
Tuesday, 17th August, 08:47 2004

Hey.. been sooooooooo fucking long since ive updated.. a heap of shit has been going on.. our band (Inane Eminence) have been going strong.. played 5 shows with the boys now and it just fucking kicks so much ass.. in talks at the moment with a record company.. so lets hope we get the fucken thing.. ummm.. doing uni part time at the moment after last semesters "doozy" results.. hahaha.. im at uni at the moment listening to muse and decided id do some work on this page for once.. its been so fucken long.. Ive been pretty fucked lately with a sore lower back (the Codeine Forte has helped me out with that though.. its unreal!) and also a trip to the dentist yesterday which left my left side of my face numb.. interestign when u r drinking, but cant feel a fucking thing.. reminds me of back in the old days listening to Korn and drinking Peterly's scotch in Owasan's room.. hahhaha anyway.. we have more gigs coming up, on Sept 25 we have Metal Bloody Metal 2, and sometime in October we are opening for Devolved.. so yeah, thats all at the moment.. thanks to any friends that showed up at our gig at the palais on friday night.. and to those that didnt.. or wouldnt come inside.. get fucked.. haha

Monday, 22nd March, 09:21 2004

Hey fuckers.. ok news.. umm.. just got into a new band, trialled for them and they finally accepted me, they are called Inane Eminence ( ) fucken awesome music.. so fucken cool. Anyway, umm yeah, we got a gig on 8th of May, so im sure ill talk more about it before then.. umm.. what else is going on.. been at the bottom of the bottle for the last 2 weeks pretty much now that im a single man again.. trying to slow the drinking down, haha.. Soccer season starts again on Sunday (too bad i have to miss first 5 games of the season due to an undeserved red card last season... hahaha).. Uni is being a bit of a hoe, came all the way in todauy, and just found out on the net that i dont have to be here today cause my lectures and tutorial i had were cancelled cause the dude is on jury duty. So here i am,.. waiting for it to become 11, so i can go to the bar with Packer.. haha what a fucken life..

Tuesday, 2nd March, 10:53 2004

Ok this should shut some of you whiney little maggots up... finally updating... sooooooooooooooo much stuff has gone on since last updated... basically passed all subjects at uni (for once), went to coffs harbour for 2 weeks, then worked ass off at home for 2 weeks, then went on road trip north for 10 days with Ferg and Semmo, then 2 weeks of work, then 2 weeks of parents being away and Nae being down, then spending another 2 weeks working, followed by 9 days at Nae's house in the Sunshine Coast, and yeah, am now back at uni, doing 4 subjects (another unusual thing), am pretty devastated at some news i got last night, but yeah.. still working that shit out... am currently trying out for a local metal band, Inane Eminence, will be jamming with them on Sunday i believe.. ummm yeah not sure what else to say, except i hope Andy and Nick will shut the fuck up now, I hope Packer likes strawberries branded into his forehead, and i hope Porxee likes being mugged in parks in newcastle while being maggot drunk.. the fucko never learns does he... oh yeah, just updated the guestbook too.. so go sign it you fucken QC..

Saturday, 15th November, 10:33 2003

Ok, fixed up the odd bug on the guestbook.. thanx to Nick for testing it and working out that it was fucked up. Also put up a new page 2 days ago, previewing the Boambee Bay trip for 2003. This trip shall occur in exactly fucking 2 weeks today! God damn i cant wait for it! Fuck it is hot today. Im sitting at uni, about to start to study, on a saturday!!! fucken hell.. hope people can see i am at least making a decent fucking effort.. haha anyway, better get into it, go sign the guestbook, and check out the new page, with the link at the top of the pictures page. fucken go do it..

