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Why do our members take part to Portare la Musica?
...In order to make lighter other people's burdens.
[Alessandro Ciucani, piano]

.. The wish of making something useful for those that are in need through what is closest to me: music
[Fernando Campigli, clarinet]

...The wish that my music becomes not only a job, but a way to be closer to those that are suffering.
[Chiara Bertoglio, piano]

...It was always my dream to share with other people my passion for music, and  to bring a message of hope and joy through my instrument. I hope that my harp's sound will be bound to your voices to transmit, even in the farest places, the magic of music.
[Sara Terzano, harp]

I have been with my cello, for "Projetos Ninos de rua", in the most poor zones in Sao Paulo, and I realized that it is very easy to communicate and to destroy walls.
We western always think that other people's illness or diversity can make "dirty" our little artificial happiness, but in reality less lucky people want only to be not so alone, they want just to communicate.

[Giovanni Ricciardi, cellist]

... In our precedent experiences we were shocked by the positive reactions of needy people, their need of music, of beauty, of love.
[Piano Duo Malagoli-Guerra]

I was always shocked by the flexibility and adaptability of musical contents to each form of disability. None of my pupils, even the deaf ones, had a single difficulty.

[Barbara Filippi, direttrice di coro]
chi siamo
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