Announcement of the Conference

© 2003, A.D., P.J. Mascarenhas, Goa Livre Organisation

Press Communiqué

We announce with pleasure that the Goan Association of Kenya, at Nairobi, is convening an International Conference of Goans at which duly accredited representatives of all Goan communities scattered the world over will attend. This Conference is scheduled to take place on the 3rd day of December 1963 in Paris.

The purpose of this Conference is to ascertain the consensus of Goan opinion on the Indian aggression against Goa, Damao and Dio. We trust that Goans the world over through their representatives will demand the withdrawal of the Indian military and civil personnel in these territories and the right of Self-Determination which had been solemnly promised by Nehru and his Government before the invasion. The Conference will further review the deterioration in the political, economic and social conditions now obtaining in these territories.

We hope to launch a world organisation, representing allcommunities of Goa, Damao and Dio, the world over to coordinate the activities of these communities to achieve the right to SELF-DETERMINATION of our people.

The very fact that we have been able to convene this Conference despite the tremendous difficulties involved is a clear indication that the aims of our Association has the approval of these communities.

This assembly of Goans will by its mere presence at the Conference give the lie to all the claims made by India that Goans enthusiastically supported the <<liberation>> of Goa.

India's attempt to hold elections in Goa of representatives to the Indian Parliament and local legislature is farcial when Goans are denied the right to determine whether they wish to be associated with the Indian Union. It would have been honest for the Indian Union to honour its pledges by first ascertaining the opinion of Goans on India's occupation of Goa through a referendum.

We think it most appropriate that, when Kenya is on the eve of achieving its independence from colonial rule, Kenya Goans should not forget the tragic fate which has overwhelmed the country of their origin. Our Uhuru in Kenya can only be complete when all vestiges of colonialism and neo-colonialism the world over are removed.

Mirabeau de Gama e RosarioRomeo da Silva
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