Thursday, 13th November, 13:06 2003

Ok, just updated some things on the friends pages, also made up a new guestbook, so go fucken sign the thing... hopefully get some interesting answers to these questions.. haha Umm.. am at uni at the moment.. avoiding study, should probably get some done though.. Added the odd new picture to the friends page, and yes Andy, i took down the, as u describe it, "Pansy model faggot" picture of myself.. hahaha,.. much to your happiness im sure Owasan.. Anyway, been studying a bit lately... been feeling a bit out of the loop, everyone seems to be off and about doing their shit, whilst i have to study, which is fucked... God damn i cant wait for Coffs harbour... approximately 16 days until we go!!!!!!!!!! fuck yeah... purchased the shirts, one of them is a black wifebeater (size 7XL purchased from the fatman section of Lowes) with the words "Hail to the king... baby" written on the back, and the other, a pink sleeveless skin tight tank top (size 12, purchased from the ladies section of K-Mart) with the words "Mincy Fairy Dick" written on the back.. hahahahaha the shirts are awarded each morning to whoever was the biggest puss the night/day before.. so yeah, should be very interesting... Also, Packer and I purchased a "trophy" for the VB cup, which is going to make it very very very fucken funny to play for.. hahahaha Vic has had to pull out of the trip now, so that spot has been replaced by James.. anyway enough about Coffs... i gotta try to fucken study... am too hyped up about it now!! haha.. later ya cunts

Thursday, 6th November, 13:08 2003

Man, i just spent like a fucken hour uploading a shitload of pictures... so u fuckers better be happy... go to pictures page, added like 7 shitty recent ones of myself sort of thing right down the bottom of the page.. and also if u take the link at the top of that page to BOAMBEE PICTURES 2002, then obviously u get to see the 50 pictures from last years kick ass holiday.. im not saying anymoe now.. i need to get away fromt he computer.. hahaha enjoyt he fucken things...

Wednesday, 22nd October, 13:09 2003

Hey fuckers.. whats happening? things have been going down round here lately... umm.. firstly, im mainly updating for fucken san-D is constantly nagging me and calling me a "lazy gimp" cause i never update, which is probably a fair assessment, but oh well... ok, ummm.. nearly the end of the semester, cant fucking wait till its over, am currently on a liquor stirke, to cleanse my body of the alcoholic liquid beverage damage that ive been thrashing my body with lately,.. hahaha its so far been 1 week and 4 days that i have been sober, and not touched a single drop of alcohol.. hahaha and i plan to continue this until November 29 (day before Rik's bday) and also the day we arrive in Coffs Harbour... cant wait to get up there... fuck yeah... ummm... Gregory, Ben and Chris are currently travelling the country, are up at Bowen picking tomatoes and working their arses off from what ive heard... hahaha... not sure what Alan is doing with himself these days, havent seen him for a while, but im sure sad to hear the news about him and san-D... Joel is a no show, seen him like 3 times int he last 7 months? hahaha... silly bastard has dissapeared... Nick i see regularly, hes being the usual kook, going out with him on the town tonight actually to celebrate Beck's 21st... gotta play Futsal before it though, which should be fun.. gotta win, and our team is short tonight too... iother then that, just been chilling out, enjoying this time of year, looking forward to Boambee and basically satying sober (which is tough, considering eysterday was the celebratory day at uni for Oktoberfest at uni, in which everyone BUT me was drinking beer... fuck it was tough, but i made it...) must stay strong.. bit ironic actually, that i must stay sober, in order to win the bet with packer, in which if i win, i get a case of beer.. hahaha nice... nothing going on with the band at the moment, im hoping to get it started again, but band slut james has wandering eyes, hahahahahha, and not sure if phil is still with us, or if old phil wants to rejoin us... who knows... anyway, hope u r appy with the update all you fuckers out there... later cunts

