I am once again sending them copy of this rejoinder too. True knowledge leads to wisdom and consequently liberation from the shackles.

Now to reply to your some observations:

(a) Church (includes temple, mosque or any other religious centre) cannot lift a person spiritually. On the contrary, religion hinders spiritual growth. Where religion ends, spiritualism begins. Did not Jesus Christ give a clear message when he taught "Our Father" and asked you directly to pray to the Heavenly Father?

The Church of Jesus Christ was founded by Him directly and personally, and entrusted to the Apostles and to Peter, their head, as the first Pope. And He guaranteed and guarantees it for all time, until His Return.

There is NO comparision between any of the myriad man-made religions and the one true religion revealed by God.

Jesus taught us how to pray when He taught us the Paternoster. However, He did NOT teach the Protestant Idea that man does not need priests and the heirarchy to mediate between him and God, that man can reach to God directly without any mediators.

The Teaching and Disciplinary Authority of the Church, vested in the Heirarchy, is vital to its constitution. To reject this is to reject Christ Jesus.

(b) Your comment that Church takes objection to Holistic Health and Alternative Medicine and NOT to Traditional and Natural Medicine confirms my doubt that you or the Church know precious little about Holistic Healing and your ignorance emanates from the fact that you see through religious goggles and are caught in the maze of meaningless words!

Holistic Healing is a descriptive term for a healing philosophy that views a patient as a whole, not at his disease or symptoms. In the course of treatment, a holistic healer may address a client's emotional and spiritual dimensions as well as the nutritional, environmental and life-style factors that may contribute to an illness. Alternative Medicine is also known as Traditional medicine, Complementary medicine, Holistic medicine, Ethno medicine and Natural medicine (for better understanding read my book AIDS & ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE). There is nothing questionable or dangerous in that book. On the contrary, it warns against the lethal drugs which destroys the temple of God (namely the human body which God made in his own image!).

Any ideology that claims to encroach, in one way or the other, on a man's spirituality, such as to treat his spiritual illnesses, for example, is necessarily an encroachment on the domain of Holy Mother Church, and thus is Satanic.

And as the Lord said, "It is not what we put into ourselves that harms us, but what comes out of us." There are bad allopathic drugs as much as there are bad non-allopathic drugs, procedures and treatments. And the latter are more dangerous as they are not subjected to scientific inquiry and are not accountable.

If, as you say, quoting Isaiah and Sirach you have nothing against the use, by anyone, of Traditional or Natural Medicines, and as explained above, Traditional or Natural Medicine are also known as Holistic Healing, then where is the confusion and why should the church oppose Holistic Healing which is nothing but traditional or natural medicine? Check!

I do not think you have studied the iatrogenesis of the chemical substances which you ingest as life savers. Many of them like AZT are not only carcinogenic, but mutate the DNA structure. The word anti-biotic itself means anti-life! I can make the doddering pontiff look 40 years younger if he were to take my holistic treatment for three months. But the "scientific doctors" who surround him and who doctor everything, and the "red cardinals" will see red in my suggestion made with sincerity.

All medicines, whether Allopathic or otherwise are chemicals. All matter, in fact, is chemical. Voodoo practitioners, such as you, create, sustain and benefit from a false notion in the public mind that only Allopathic drugs are chemicals, when in fact that is not so.

As for being Antibiotic, every medical drug, whether Allopathic or otherwise, is either antibiotic or otherwise interferes with the normal chemistry of the human body. This interference is always of two types simultaneously - bad or harmful and good or beneficial. They are inseparable. There is no gain without pain.

Therefore, voodoo practitioners such as you, who create a misconception in the public mind about Allopathic drugs are nothing but a bunch of charlattans and conmen, a bunch of liars out to deceive the general public!

Talk of Urban Legends! You Voodoo practitioners thrive on Urban Legends!

I am happy to note that you are capable of thinking independently. Clay and spittle is nothing but traditional and natural wisdom learnt by Jesus in the Gurukul. The whole universe as also the human body is made of five elements - Earth, Water, Air, Light and Ether. 70% of the buman body is made of water as also 70% of earth is covered by water. Hence, from the Vedic times (old testament) all great spiritual leaders have given importance to water. That which you call miracles, even I have performed. I have made quadruplegic get up and play, the epileptics not to froth at mouth and fall down, the diabetics sugarless, the asthmatics to breathe free! [Will you call this blasphemy, as the Pharasees did to Jesus?]

