The Catholic Church

© Prakash João Maskaren. 20th January 2003. Discussions on the Goa-Goans List.
Message 9748
From: Ben Antao
Date: Sun Jan 19, 2003 6:04 pm
Subject: Re: Goan Sodomism

Hello everyone:

It's Sunday today in Toronto and before attending Mass I feel I must reply to the following written by Prakash Joao Maskaren - pro Dei et Patria >3. However, even so, I need to state that I along with very many persons, have refused to abandon the Catholic Faith following its Protestantization in 1958-1965 under Roncalli ('John XXIII'), Montini ('Paul VI'), Luciani ('John-Paul I') & Karol Wojtyla ('John-Paul II'), whom, under the principles of Pope Paul IV's Bull, Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio we entirely and absolutely refuse to recognize, both as 'popes' and all their pretended acts, teachings, etc.

People, including those who are non-Christians, are welcome to voice their opinions on the Catholic church and its teachings. But to those who say they are of Catholic faith, I remind them of the following:

1. The Catholic church is a living organism, made up of believers who try to live in the present and not in the PAST. The past is gone and those who seek to live their lives according to the past are bound to be disillusioned. So it is with very many Catholics today.

2. To say that the Catholic church has been 'Protestantized' by Vatican II (1961-65) is to reject the principle that the Church is a living organism, constantly renewing itself from generation to generation. It is not a fossil of accumulated, outworn teachings. Today when one professes the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed at Mass, one also professes one's belief in the succession of St. Peter and the Popes.

3. I have written about the three Popes mentioned in the paragraph under discussion and seen two of them (Pope Paul VI in Bombay in 1964) and Pope John Paul II in Toronto in 1984 and 2002. It's one of the dogmas that the teaching authority of the Church is invested in the Pope through the college of bishops.

4. A Catholic today simply cannot say that he rejects the teaching authority of the present Pope and still claim that he is a professed Catholic. By rejecting Vatican II one cannot remain a practising Catholic today.

5. The Church is not perfect. There are many human issues --married clergy, female ordination, acceptance of single gender marriages, etc--that need to be addressed and will be addressed by the Church when the time is ripe. The timing will depend upon God's will as manifested in the teaching authority of the Pope.

6. The Catholic Church is a compassionate, caring, forgiving, reconciling and healing organism; it is not simply a collection of rituals. The fundamental teaching is predicated upon this spiritual idea: To love God is to love your neighbor as yourself. Just reflect on this and you'd see that it's all encompassing, all inclusive, including those who are not of the Catholic persuasion or no faith, including those who reject the present and cover themselves with a security blanket of the past.

Have a good week.

Ben Antao
Jan. 19/03
Message 9753
From: Prakash John Mascarenhas
Date: Sun Jan 19, 2003 8:41 pm
Subject: The Catholic Church and the Catholic Church...

Dear Ben, - Thanks. However, since you have brought up this matter, I merely ask whether you are aware of the issues involved.

I have no intention of going over the same ground again and again, however, I will point out these fundamental differences between the false counterfeit Catholic Church founded by Roncalli through is Aggiornamento and 'Vatican II':

1. The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ. St. Peter said, 'There is no other name given under the heavens by which men can be saved except that of Christ Jesus.' This defines the Catholic Church. The false, counterfeit New Catholic Church sometimes makes a pretense that it still believes; however, V-2 and in its very many official docs, teachings and practice, it is not so.

2. The doctrine of the Uniqueness of the true Catholic Church, to which no schismatic, heretic, apostate, etc., belongs except those who true seekers known only to God and who are physically without being in invincible ignorance. The Antichurch no longer believes this; instead it believes the Branch Heresy - that the various 'Christian' bodies together constitute an invisible Catholic Church. Sometimes, as a sop to those who are disturbed by the Apostacy, they give a pre-eminence to their 'Catholic' Church, but only a pre-eminence, not Uniqueness.

You say that you attend the 'Mass'. Pray, what mass?

Invincible ignorance excuses, but only when one has not avoided one's duties before God to seek the truth.

You must know that this 'mass' you attend, that of the Antichurch is Idolatry, blasphemy, sacrilege.

The rites have been changed so that the Sacrament is not confected, so you adore with Divine Worship what is still actually only a wafer of wheat flour, not the living Christ.

The rite has been changed so that blasphemy and sacrilege is committed when the words of our Lord are deliberately falsified as 'for all' when our Lord said 'for many'.

The discipline of the Church, the discipline of the Apostles have been thrown into the gutters, so that men and women enter dressed immodestly and lasviciously, so that these buildings are truly become places of vice, brothels, not the temples of God.

How many times have I been told by my hindu and muslim colleagues in workplace after workplace that they visit these 'Catholic' churches not to hear the Gospel of Christ preached, which it is not, but to entertain their base desires by seeing seminude women in transparent tops, miniskirts or hot pants. Have I not seen this for myself in Bombay churches?

Etc., etc.

There are many sites that list the theological, from the viewpoint of the Catholic Church, reasons why this body cannot be the Catholic Church anymore than you or I am a Martian.

I have already referred to Pope Michael's site. I also refer to Dr. Rama Coomaraswamy's site, that of Robert Nogacki and of the St. Athanasius of Germany, besides mine own site. Dr. Rama is one of the outstanding champions of the faith against the Antichurch, along with such others as Patrick Henry Omlor, Abbe Noel Barbara, the Abbe Georges de Nantes, etc. Fr. Noel Barbara St. Athanasius, Germany Abbe Georges de Nantes Robert Nogacki My site 'OrthoPapism'

Atleast, before you attempt to dismiss the Catholics, you should show how we are wrong and how your sect is right. I am certain that all of us, big and small would welcome being disabused of our errors, if we are in error, and enlightened with the truth, if you walk in the truth of God.

Yours sincerely,

Prakash Joao Maskaren - pro Dei et Patria
Message 9755
From:�Ben Antao
Date:� Sun�Jan�19,�2003� 10:58 pm
Subject:� The Catholic Church and the Catholic Church...

Dear Prakash:

I am extremely disappointed with your reply. And I will not give legitimacy to your views by any further response. To each his own.

I wish you peace and serenity as you practise your faith.

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