Theological References

They shall not partake of holy things, until a high priest shall arise for evidence and truth. Offertory for the Mass for the Election of a Pope.

The following are the reference works on the basis of which Catholics reject the Antichurch presently governed by the Modernist heresiarch "John-Paul II". These are:

  1. For General Teachings of the Church, The Church Teaches — Documents of the Church in English Translation, by the Jesuit Fathers of St. Mary's College, St. Mary's, Kansas, USA. 1955 B. Herder Book Co. Reprinted 1979, TAN Books & Publishers.

  2. For the Doctrine, Error Has No Rights, the book, El Liberalismo Es Pecado by Rev. Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, 1886, Barcelona, Spain, and translated as Liberalism Is A Sin, by Conde B. Pallen, 1899, B. Herder Book Co., St. Louis, Missouri, USA, and reprinted as What Is Liberalism? 1979 by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.

  3. For the Doctrine, Outside The Church No Salvation, Rev. Fr. J. Bainvel. Republished as Is There Salvation Outside the Catholic Church?, translated by Rev. Fr. J.L. Weidenhan, 1917, B. Herder Book Co. Reprinted 1979, TAN Books & Publishers.

  4. For Roman Indefectibility, see Romanism, The Doctrine of.

  5. For the denunciation against Roncalli, the antipope John XXIII-II, see Roncalli: Fountainhead of the Great Apostasy. I show how Roncalli is demonstrated a heretic since his election. However, Stanfill-Benns & Bawden, in their work, Will The Catholic Church Survive The 20th Century?, and Fr. Francis Ricossa in his article, The Pope of the Council, prove that Roncalli was in fact a heretic since before his 'election.' The Ricossa article is available at the Our Lady of Fatima, Spring Hills, Florida site.

  6. For those who still believe in the sect led by the Antipope 'John-Paul the 2nd', Rama Coomaraswamy's The Destruction of Christian Tradition

  7. The heresy promulgated by A.J. Roncalli is identical with the heresy of Modernism that was condemned and excommunicated by Pope Saint Pius the Xth in 1907. The following documents state the position of the Church on this heresy:
    1. Lamentabili Sane, Syllabus of Modernist Errors. 3rd July 1907.

    2. Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Pope St. Pius X, Encyclical on the Doctrines of the Modernists. 8th September 1907.

    3. Praestantia Scriptura, Pope St. Pius X, Motu Proprio. 18th November 1907. ["We declare and determine that if anyone, which may God forbid, should go forward so brazenly as to defend any proposition reprobated in either of these documents, by that fact itself, he incurs excommunication reserved to the Roman Pontiff."].

    4. Antistitium Sacrorum, that is, "Oath Against Modernism", Pope St. Pius X, 1st September 1910 and prescribed to all in positions of teaching the faith, on priests and biships, and on all those receiving offices in the Church.

    5. A Catechism of Modernism, Rev. Fr. J.B. Lemuis, English translation, 1908, Society for the Propagation of the faith, Archdiocese of New York. Reprinted 1981 TAN Books & Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 424, Rockford, Illinois. USA. 61105. A Question & Answer form of Pascendi Dominici Gregis.

    6. The first two documents are to be found in the book, All Things in Christ - Encyclicals of Pope St. Pius X, edited by Vincent Yzermans, 1954, Newman Press, Westminister, Maryland, USA, and reprinted by the Daughters of St. Paul, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 02130.

  8. Teresa Stanfill-Benns & David Bawden, Will The Catholic Church Survive The 20th Century?. Delia, Kansas, USA. Email [email protected]

  9. Fr. Francis Ricossa, of the Institute of the Mother of Good Counsel, Italy, The Pope of the Council. English translation by Mrs. Susan Potts from Sodalitium no. 22 November-December 1990; French translation of the April-May 1990 Italian issue, volume VII, No.2.

Lúcio Mascarenhas
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