You are as much a blasphemer and a Satanist as the Pharisees and as the Sadducees. My Lord Jesus Christ DID NOT heal and cure people by some purely human knowledge, but by Divine power, because He is God Incarnate. But you are Satan Incarnate! Certainly, you perform lying wonders, just as the magicians of the Pharoah did, when confronted with Moses and Aaron. You certainly do not heal people or cure people as Christ did. You may cure them and heal them using one or the other medicines or systems of treatment, but that does not make you another Christ, nor take away anything from Christ. But you are only a fraudster, a conman, a master of the Great Indian Rope trick!

Incidentally, do you know where was Jesus Christ from the age of 12 until the age of 30, when he suddenly emerged and gave those beautiful sermons on the mount after fasting for 40 days? He was in the Gurukul, where he learnt the secrets of nature, including the highest siddhi of walking on water by yogic method! And when he raised the dead, it was all powerful Sanjivani!!

You add blasphemies to blasphemies. You are truly a Khodegant Soitan, Satan Incarnate. You are hateful and despicable, a liar, and an apostle of the Father of Lies.

My Lord, after the Temple incident, went with His parents and, as the Bible clearly says, He lived with them, in subjection to them, until the time He commenced His Public Ministry. (See Was Jesus In India? & Jesus Christ: Great Man or Mad Man?).

That excludes any foolish notion that our Lord came to the India to learn, in violation of the First Commandment, esoteric knowledge from Satanists, Snakeworshipppers and Phallusworshippers (such as yourself).

And if indeed Christ Jesus did as you say, then he was merely a fraud, not the Promised Messiah.

Before I take on your other twisted observations, let me also ask you a few questions.

Do you think that the old testament is different from the Vedas?

Yes! Fundamentally and essentially so!

Do you think that the christian belief in the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is original and not the same as the Hindu trinity: Brahma (the originator), Vishnu (the sustainer) and Mahesh (the destroyer)?

Yes! But only a fool with confuse a triumvirate for the Trinity! And you are a deliberate and obnoxious fool!

And do you think Virgin Mary is the only virgin who produced a divine child? Did you know that Zoroaster's mother was a virgin? What about Karna's mother who chanted some mantras in praise of Sun God and conceived? What about Ganpati's mother Parvati? What about wind God Maruti's extraordinary birth? ?

There is no parallel. The myths of Zarathustra, etc., are fundamentally different from the Parthenogenesis of Christ Jesus.

Do you see the parralel in Manu Smruti and the Bible, both of which talk of heavy deluge that destroyed everything on earth?

There is a parallel between the Bible and the various histories of men all over the world, and that has been more than amply recorded. You do not reveal something new. And because the misanthropic Manusmriti records a confused and perverted version of the Great Deluge, does not serve to justify its arrant nonsense and satanism.

Think over these questions, because I do not think you have thought on these lines, ever.

But of course, you are right! None have given thought to all these wonderful discoveries since they have been made, keeping it pristine for you, since you alone have the intelligence and understanding to expound and explain it to us. After all, is it not that you have a monopoly on intelligence and that no other man was born on earth from the day of Adam till now with a brain capable of explaining and expounding it to us?

According to me the so-called Holy Bible, or the Holy Gita or the Holy Quran are all history books. As they saw or heard, they narrated. Hence, you have four versions of the Bible written by four disciples - Mathew, John, Luke and Mark. And history as you know, does not always give a true account.

The Bible is certainly history. But it is also the Word of God, revealed and inerrant. There is no error in the Bible, and it gives a true account.

But of course, from your viewpoint, since you wish to set yourself as the teacher and arbiter of all knowledge and wisdom, the better to seduce souls to hell, you must impeach the Bible and usurp the place of the Clergy, whom you pretend to fiercely hate, even as you set yourself up as their rival, but with despotic, unaccountable powers — self-constituted and therefore only self-accountable!

But tell me, if you know that the Bible is errant, then on what basis do you credit, according to your sweet whims and fancy, certain accounts of actions and sayings attributed to Christ Jesus? If the Bible is errant, then nothing is sure, and therefore nothing can be quoted.

But of course, you impeach the Bible because you are a liar, a prince of lies and of deceits. You wish people to rely SOLELY upon your version of what is the truth, and since you are the self-constituted judge or arbiter, only you are qualified to pontificate to the common herds what is and what is not true in the Bible. Did I get you right, Oh Son of Perdition?