Wednesday, 6th August, 10:32 2003

Fuck im bored.. haha waiting to go to my maths class at 11... finish at 1, and thats all i got for the day, shouldnt be too bad.. have to play soccer tonight against Warners Bay, then heading into town after it for Beau's birthday i think.. should be pretty cool. Not sure yet if im drinking or not.. will make that decision later. Had a pretty alcohol fueled week, firstly last wednesday night we got maggot and hit the town, porxee is back, so porx, trav, nick, beau and i hit the town... was a fun night, was pretty damn maggot as usual, but no where near as bad as i was on friday. Autonomy Day. Easily the best uni day of the year! hahaha Porxee, Trav, Andy, Packer and myself started drinking our alcoholic beverages at 6am Friday morning ont he train on the way into uni. Proceeded to sit around in the engineering yards drinking and talking shit, to be joined at roughly 8:30 by good old Benny Saxon.. from there, we went up to the Bar On The Hill to join the festivities at roughly 9:30. and it was a downward spiral from there, just increased amounts of drinking, much respect to Phil Bratby who was last man standing in the Ironman event.. Ben for making the bext call of the day, and Mungo for coming in a close seecond for calls.. hahahaha. anyway, got home aty like 6 tyhat night, and was just fucked. hahahaha then saturday night went to Tomas's place for his and Foxy's combined 21st. it was a sick party, good fun, unlucky to Couter about the jeans and shoes hidden under the bonnet of his car, hahahahahahaha.. anyway, im gonna head off now.. will update again sometime soon i guess... oh yeah, Coffs Harbour this year, if anyone is keen, goes from 29th November until 6th of December, costs $82.50 each... yes... yes thats right.. only $82.50 for the entire week there, we have 3 absolute definites so far, Me, Andy and Packer.. and need 6 people all up, so first to me with the money goes i guess.. anyway, im outa here... later fuckers

Thursday, 24th July, 14:12 2003

Holy shit its been a while since ive updated in here... just put up a new guestbook.. am wasting time obviously, cause i thought i had a class at 2, when in fact it starts at 4.. hahaha.. what a kook.. so yeah, ummm. heap of shit been happening lately... went out ont he town last night, got soooo maggot.. hahaha am feeling quite seedy today... the band played a show last weekend at Rebecca's party, went very well with new drummer James (fucken legend), and learnt a few new songs, like Heart Shaped Box, and Would? (by Alice In Chains).. so yeah things have been going pretty well for me lately... uni has startedu p again and the subjects arent too bad this semester, pretty happy all round i guess.. ummm... Ben's parents have been away for the last 3 weeks, but they r coming back tomorrow, have had the odd drinking night over there, and Gregory just got back from his overseas trip the lucky bastard!!! good to see him again last night... ummm.. tomorrow night am going to the Broadway Bar in sydney to see the saxophonist from Mr Bungle play.. should be pretty fucken good, going down with Alan, Chris and Greg... anyway, im going to go do something more constructive like play yahoo pool to waste some time, hahahaha later

Tuesday, 27th May, 09:10 2003

Ok then.. sitting at uni, got here thinking i had a class on at 9, when in reality my class is on at 12, hahaha what a dickhead.. oh well.. umm.. bought the new Deftones cd yesterday.. isnt too bad, but then again isnt the best of the 4... Better then White Pony though.. arty shite. Fucken lost soccer on the weekend, and against Maitland too, (thats who my mates Mungo and Foxy play for)... had a case of beer bet on the game, and we lost!! due to 2 goalkeeper errors on a wet pitch... what a crock of shit.. hahaha not sure whats going on this weeked.. i spewed on saturday night at porxee's house, hahaha little too much bourbs, beer and sambucca.. Dont know why I'm updating, got not much to say, basically nothing major is going on, hahaha oh wait, Joel broke up with Danielle apparentlyt... havent spoken to the young man, or woman, so dont have much info on that, not that i should be on here going on about it.. fuck it, im outta here, laters...

