Clay Bakeware Class

Elizabeth's Bowl in Kiln

Elizabeth took a clay class at John C. Campbell class during February 2008. It was her first exposure to clay. Rather than turn vessels on a potter's wheel (called "throwing"), her projects were formed by rolling sheets of clay and molded by hand into desired shape. This is called handbuilding. When fired once the items looked like red clay flowerpots. The pieces in the kiln above were brushed with a glaze before they were fired. One of her largest projects, a bowl, can be seen above in the kiln as it was just opened (and hot). Projects of similar size made by other students also share the kiln space.

Jim Checks EL on Bowl Bottom

After a cool-down period, the bowl was presented to Jim for his bread baking projects. In the photo above he ensures that the item is properly signed with an "EL" mark.

Kiln Opening Party

Opening the kiln after the firing process calls for a party (nonalcoholic). This is because one never knows exactly what colors will emerge (since most of the glazes look brown), and there is always the possibility the piece will fracture. Some items actually attached themselves permanently to their neighbors in the kiln.

Elizabeth has tired of Jim eating his cereal and soup out of his John Deere bowl so she made a pair of bowls like she is holding here. Also shown here is a lasagna bowl she made from sheet clay.

Water Pots for Spinning Flax

While spinning flax, the spinster will dip her fingers into water and smooth the thread before it is wound on the bobbin. Since her current water pot looks like a margarine tub, Elizabeth decided it was time to make one that looked more appropriate on her antique wheels. The seven pots are variations she thought she would experiment with. A fellow spinner and long-time acquaintance, Emily, was given first choice of the pots; she chose the green foreground one.

Also seen above is a pie plate, two mugs, and two bread pans, and a loaf pan made by Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's Black Chicken

At the beginning of clay class, everyone made a basic chicken body. This was passed around a table and each person added a feature. One student pinched the head, another pinched the tail, one did the wings, etc. When the creation was dry, Elizabeth painted it black and gave it a spectrum of spots.

Kiln Opening Party

When items were removed from the kiln, they were carefully placed on the table to cool down. Clay students and other folk school attendees gathered around and participated in "Ooohs" and "Ahhhs."

New Folk School Computerized Kilns

Kiln Opening Party

In the image above Elizabeth and a fellow student discuss her flax cups.

Above is a loaf of banana-pecan yeast bread that Jim baked at home in one of the bread pans which Elizabeth made during her class. He used one of their bread machines to knead the dough then baked it in their home oven at 350 degrees. The bread loaf pan can be seen in several of the images above. Recipe is from scratch and from the bread machine cookbook. Great with butter and orange marmalade or peanut butter.

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