"Leah David" Brown-Noses Her Indian Captors

Copyright: Prakash John Mascarenhas. 5th June 2003.

This article is by way of reply to an inexplicable attack on me by a 'Leah David,' supposedly a Goan, but with a Jewish name, on the GoaCom BBS.
"Leah David"; Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:01 pm
Post subject: A letter to Prakash M. and A. Veronica.

Okay, I don't know you personally. But lately it seems every way I turn, be it my email or the newspapers or the cybercites, your bilious rantings grace every forum.
Dear Leah,

And guess what? Neither do I know you personally. Never mind. If I have been emailing you any of my 'bilious rantings' you ought to know my email id and so you could have endorsed a copy to me. Or were you too cowardly, too yellow-belly, to write to me directly?

And pray, can you be specific, and state what you are reacting to? Or is it just that some mad dog bit you and now you are suffering from hydrophobia?

I really do not know what you mean by newspapers and cybercities. I am unaware that any of my writings are printed or featured in any such place. I have myself not posted them. The only places I post are the GoanCauses and PanIndia lists, of which the latter is founded and operated by me. Additionally, I have my own site on Goa, Free EIP, where I put up my pages.

Since I do not like the pro-Indian policy of Goacom, etc., I am neither a member nor do I post there. And I am a working stiff, so I do not have all the time to sit on the net and write letters or chat...

So your reference to all this is mystifying and goes right over my head.

Mind you, I've been known for a bilious ranting or two of my own once in a while but lately the two of you, living in Kuwait or where ever, calling for an armed revolution, protests and other violent mayhem have definitely crossed the threshold into insanity.

I am sorry to inform you that you are living plane-flights away from the realities of Goa. Civil unrest has never known to bring prosperity to a nation or state. What it does bring is fear, insecurity, death, desecration and destruction.
Whatever on Earth made you think that I live in Kuwait? If you are so conversant with my 'bilious rantings' you should be aware that I sign most of my articles with "Prakash Mascarenhas, Bombay", a city very much within my native Konkan homeland, as much as Goa is? Or is your geography so addled up that you think Bombay is in Kuwait?

There is no self-respecting nation on the face of the earth that has not had to fight for its liberty. I am not interested in 'civil unrest', I am interested in a Liberation War.

Just because Timor had a bad experience does not mean that we will. It is only when a people are ideologically confused that Timors take place. And a Liberation War, if well planned and provided for, will get rid of the deadwood and revitalize us, our thoughts and our mentality; renew us as a people and provide us with the moral and physical strenghts to take on the challenges of independence.

How we fight to vacate the Occupation is upto us. We can choose to be disheartened by Timor, or we can look to the US and to many other countries, even Ireland, Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc. Even Portugal, which had to fight for independence from the Arabs, and to preserve itself against the Spanish and the French (under Napoleon Bonaparte) can give us useful lessons.

And what exactly are you fighting for? I'll agree that there are insidious forces within India today, wanting to polarise Indian society on religious lines. And by all means we should stop these elements dead in their tracks. By all means work to outlaw to VHP, the RSS and other organisations of its ilk. But to want to castrate Goa itself from the anatomy of India is foolhardy.
Castrate, Leah? What words do you use! And without any sense of what you write! How can one castrate India by taking out Goa? Was Iraq castrated when Kuwait was liberated from Iraqi invasion? Was Germany castrated when France and Belgium and the Netherlands and Denmark and Norway and the Czech Republic and Austria and Yugoslavia and... were liberated from Nazi invaders? What exactly are you talking about? If India was not 'castrated' when Pakistan and Burma and Ceylon and the Maldives were taken out, then how can it be castrated by taking out Goa? Have you your head screwed on tight?

Why should we be concerned directly with the internal affairs of India, whether the Hindu rightwingers are checked or not? What direct concern is it of ours?

And you must be living in a fool's paradise if you think that you or any of your 'liberalist' ilk can do anything whatsoever to stop these Hindu revanchists...

Have you thought about where the investment for infrastructure is going to come from? We are routinely given "loans" to develop infrastructure. Incase, you don't know how loans from the Center work, I'll tell you. The center has a budget for states. Every state vyes for a peice of that budget. Inorder to justify getting that budget, every state must prove the returns or the need. Goa, gets a boost from the Center because it is an international tourist destination. Goa is parasitically dependent on the Center. Make, no mistake India can survive without Goa, the reverse is not true.
Uh-oh! You really opened my eyes there. And all this time, I was under the misapprehension that the Indian Government had a moneytree from which it merrily plucks off money whenever it wants!

Do you ever use your brains? Where does the Indian government get its money? The 'central' government arrogates all mineral resources and most taxes to itself, and then distributes this around as bheek (alms), according to its whims and fancies. Check out the maths: Goa contributes more to the Indian Exchequer than the Exchequer gives back as bheek to Goa. Figure out how Goa's per capita income and standard of living was higher than India's before the invasion and despite the blockade. Goa earns a lot of money from its mineral resources, but more than ninety percent of it is pocketed by India.