Tuesday, 13th May, 09:35 2003

Man these Zappo's that im eating r good... so damn tasty, hahaha... plenty of shit has been going on lately, thats why its been so fucken long since ive updated... umm.. had my 21st bday on the 28th of April, and had the party for it at my house on the 3rd of May, it was pretty damn good too.. plenty of drunken fuckwits (also known as friends), our band played, in general just a kick ass night.. got sooo much awesome stuff for my bday off family and friends.. so thanks to everyone for everything and also for showing up... Ummm. dropped another subject at uni.. which sucks i know.. the way i see it though.. is i fail it later, and look like a fuckwit, or drop it now, and do it later... makes sense i guess. Got a DVD player off the olds for my bday, which is pretty cool, got plenty of DVDs already which is very sweet.. soccer has been going alright, only played 2 games so far this official season, but we r undefeated so far, and ive scored in both games.. bandwise.. played the gig at the party, wasnt too bad i dont think, apart from Phil snapping his string mid show, hahaha but yeah it was cool, from here im not sure where we r going, or if we r going at all.. Matt doesnt seem keen (as usual), however i think Phil, Ben and I r gonna sit down one night (hopefully) and try to write some original shit... but yeah, lets hope things do work out there. i just updated the guestbook with all new questions.. so go sign it fuckwit!!! Ok some messages for some people i guess... Hoopsy.. u big fucken dogs cock.. u no longer own the name of the game "Hoopsy gets fucked on"... Nick.. have u been to hell and back? Porxee... stop fucken crashing parties.. u AND Caine.. hahaha and u wonder why u both got belted for it!!! Marnie... slow the fuck down... the number of times on the way in to uni today that she almost ran up someones ass, or slid out on a roundabout is fucking ridiculous.. and to a certain other person.. grow the fuck up

Monday, 7th April, 09:09 2003

Hey. Phil is looking at pictures of himself right now, hes sitting next to me, he says "I've got nothing"... haha how fucken convenient... anyway, as usual, fuck all giong on lately, ummm.. Been completely told ive got no chance by a certain person, feels good.. yeah right... Band is still fucken slow in progresssing, trouble trying to get everyone in same spot at same time, uni sucks ass, extremely poor, so yeah, lifes great at the moment! haha.. went out on the town on saturday night, wasnt too bad a night, fun to be a drunken dickhead in town, even if i wasnt allowed into a shit club called 'Frostbites' because the "logo on my shirt was too big"... what a load of shit, fucken shit place anyway... holidays r starting this friday, thank fucken god, cant wait, need to get away from this shit, frat meeting is on wednesday, $10 for all the beer u can drink, so im looking forward to it.. anyway, fuck u all, haha oh yeah, got the latest picture from Phil, and the new band he has joined since leaving us... check out the picture here:

Phil jamming on..

also got an old school picture of Matt, hanging with Primus back in the day..

Matt chilling out..

also a more recent picture of me with some friends...

Bon with mates..

Thursday, 3rd April, 11:27 2003

What up poofs.. been at uni here for the last 3 horus fucking doing this gay assed lab report... god it sucks.. Listening to some old school System Of A Down. fuck yeah... cage fights r on this saturday, and ont he 26th of this month is my 21st party, even though my bday isnt actually till the 28th.. anyway.. ummm... hot chick sitting across from me, according to Curls, she was in Miss Surfest.. god damn.. ahaha whats happenign Mick? just checking if u r checking out this webpage over there in pommyland.. been stoinking some british bitch for us or what? dpont know why im updating at the moment, got nothign to add or say to anything, so yeah.. umm.. getting a new computer within the week hopefully... should kick ass, i wanna fuck my way to the garden... cause everyone needs... a mother... FUCKER... thankx Serj.. ummmm... band is moving along i guess.. Benny has suggested a good million songs, which is better then Matt scrapping everything yet not suggesting any.. anywya, im outta here, gotta finish off this lab shit. fuck you

Monday, 31st March, 10:23 2003

Hey. fuck uni sucks ass.. its so gay, the life is awesome, pissing up with mates, hanging out, but the subjects im doing at the moment, and the workload are absolute SHITE... fucken hell... anyway, lately.. whats been happening.. Kicked Beau and Greg's ass in Trivial Pursuit last friday night, thats right boys... haha ummm.. went out on saturday night, interesting night, only way to describe it. Gotta say goodbye to Mike, hes going back to England, in fact hes probably ont he plane right now as i type this, so yeah, good luck mate, take care, and be safe in London, ummm.. Got a lecture in about 30 mins.. Phil is in it, the big fucken dog, umm... i dont have much else to say.. Marnie is an easily drunk maggot, Danny Boy, had a bit of a chat with himt he other night... um.. oh yeah, Cage Fights r coming up!!! this satruday arvo/night, there are 4 fights scheduled, so yeah, get in contact with me if u r keen to see them, ahaha updated the contacts page too... anyway, im outta here, hope u enjoyed the SOundgarden cd Andy... and as usual, go sign the guestbook with more insane shit u fuckwits...

