Dom M.T. da Costa's Speech

© 2003, A.D., P.J. Mascarenhas, Goa Livre Organisation

Address Delivered By Dom M.T. da Costa, Tanganyika Delegate, To The Goan Conference, Paris

Mr. President:
My dear Fellow Goans:

It is with great emotion and legitimate pride that I take my seat atthis historic Conference of the People of Goa, Damao and Dio.

Goa, Damao and Dio, three peaceful parcels which constitute our beloved motherland lived in peace and prosperity for centuries. The brutal land, air and sea invasion of these territories by the "pacifist" Indian Union on 18th. December, 1961, robbed us not only of our peace and prosperity but is now destroying us totally.

Ladies and Gentlemen: We cannot stoop and just watch the spiritual murder that is taking place. We cannot be idle spectators to the sufferings of our own. Goa today is a picture of deep sorrow, laden with grief and sadness that is reflected in every face one meets anywhere.

I cannot understand with what morality the Indian Union can call an invasion and arbitary annexation a "liberation". This definitely hits mankind below the intellect. (Cheers). This is barefaced hypocrisy and cannot be tolerated by any right thinking human being.

Goans and the people of Damao and Dio are just as much Indians as the Pakistanis, the Nepalese or the Burmese for we all hail from the Indian sub-continent. We are not Indians inasmuch as we are not Indian from the Indian Union. We are Goans first and last. (Cheers). I am sure no one could challenge this fact and prove the contrary. (Cheers).

I am sure, all of you agree that we have assembled here to claim and demand with one voice our inalienable right to SELF-DETERMINATION — onwards we shall march to achieve this goal without fear and with a firm determination. (Cheers).

In expressing my feelings, I am proud to say that I live in Tanganyika where there are 10,000 Goans whose feelings can be no more nor less than my own. (Loud and prolonged cheers).
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