The statement that India can survive without Goa but that Goa cannot survive without India is the most gratuitous and fantastic nonsense. Goa has survived without India for more than 450 years, and Goa did NOT ask India to come in and take over. So what is this stupid talk all about?

Have you thought about a land where the highest civil authority is vested in the hands of spurious Goan politicians and magistrates. Thank God we have access to a higher judicial power, should we need it.
The 'Goans' currently ruling, are quislings, agents of the enemy. And they work according to the general Indian political culture. That is no reason to suppose that Goans are incapable of ruling themselves. I fail to see the logic.

As for the Indian judiciary, the less said the better. I prefer, that if I must have a higher judicial power to refer to, that it be to Lisbon, than to New Delhi.

Can you imagine Goa University being the last option our youth have in terms of higher education. Just access the site for immigration to New Zealand. A degree from Goa University cannot even get you into another country, let alone get you a good job in one.
This 'Goa University' thing is set up and is meant to be an extension of the Indian occupation system. And it is just as systematically corrupt, not only in administration, but even in its morality and its underlying foundational principles.

Have you read the newspaper lately. Just yesterday there was article that said, our youth specialising in Information technology have no opportunities once they pass out. Is this the type of future you want to doom our youth too?
Excellent, middling or bad Indian educational institution, we Goans are doomed under Indian rule to the general Indian mediocrity.

We have a relationship with India. Like any relationship it is frought with tension, give and take, good and bad. Like any relationship, we have to work to make it viable and in our best interests.
I am puzzled. What relationship are you talking about? Can an invader have a normal equal relation with a conquered people? When did we assent to this relationship? When did we formally join or accede to India, that we should come under it, within the Indian community of peoples? I would like to know. Because, sincerely, I sought to find evidence that there was a plebiscite, and found no evidence. On the contrary, despite the pious promises of Mr. Nehru, India blithely 'annexed' us as a trophy of war, a conquest. And no self-respecting people can or should assent to such an indignity.

I will ask you a question that I had asked another pro-Indian idiot: If a woman is carried off and forced to 'marry' her kidnapper, does she become his wife, even in the eyes of civil law?

Of course not! She was, is and remains a victim, and her kidnapper remains a criminal. There is no marriage bond between them, due to duress. What is the 'loyalty' she ought to bear towards him? None!

Why, then, should Goa be said to have any kind of loyalty towards India? What right has India on us? If India has no rights on Pakistan, so much so that it solemnly promises and reassures it that it does not seek or covet an inch of its land, and goes even so far as to return unconditionally, as in 1971, that part, near Lahore, that India captured, what is the moral basis for India to lay any kind of claim on Goa? Goa has been a separate country, not since 1947, but since 1510!

If India could have a plebiscite in 1947 in the Independent kingdoms of Hyderabad, Junagadh, Manavadar and Mangrol, and in 1971 in the Kingdom of Sikkim, why could or would it not have one in 1961/62 in Goa?

Precisely, because it knew that the citizens of Hyderabad, etc., would vote certainly to join India, while in Goa, in a free vote, the people would reject India!

I suspect you haven't thought much about the consequences of your action. Infact, it's easy to ride to the battlefield. It's more difficult to decide what to do with freedom once the first rush of adrenaline dies down.
If you took the trouble to check out my writings, you would have found that your wild guess (or is it presumption?) about me not having thought much about the consequences, etc., are nonsensical.

I suspect my letter to you won't stop you from mongering your "armed agitation" spiel. But it just might counter the thoughts of someone sitting on the fence.
You are perfectly right. I will keep on "mongering my 'spiel'" as long as I see that it is the sole moral position for a Goan. However, coming to your letter, if it can be called that, all I can say is that I really pity you and your profound ignorance and fatuity. You display profound immaturity of thought and of morality, combined with an acute sense of self-importance - not that I consider myself important. And in the final end, your letter is beneath contempt as a work of profound ignorance and sloppiness.

It maybe that I speak in vain, but I suggest that you brush up your knowledge about Goa and the circumstances by which it became a 'part' of India. I am always willing to have a rational discourse even with one who disagrees with me, if s/he has something worthwhile to offer.

I would suggest that you begin by checking out my pages at my Free EIP site, and checking my contentions or presentation of the facts against those of the opposite party. That should be interesting, and it should be more profitable than loose talk. I am always willing to be corrected, because, abstracting from my Goan patriotism, I am a Christian and take my responsibilities before God, to relentlessly seek the truth, and to adhere to it, seriously.

Ignorance, believe me, is NOT bliss!

"SomeOne"; Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:33 pm
Excuse me, but I don't believe Prakash M. and A. Veronica have posted on this BBS, have they?? If you have any issues with them, reply back to them at the appropriate forum where you feel the've been biliously ranting, instead of attacking them directing on this BBS. Please speare this board your diatrabes.