Like for example, the present history which is largely written by CNN/BBC is a censored, manipulated account wherein Saddam Hussein is painted as devil incarnate (because he is a Muslim) and George Bush as devout christian because the Church manipulates through minions like him.

For all his faults, Bush is not in the same league of petty, brutal monsters to which al-Tikriti belongs.

And al-Tikriti is portrayed as a monster for that is precisely what he is.

He is not being victimised because he is Muslim.

And which "Church", according to your warped and insane comments, does Bush represent? Which is that "Church" that, to use your insane words, "manipulates through minions like him"? Can you please cite and furnish evidence? Or can you merely pontificate in an assinine manner?

Let me take on your other observations, including whether Freemasonry itself is an offshoot of the bigoted church? Many historians say (not necessarily protestants) that it is so. It is this masonic hierarchy within the church, and their cohort pliable politicians like George Bush, and institutions like Yale University (which is known as Skulls and Bones university where the CIA has an office) which plunder and kill those who do not agree with them.

That is just another serving of your gratuitous and pompous bullshit, without any foundation in fact.

Otherwise, how would you rationalize that America which has the largest stock pile of deadly arms is drumming up world hysteria that Iraq has deadly chemicals? The next question is, even if Iraq has the lethal chemicals, who gave them? Weren't Saddam and Osama the ally of America and still are? Hence, they have NOT been arrested. Michael, you need to think hard instead of getting into the maze of liturgical nonsense.


I do not know Prakash Mascarenhas but I think what he says makes sense. I think most cardinals are freemasons and it is they who indulge in masonic rights and torture, kill people like Socrates by poison hemlock. As Jesus Christ said, "they know not what they are doing" for they are blind, deaf and dumb! They control the Church and you follow them blindly. So, it is like one blind leading the another. Time has stood still in the gargantuan slavish organisation called the church. It is the same history of what Manu's followers are doing to widows (see them at Varanasi) to what morons in Vatican are doing to the gentiles!

I do not know what of my writings or statements that you and Michael Prabhu are discussing here, but you certainly misunderstood me.

I affirm that Freemasonry is Noahidism - a fabrication of Christophobic Jews to seduce Christians and to make them do the work of destroying Christendom and Christianity.

I affirm that Modernism is another Jewish - and Freemasonic ploy. Be that as it may, it is apostasy and heresy.

I affirm that the "Reformers" who seized the Church under the Fat Slob Roncalli, the God of Crassness, and who "Reformed" and Prostituted the Catholic Church in the "Vatican II Council" are Freemasons and Modernists - apostates and heretics.

I affirm that "John XXIII-II", "Paul VI", "John-Paul I" and "John-Paul II" are not real popes but apostates and heretics.

I affirm that the Papacy was vacant since the death in October 1958 of Pope Pius XII, until the election of H.H. Pope Michael I (E-Mail: [email protected]; http://www.VaticanInExile.Com) on 16 September 1990, and that he reigns still.

If you wish to study HIV/AIDS in great detail, you need to begin with my book. And also read Ivan Illich's book Medical Nemesis, as also America the Poisoned and another book aptly titled Doctors, Devils and Drugs. Because, presently what you know of HIV/AIDS is like the Biblical viewpoint of the world, and that as you would know (but may not agree) is distorted. Also, see my another email full of pertinent questions posed to Amnesty International, another Holy Cow.

You have, however, understood me right when you say : "The main thrust of your article seems to be that there is a pharmaceutical industry-modern medicine-UN/WHO nexus, all for the sake of big bucks, to promote the 'myth' that AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. And in the process, they cooperate to discredit and exclude low-cost Holistic Health treatment with Alternative Medicine (which you believe is the best or only solution)".

Bullshit. And another whacko, Mbeki, President of South Africa, by relentlessly following the same insanities, has caused a huge problem there in South Africa. So much so, that provincial governments have cut the loop and begun to dispense directly anti-HIV medications to the general public...

You should be ashamed of yourself. Voodoo practitioners and demogogues who stir up public hysteria based upon nothing more than deliberate ignorance and Voodoo, are a threat to the general public and need to be silenced. You are a danger to, not only the soul, but also to the body. You are nothing but a quack, but an extremely dangerous, insane quack!

For your information, I have lectured at the WHO HQ thrice, including the ministerial confabulations, participated in UNAIDS conferences, and I have come to a conclusion that WHO is a club of pharma cartel. It is far from Health Organisation. Look at the SARS fiasco in which WHO is totally exposed due to free flow of information on the free medium called the Internet. Now do not twist the word free medium to mean something else.

