Dolphins offense 101: Quarterback Griese to test skills today

BY JASON COLE [email protected]     

CRAM SESSION: Dolphins quarterback Brian Griese will be learning the playbook during the team's final quarterback school which runs today through Wednesday. 

   Before there is any real talk of a quarterback controversy, Brian Griese must master an important task -- learning the Dolphins' offense.  Today, Griese will be immersed in the team's attack plan when he participates in the final Dolphins offseason minicamp, which runs through Wednesday.  But the immersion program lasts only so long. Players still have two weeks of workouts before the NFL offseason program ceases under rules of the collective bargaining agreement. There will be no full-squad workouts until training camp opens July 25. Plus, most of Miami's coaching staff will be out of town.  So, Griese, who spent last week studying the playbook, faces a daunting cram session.  Upon signing, he acknowledged the steep learning curve and dismissed the notion he would be able to immediately -- if ever -- supplant starter Jay Fiedler.  ''I don't know the offense, I don't know the players,'' Griese said. ``The players don't know me necessarily, and it's June.
I don't know the players or the system yet, but I do know this: I am going to work hard to fulfill any type of role that I do have in any way that I can to help this team.''  The Dolphins and Griese had hoped he would be signed in time to attend the early June quarterback school. But negotiations bogged down, and Griese officially joined the Dolphins last Monday.  Although Griese said two months ago he didn't think there would be a problem adapting to Miami's offense after learning the complex system run by Mike Shanahan in Denver, there are certain realities.  ? Timing. Griese, who had surgery earlier this offseason to repair a torn labrum in his left (nonthrowing) shoulder, hasn't worked in team drills this offseason because he was not invited to Denver's offseason camps. Not only must he get his own timing down, he must learn the offense's timing, too.
Getting acquainted. Besides becoming a good teammate, Griese must learn how different players perform. How fast does Chris Chambers run a route against a certain coverage? Where does he like the ball thrown? What are good routes for James McKnight and Derrius Thompson?  ? Language. Although many offenses in the NFL have become somewhat uniform in terminology, there are always subtle differences.  There is no way around the physical learning curve that exists, making this week critical for Griese.  All that he must learn must be done within the confines of what practice allows. After all, starter Jay Fiedler also needs his work on certain parts of the offense, and there are limited opportunities for Griese to work with the other starters.  As coach Dave Wannstedt has said numerous times, the offseason is the time for players to learn. Training camp is the time to get prepared.
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