Satanism: George Kaitholil

Book Review in the Afternoon Despatch & Courier, Bombay, April 12, 2004. Page 15.

"For All Who Long For Peace And Goodwill"
This is a book for people of all religions, says the author, Fr. George Kaitholil.

We Are One — As The Sacred Scriptures Teach by George Kaitholil, Pauline Publications. Rs. 175.00
By a Staff Reporter: Over the last 34 years, he has written 46 books, which include the famous Target series. Well-versed in the spiritual traditions of the East and West, Fr. George Kaitholil is a spiritual animator with the Society of St. Paul. Organising workshops and conducting retreats, he still manages to find the time to write, a pasion that has been with him from his days at the seminary.

This book, he says, does not belong to any one faith or religion. "It is meant for people of all faiths, for all who desire peace and goodwill. There are 69 themes and quotations from various scriptures that reflect those themes," he said.

It is his belief that all religions share in the divine truth, and the works of God's goodness, love and mercy in various degrees, it is not right to look down on, condemn or spite anyone following a faith different from our own. "Every individual person comes into the world, enveloped in a religious tradition that conditions the way he or she looks at God and all reality. This tradition is inherited, not invented. In my opinion, no religion can live in isolation. To be religious today is to be inter-religious."

The book cannot be considered a book, it is prayer for all people who desire peace and concord. Fr. Kaitholil speaks of the Indian religio-cultural reality that is a magnificient mosaic of numerous colours and shapes. The themes are arranged in alphabetical order. Each one makes one chapter and contains the texts from the various scriptures, arranged religion-wise.

"In our actual Indian context, how wonderful a thing it would be, and how joyful life would be, if the religious minorities enjoy the goodwill of the majorities and vice versa. Depending on how well or badly we live our earthy life, we shall have a life of joy or sorrow after death. This is what the book is all about," he added.

If you are interested getting a copy of this book, contact Fr. Kaitholil at (+91-22) 26403312.
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