Jesus Christ was the greatest Yogi -- So the "sweet nun" is right when she says that he was a Pranic Healer par excellance, or Grand Master of Reiki or the Guru of Vipassana meditation. I see Jesus Christ as the best Holistic Healer. I am the second best having followed in his true footsteps, unlike you who only read, discuss and pray mindlessly. For me hands that work to heal people non-violently are holier than lips that pray mindlessly.

Same old hateful blasphemies! You richly deserve burning at the stake. I pray God that this may be done sooner than later, before you do much more damage!

Having said what needed to be said without mincing words, let me end by saying that you are welcome to visit me, as and when you come to Bombay, for a fuller discussion. Unless, you wish to go on communicating with me and then produce a book of enlightenment!

But of course, you delude your self with your self-importance and your delusions of gnosis, of intellectual superiority, so much so that you labour under the delusion that mere contact with you will communicate enlightenment! Bravo! What Self-Conceit!

Until we meet, please meditate on my following favourite quote : To the best part of our ignorance that we arrange and classify, we give the name 'Knowledge'.

All the best
Leo Rebello, N.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., FF Hom, FEMA, etc.

By the way have you visited my website: www.aidsalternativa.org ? I suggest you do and also read AMRIT MANTHAN (International Journal of Holistic Healing) by clicking on the link. And it will be my pleasure to send you my popular book AIDS AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, in its 3rd edition, if you promise me that you would study it with an open mind.

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 05:20:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: "khodegant goenkar" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Please find email from Doc Rebello...

----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. Leo Rebello
To: Prax Maskaren;
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:55 AM

Dear Mr. Prakash Mascarenhas:

Your following venomous letter sent to the list of Sushrut Martins is un-Christian, un-charitable and reeks of deep-seated prejudice.

You the master of venomous blasphemies and sacrileges reproach me for my matter-of-fact letter to your fellow kook? Does hypocrisy have no limits?

Hardly two or three mad persons like you and Agnelo Gomes continue demanding Goa's liberation even after 43 years of its unification with India due to popular demand. Why not ask China to return Macau to Portuguese and Hong Kong to Britain or for that matter why not call Britishers again to rule India?

YOU are free to ask Communist China to release Hong Kong or Macau, or the English to resume rule of the Indian Union. It does not concern me.

As for the "Unification of Goa with India due to popular demand" I and hundreds of thousands of Goans are blissfully unaware of this momentuous happening. Pray, when did this happen? How did it happen? All that we do know of, is of an Invasion and a pretended annexation, and of an Occupation that continues to this day!!

You are cordially invited to shut your fat mouth and furnish real hard evidence that there was ever any legal and constitutional unification, and that it was "due to popular demand". (This is an open invitation and challenge to anyone) to prove that Goa belongs to India.)

And if you cannot prove it, kindly shut up and mind your own business. You should be busy enough blaspheming Christ Jesus and practicing Voodoo that you should distract yourself over Goa.

Also your comments about Alternative Medicine emanate out of your ignorance. Please see another email in which I have reproduced a letter which I sent sometime ago to Michael Prabhu.

Have read that crap and have replied to it.

In your letter below, you say that you are proud to be a Christian and not a Hindu or Buddhist. But from your name Prakash Mascarenhas you seem to be a convert, like Michael Prabhu (it is a Hindu surname).

And your point is?

Whether I am a convert or not is none of your business. If I am a convert, it is because I believe in Christ, therefore it should be obvious that I do not believe in the false, man-made religion to which I previously belonged.

And if I was born into some false, man-made religion, it means that I did not join it voluntarily, but was merely born into it.

This much should be obvious to even the village idiot. But of course, you are the Mahatma of village idiots.

Do you ever use your brains? Kindly extract it from that display jar and re-insert it. It is meant to be used, you know, and not meant to be a museum exhibit!

Best Wishes

Dr. Leo Rebello

Without Regards for a monstrous blasphemer:

Prakash John Mascarenhas. Bombay.

Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 21:49:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: "khodegant goenkar" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

I have a friend, Doc. Leo Rebello who is very well versed in Holistic Healing. Excuse my english cause well versed is not the right term to use for Doc, please use any superlatives to replace well versed, even that will not be sufficient. I am sending this mail to him, so we can hove some insight on Holistic Healing.

"Khodegant Goenkar"


Can you please throw some light on the Holistic Healings.


"Khodegant Goenkar"
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