Wednesday, 26th March, 09:36 2003

Hey.. pretty busy with uni work lately, been fucking around too much, so have decided to put some effort in, haha Happy 21st to Matt today! u legend, going out for dinner tonight to celebrate his birthday, then into town for a little while at least, i got a full day at uni tomorrow (from 9 in morning till 8 at night), so i cant get heaps drunk or stay out late (not that i have the money to do that anyway!).. Got a big line up of things in the next 4 or so days too... as i said tonight is dinner and town for Matt's bday, then tomorrow night, Cog are playing at the Bar On The Hill, so im gathering a crew to go see them once im finished uni, then on friday Nads, Burger, ToeBall and a few other soccer boys r wanting me to go to Woodport with them, havent been there in over a year, so i figure it would be fun.. and then finally on saturday night, mate at uni, his 21st, complete with free piss, and then into town after that to celebrate Mike's last time in Newy before he goes back to England again.. so yeah, busy times.. then put on top of that, the increased pressure from the parents to "get a real haircut, and get a real job", so yeah, tough shit life is, haha. fuck i hate these 8am starts on wednesday mornings.. although todays lecture was the first one this semester so far, that i didnt fall asleep in! hahaha anyway, im outta here, got a Physics lab report to write.. later all

Monday, 17th March, 12:44 2003

Poofs.. at uni, about to go to the bar for a liquid lunch. last wednesday was sick.. haha got sooooooo drunk, very much fun.. haha then on friday saw the Jackass movie.. again, always fun, but the fucken hilux broke down on the way home from it, due to lack of petrol (thanx dad).. saturday night was cool, Jac's 21st then Ben Peter's bday, got to sleep at like 7 in the morning, then got up at 9:30 to go home and play soccer... not the best feeling in the world.. feel like crap now too. Andy, you r a poof, Tom and Curls r big dogs cocks cause they r "not getting drunk for th enext 4 weeks", im giving them a good 5 days before they break... Nick, pagged out relatively early on saturday, he doesnt want me ripping him off, unlucky.. Alan is the new Quake 3 announcer "inferno"... "refresh" hahahaha, and Joel, i kicked yo ass bitch... hahaha fuck u all, sign the guestbook...

Wednesday, 12th March, 10:56 2003

Hey.. just at uni, had a fucker of an 8-10 lecture this morning, god its gay, then spent the last hour fucking about getting student card concessions/lab groups/printer credit shit up to speed... going out on the town tonight.. got happy hour(s) on at the Tanner Bar from 6:30 till 8:30, it is $2 schooies, and $2.50 shots, fucken tops!! so me, Raz, Curls, Rome, Brats and hopefully Graham will be hitting it up in there, so should be good, then catching the bus/train into town to continue on the "festivities".. haha anyway, thats all i got to say at the moment, ummm.. yeah.. fucken sign the guestbook cunts... and abuse andy some more, the big fucken girl! hahaha later..

Monday, 10th March, 12:37 2003

Cunts... fairly big weekend this one... Friday night went Lewis's place for his party, was pretty sick, got quite drunk, talked a lot of shit, haha, nothign outstandingly ridiculous went on, although Gimpus and his "helping hand on the ass" to some chick, hahahaha, and lewis being pussy-whipped by his missus all night, bloody thumbprint on his forehead! anyway... then the next day, went to sydney for a fucken good day, really really fun... ummm.. then saw Jackass: The Movie that night with Elk.. which was pretty fucken good, although ive seen better things on just the normal show, still pretty insane though.. then yesterday, played soccer against Westlakes (bunch of dirty poofs) and kicked their ass 4-1.. and they r 2 grades above us! so it was a fucken sweet victory.. Ummm.. what else doing? Andy is still a whinger as i just noticed by his fucking latest guestbook signing.. Tom is a pissed cunt, Porxee still enjoys visiting corrugated iron town (Taree) hahaha, Packer has a sly grin in every single boambee bay photo ever seen... Got a shitload more boambee photos, which im gonna try to scan the decent funny ones in.. anyway.. im gonna go now.. fuck you