Irrespective of the views expressed by the two said individuals, I don't see why this BBS has to bear with Leah's outbursts especially since the two said individuals have NOT posted on this BBS. Also, If you must address them by their real names here on this BBS, then have to guts to reply back to them under your real name too... instead of hiding behind an anonymous nick and cowardly attacking them in a public place.

Btw, this outburst, coming from Leah, is a laugh indeed... especially considering that she was on the other side of the fence not so long ago and and SomeOne had given her the same advise that she is now offering the two individuals.

I wish Admin would step in and delete this offending post if the individual does not delete it herself. It has absolutely no place on this BBS and only serves to incite hatred against two individuals (by referring to their real names) that the rest of us BBSers are not even aware of. That's a big difference from making comments against an anonymous nick. One of our "regulars" did indeed learn that lesson the hard way and I hope ADMIN does not allow this practice to continue!

Let He Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone" - John 8:7

"Leah David"; Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:53 pm
SomeOne get off your insanity horse for a while and drink at the pond of rationality.

Prakash and Veronica take advantage of public cyber forums wherever they can. Since they are public figures, using their real names, I have a right to counter their arguments in a public forum using their real names. This is in no way different to the countless, letters started all over the web addressed to George Bush, Parriker, etc, etc. It doesn't mean that, that letter is personally read or responded to by George Bush. It is a form of protest launched. That protest can be launched in the print media, on the streets, television, radio or internet. I HAVE NOT ATTACKED THEM PERSONALLY. I have not stated some sleazy detail of their personal life. I have challenged their very public outcry for an independent Goa. Get it? Get it?
"Prakash takes advantage of cyber forums..." Pray which forums, when and where? Can you please list a few?

And if I post on certain forums, should you not also reply to my posts on those forums?

You must be insane to put ordinary and insignificant persons like me on the level of Bush, etc.

A moral person sends, or at least attempts to send a copy of his letter addressed to a person to that person. This is civilized conduct, and while I cannot say anything for His Neanderthalship Halfticket Parricar, Robberarch, Lord Grand High Panjandrum of Gomantakistan, and the Maharashtra state's Collector-Emeritus for the Goa district, I know that anyone on earth can write to George Bush. Of course, his assistants will read the letters, and if there is anything important they will bring it to his attention.

Even though a man may not have time to go through all the gibberish that some idiot may be sending his way does not mean that it dispenses from the moral duty of sending a copy.

Recently, I saw an exchange between Dr. Jose Francisco Martins and Mr. Agnelo Gomes, and I wrote my take on it. But I sent a copy to Dr. Martins and Mr. Gomes, and when I got a mailer-daemon from Martins' id, I searched out the current id and posted it again...


The Word of God tells us, "The wrath of man worketh not the justice of God," and "Vengeance is mine," says the Lord, "I shall repay." However, sometimes, one is sorely tempted to wrath and to ire, and I must confess that I succumbed.

It was not my intention to stoop to the low level of my opponent, but when I saw the latest postings on the BBS, I saw red, and, in so far as one sitting on a Computer console can, I went berseck. I included some really immodest language, and ratcheted up my effort, from what I had originally intended, which was to let friends post it or link to it at the BBS, to post it myself on my pages and on the lists.

However, I now see that this immodest language is unacceptable from a Christian, regardless of the provocations, and so I withdraw it and apologize for it.

That is not to withdraw my drawing attention to the fact that, by her own admission, my opponent is little but a whore, a harlot, a prostitute, morally speaking. Her immodest language, unbecoming of a lady, immodestly exposing herself, can only mean that.

The rest of my message in refutation of the Indian's zombie-parrot remains.
The Goan Mata Hari has now admitted that she is reacting to one of my recent posts on the GoanCauses list. It was, of course, the only place that I had posted that text.

And Mata Hari brays loudly that she is no traitor, but that she is a 'pragmaticist' and does not want to see violence and bloodshed.

And so, according to all these yellow-bellies, 'pragmaticism' is actually an euphemism for cowardice and for masochism glorified and masquerading as 'love for peace'! (As if 'love for peace' can justify betraying our own integrity and abandoning our self-dignity!)

And so, besides the official Goan flag and Senhor Agnelo Gomes' GE(Goenkaranche Ekvott) flag (blue with a white dove holding a twig in its beak), and mine, (Catholic Centrist & Integralist) we now have another 'Goan' (actually, if any met the definition of 'Goanese', it is these yellow-bellies that do so) flag: Yellow with blue polka dots, and a triple X written boldly across it!

This is an appropriate flag for the Goanese 'Os Colacos' and for the Mata Hari!
"It is better for a Goan to be a Patriot than to brown-nose the Indians invaders!"
- From the Proverbs of Praximus Maximus
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