STAR TRAKS: THE REDISCOVERED COUNTRY SECONDPRIZE SILLY SONNET by RPS Disclaimer:Star Trek is owned by Paramount and Viacom, and Star Traks by Alan Decker, Star Traks: The Rediscovered Country is owned by me, and also that woodpecker. “Record log, nothing much happening." The Captain said, as he lay down and rested upon his Starfleet bed. "We're doing some weird scans on a comet to do with infra-red. It’s a bit boring, I’d much rather be fighting Mingles instead.” And it is common in legend and myth, right out of he blue, A hero’s wish may often come true. So he got off the bed and opened the door, And Mingles appeared, not two, not three, but four. Raising their weapons at the human Captain, McAllister was saved by the Secondprize's chaplain. He jumped in and out, Firing his phase pistol as he ran about. So now there rested on the ships floor. Several Mingles, not two, not three, but four. “Report my dear Chaplain.” The Captain inquired. “I thought we had stopped to have the Warp core rewired.” “We stopped indeed to fix the Warp core, but a Mingle shuttle docked, and then more and more! With a phase pistol in hand and rifle in another, We tried to fight them off, it really was a bother.” “And the outcome of the battle? Did we win or loose?” “It is still going on sir, but our officers have had too much booze.” For the date was the first of January, and all had got drunk, Celebrating the New Year in a way unbefitting a monk. “Then man the defences, the line must hold. Tell the officers that if they win I’ll cover them in gold.” As beams flew up and down the corridor, Hasselfree’s fingers were becoming sore. Picking out a blue Mingle to his right He lunged at it and started to fight. Right punch, left punch, kick to the face, The alien attacker could not keep up with his pace. A blow to the head and kick to the chest, The Mingle decided he really wanted to rest. Along with his warriors the alien retreated, Their eyes black and plasma weapons depleted. After them Hasselfree ran as fast as he could, For invading his ship make them pay he would. T’Pal opened her eyes to the cries of “Wake up! Wake-up!” And before her stood Ensign Halbarad, in a night gown and no make-up. “What’s happening out there that could cause such a noise? Not another practical joke by those idiotic boys?” “Not a stupid joke my dear commander, You see it was late at night and I went for a gander, And some Mingles appeared, not two, not three, but four. Surprised as I was I let out a big roar. I must of scared them, they ran away, but my incessant screams will not keep them at bay." "Take up your weapon and charge at them then, we'll cut them to pieces like a fat juicy hen." "I agree T'Pal, its time for to fight, quite odd really as I was feeling like chicken tonight." Determination in their eyes they set off on the quest, to rid the ship of the enemy at their Captains behest. And so the fight ensued for control of the ship, no one dared to rest their hurting hip. Slowly but surely the Mingles retreated, although the defending forces had felt cheated, due to the sudden surprise of the attack, they managed to fight the invaders back. And the fight continued until (as will go down in future lore) there remained not one Mingle, not two, not three, but four. "Surrender now, you cannot win, we promise not to incarcerate you in a plastic bin." McAllister said as he organized his troops, and while he ate a bowl of fruity-loops. But the Mingles, alas, would not give up, they were focused on lifting the victory cup. This possibility did not last for long, as while Halbarad and T'Pal drew their attention with a game of pong, the others snuck up behind them and with all their might, shot every Mingle in sight. And that is the end of our exciting tale, I'd tell you more but my rhymes are becoming stale. Unmolested now the Secondprize flew on, its journey on into the unknown horizon.