National Anthem at Turin, Georgia Tractor Show

While red and green may be dukeing it out later in the day at the tractor pulls, they come together for the National Anthem. It was good to be in a place where they still do things like this.

When the big boys took a break after lunch pulling their tractors on the track, the smaller boys (and some girls) had a pedal tractor race. They are lined up at the starting line. When the go-ahead is given these little guys, arranged according to age, tear down the track. Clearly some of these kids have spent more time on one of these miniatures than others have spent. This was one time that we had seen where the upper age limit kids were at a disadvantage. They might have had stronger muscles, but their knees got in the way of the steering.

Farmall M With Corn Picker

This beast--a Farmall M with corn picker attachment--won the Ugliest Tractor trophy. The driver lived across the road from where the event was held and slid in before the judges noticed him. Yes, they eventually hooked him up to the sled and yes, he did a full pull (without the weights in action)

Later in the afternoon, the driver of this tractor put on an impressive dance demonstration with his BobCat spending most of the time on the tractor's rear two wheels.

Not all tractors were ugly. This Farmall MTA looks as good today as the day it was bought new. Thanks to some expert tinkering and some pertty expensive parts, this M probably pulls stronger now than when new.

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