The Peacenik

© Prakash John Mascarenhas
Jawaharlal Nehru-Kaul, Kashmiri, First Prime Minister of the Indian Union - 1947 to 1964, described as the Peacenik.

Democrat & Dynast: founder of he Nehru-Gandhi Dynasty, which gave the Indian Union three Premiers - himself, his daughter Indira Priyadarshini Nehru-Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, and which will possibly give yet another - Sonia Maino-Gandhi. Together, they have ruled the IU for most of its existence.

This is the Peacenik:

  1. Claimed a self-manufactured 'natural' or Divine right to commit banditry and robbery of Portuguese India;

  2. Manufactured Rumours about the hostile intentions of Portugal:

    1. That it planned to lease the EIP to the USA for bases;

    2. That it planned to lease the EIP to NATO for bases;

    3. That it was preparing to declare war on the Indian Union (There was no build-up of Portuguese forces, there were only 3000 troops, Portuguese and Portuguese Indians, etc., in the EIP at the time of the Occupation on 18th & 19th December 1961)

  3. Cultivated an Artificial War Hysteria by the above acts and by acting at the instigation of the Soviets and their "Non-Aligned" lackeys, mainly from Africa, by organizing the 20th October 1961 "Seminar on Portuguese Colonialism" (Why not Russian and Indian Colonialism and Imperialism? "Brother Portugal, lets talk about the mote in your eye - but not about the beams in ours.") The timing could not be more extra-ordinary - Communist Russia had just acted to suppress the human rights of East European nations and their national dignity and sovereignity, but the Seminar was not on these momentous evils, but on the inoffensive "Portuguese Colonialism"! The utter hypocrisy! The shameless double standards!
By these acts, the Peacenik revealed his true colours: That his sympathies did not lie with humanity, but with Power Politicians. Indeed, he truly was a Peacenik - an illustrious disciple of illustrious masters, the Peaceniks Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, etc.

In contrast to the Peacenik's veritable feast of peace-loving, we have the quiet and dignified answer of Dr. Salazar in the Portuguese National Assembly on November, 30 1954: "The extension of Indian sovereignty to include Goa is not a prospect opened up by, or an anticipation of, the evolution of history; it is a political goal which India's present leaders suppose it their duty to achieve in order to fulfill their mission... It is always historical facts, and not geographical outline, that fix frontiers, institute rights and impose sovereignties... For the Indian Union to claim to turn the clock of history back to the 15th century, to come forward now and make out that she already existed potentially at that time, or to set herself up as the rightful heir of those whom we found holding sway there, is a fancy of static dreamers; it is not for the dynamic shapers of history that the men who received an empire from England want to be". (Source) So much for the Indian Union's 'natural' right.
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