When you first load up Gnutella, it doesn't automatically connect to any servers or anything which is why you have to find somebody to connect to before you can start search for files and downloading them.

First thing you need to do is find one of the computers on the network. You need to at least have the IP of the computer that is on the network.

You would enter IP address in the format as shown below:

IP : Port and are examples.

If you are connecting to somebody on the default port (6346) then you don't need to add ':6346'

The IP addresses listed in this tutorial page probably won't work for you. To get an IP on the network try downloading the "" file on the DOWNLOAD SECTION (put it in your Gnutella folder replacing your existing one.  MAKE SURE THAT GNUTELLA IS NOT RUNNING BEFORE REPLACING THE FILE!) or entering an IP manually (if you got some). Don't give up on the first IP address that you try, it may take several tries before you actually get connected to any part of the network. If you can't seem to find any IP addresses there you might want to check out #gnutella on IRC DALnet - mIRC. Just DNS anybody in that channel and use their IP to connect to. Please do not ask for an IP address to connect to, just keep on trying the people there in that channel/chat room.


When you first look at Gnutella for Windows it may appear not appear to be the powerful program that it is, but Gnutella covers a good range of functionality. The upper left-hand corner contains the tabs gnutellaNet, Uploads, Download, Search, Monitor, and Config.

Feature Function


The main screen it shows your connected hosts, network infomation, 
host catcher, and a text box to add servers


Shows what people are downloading from you and their download progress


Shows you are downloading and your download progress


Where you search for files to download. You must be connected to somebody in order to download or even search for files to download

Search Monitor

In this screen you can see what people are searching for. NOTE: IT IS NOT ALRIGHT TO CHAT THROUGH SEARCH AND SEARCH MONITOR.


Where you can change the options relating to the way that your gnutella
client functions


Next lets start by going over the picture above and what it means to you.

List Definition of Contents
Connection List This is the list of people you are directly connected to
Header Definition of Contents Under The Header


IP of computer you are connected to


Type of connection. If you add an IP to your connection list the type is considered outgoing and the other way around is an incoming connection.


Packets Sent, Packets Received, Lost/Dropped Packets

List Definition of Contents
Connection Stats This is the list of people you are directly connected to
Header Definition of Contents Under The Header


Number of direct connections you have open


Number of uploads in progress


Number of downloads in progress

List Definition of Contents
GnutellaNet Stats Contains information on network you and your connections make
Header Definition of Contents Under The Header


Number of direct connections and the number of the direct connections' connections. This makes up your network.


Number of files in the network


Size of files in the network

Ms Avg. Ping

Average ping time in milliseconds to all the Hosts in the network

Feature Function

Add/Remove Button

Adds or removes an IP from your connections list.

Keep # Connections Up

How many connections to other computers Gnutella should try to keep open. If this number is lower than the number of connections Gnutella has open then Gnutella adds hosts from the Host Catcher list and tries to connect to them.

Host Catcher

When your stats are updated or information is sent from one computer to another in which an IP is required to send the data, the IP is added to this list. When Gnutella is then in need of hosts to connect to it uses the IP addresses in this list.



Again, you have to be connected to somebody for searching to work.  To search for anything on the network just enter what you are search for in the search text box and press the 'Search' button.

The search button works like the button on an elevator. No matter how many times you search for the same thing over and over, it will not make the searching go any faster than it is.

If you are not getting as many search results as you would like, try connecting to another computer on the network which will allow you to connect to even more computers on the network. It is not best to connect to more than 30 users on the network because there are so many users using Gnutella that you shouldn't need all those people connected to you. Also make sure you have more than 1 hosts in the Gnutella stats on the side screen. You need to press 'update' to manually check how many people you are direct and indirectly connected to.


Most of the time if you want to search for file types other than mp3's then you'll need to specify the file type as shown above.

  • Periods and wild cards and Regular Expressions are not supported
  • Search terms also look in a file's pathname
  • Errors on uploads/downloads either because of firewall/proxy or routing to other system
  • *.AVI is the same as AVI
  • Search terms are separated by spaces and wild cards and periods are converted to spaces on the remote computer when searching

When you do a search using Gnutella, it searches the files of everybody you have in your list and searches each one of their lists as well for what your looking for. This is what you call the hosts.


There are a few ways to limit searches. One way is through the Configuration of file types to search for, and the other way is by using the Minimum Connection Speed (kbps) as shown in the graphic above. The Minimum Connection Speed will only search people who are higher than the speed that you've specified.


Feature Function

Stream Selected Files

This only works for MP3 files and you must have WinAMP to begin with. All this does is put the MP3 file name in your WinAMP playlist so that you can list to the song as it downloads.

Download Selected Files

Downloads the selected files. You can see the progress of all downloads in the Download screen



Feature Function

Save New Files To

AKA Your Download Directory. Specifies the directory in which all files that are downloaded will be placed. Click on the button to change the directory.

Add Directory Button

Adds a the directory to the list of shared folders. You have to press 'Rescan' before files in any new directories are shared.

Rescan Button

Sets the Files Scanned property at 0 and starts to scanning each one of the shared folders for files of all types. When it is done Files Scanned will show how many files you are sharing in the directories scanned.

Path(s) To Files

AKA Your Shared Folders Specifies the folders that are scanned and then shared to the outside world! Each directory path is separated by a semi-colon.

Search Extensions

When you do search for something, only files with the file types specified here, will be shown. Notice that each file type does not include a period at the beginning, and that each one is separated by a semi-colon.

Searches (Limit search results to..)

This does not limit the number of results you get when you search for something, but only limits the number of results Gnutella returns when other people are searching through your files.

Word Definition
Listen Port Port in which people connect to you.
Time To Live Number of computers a single packet goes through before it is stopped
Connection Speed Your connection speed in KBPS
Files Scanned Number of files you are sharing



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