The Christian Counter-Revolution II

©Lucio João Mascarenhas.
Fundamental to the Errors of the Left is the notion that an idealistic world can be achieved. Yet Christianity teaches us that Man has fallen from the Grace of God, because of the Disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, as a result of which, all nature is in disharmony. The Messiah Himself tells us that the Poor will always be with us. And so it will continue — Concupiscence, Greed, Covetousness, Malice, Injury to one's neighbour, and all the other sins.

It is only in the Return of the Messiah, the Parousia, that we will see the restoration of the World in the State of Innocence that it was originally created, before the Fall.

Yet, not all are victims of others. We are also the products of our own actions and choices. All men have been given brains and intelligence, in degrees that do not too greatly vary. Nevertheless, some, even those not necessarily geniuses, learn to survive and to use the adversities of nature and of human necessities to their profit, while others are too lazy or harbour some other intellectual attitude that makes them scorn or disregard these skills.

That is, it is neither one's status at birth, nor one's wealth, but one's own choices, beliefs and most of all, one's own attitudes, that make one succeed and another to fail and to live a life of mediocrity and of want.

But in fighting against imaginary enemies, in wasting our strengths and emotional energy in waging war against a class of supposed enemies of the people, the victims of Leftist delusions miss the true reasons for our grief.

Those reasons are: Firstly, our own sinfulness and cupidity; Secondly, the instigation and our constant subversion and corruption by the Fallen Angels, the Devils; thirdly, the Corrupted, Un-Godly, Un-Holy World... But the greatest of them is the Horde of Evil Spirits, our Adversaries, Satan and his host of Fallen Angels.

Christianity, in contrast to the Errors of the Left and of the Right, espouses the course of the Center, and of Moderation.

This has been set out in the integral teachings of the Church down the ages: from the Bible, in the Old Testament and New Testament, and by the Popes, Saints, Confessors, Doctors, Theologians, etc.

This ideology is best described as "Integralism" — the definition of Society, of mankind, as being Integral, and of the duty of the individual to aid and help his neighbour.

The Messiah taught: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

When asked to define "neighbour", especially given the narrow, xenophobic definition given by the Pharisees, the Messiah gave us the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

The Samaritans were a people derived and contemned by the Jews since long as a degenerate schismatic people. It is with deliberate intent that the Messiah positioned the hero of this hypothetical story as a Samaritan - it was to drive home a point to his immediate audience, Jews who laboured under a pathological loathing for Samaritans above any other people.

It was not the religious Jew, not the Levite or the Jewish priest, but a Samaritan who came to the aid and relief of a waylaid Jew. The moral is clear: All men are one's neighbour.

This revolutionary idea made the European peoples a great people until the poison of Calvinism brought about the adoption of White Racism.

Christianity teaches us that we can, with love, patience and sacrifice, reduce suffering and unhappiness, poverty and want. Yet, we cannot ever entirely eliminate these defects.

©Lucio João Mascarenhas
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