Thursday, 6th March, 14:27 2003

Happy Birthday Hamish! 20, u old bastard...

Wednesday, 5th March, 11:58 2003

Fuck me.. it has been a while since ive updated, but ive done alot today.. updated the guestbook, "about me", "friends" and will soon update the "pictures" page (once ive scanned photos in at work!).. Umm.. so much has happened since last time i updated on here.. Boambee, CHristmas, Parties, Concerts, Bdays for friends.. recently though, Andy has had the hardcore shits about a group of 6 people (who shall remain nameless) chucking him into the pool at Joel's 21st.. hahaha been getting insanely maggot lately, should really slow down, cause i havent been feeling well at all these days... am now single.. enough said there.. ummm.. soccer season has started up again, am soooo sore from playing 2 games on sunday... haha Phil has left our band... again, and Nick isnt singing for us... HOWEVER.. Ben Saxon asked if he could sing for us, but it was whilst he had had a few beers, so i have to call him to make sure hes still keen for it. Then there is another Phil (mate from uni) who said he is keen to play guitar for us.. so yeah, your guess is as good as mine for that one. Anyway... moving on. dont know what else to say! sign the guestbook fucker..

Thursday, 14th November, 09:50 2002

Cunts... whats happening? im in the middle of my final exams at uni... fuck it sucks.. got one test to go which is on tomorrow morning, so then me and a few uni mates (Curly and Raz) r gonna go piss up at the bar at approximately midday.. so should be pretty cool. Umm.. and then after tomorrow it will be 3 and a half months of fucken excelletn holidays, which im looking forward to... fuck its hot.. im sweating like a rapist here... haha anyway... news... news... ummmmmmm Phil burnt a copy of a Joe Satriani cd for me on monday, its pretty fucken sick, hes such a fucken maniac on guitar... been listening to a weird mix of music lately, plenty of Mr Bungle, Les CLaypool, Vision Of Disorder, Nirvana and Alice In Chains... umm.. on the band front, still nothign happening. Rowan wants me to play bass in a new band he is starting... im not sure though.. i still wanna get a heavier sounding band going with Mike if he ever comes back and stays back, but otherwise i also wanna continue with Phil and Nick... an dMatt if the fucker ever rejoins us like he said he would.. "moderate rock".. Cobain just said that.. hahaha anyway.. i better go study, so go sign my fucking guestbook poofters... later.. peace out

Wednesday, 23rd October, 08:51 2002

Hey all... good to see so many people signing the guestbook these days... what a crock of shit!!.. anyway, went and saw Operation Lager and Cog play last friday night at the cambridge... very good shit, was tops. Am seeing Cog play again tomorrow night at the Beachcomber in Toukley.. Matt claims he is actually coming with me then too, so that should be pretty sweet. Ummm.. got my uni finals coming up pretty damn soon, so its almost panic time for that (well it is already panic time, but soon it will be time to have to do something about it!)... Nick, your nose and face have healed beautifully, hahahaha, Elke, always remember... you r only as ugly as we think u r... (hahaha i saw that on Strangers With Candy the other night... love that show). Umm.. yeah thats about all the shit i have to blurt out at the moment. Ill update again soon i guess.. in the meantime, sign the fucken guestbook!

Sunday, 20th October, 20:10 2002

Another birthday message goes out to Karl, who is now a big assed 21.. Happy Birthday King Dog!

Tuesday, 15th October, 15:10 2002

Just a quick message... HAPPY BIRTHDAY PORXEE... haha enough said... u old cunt!

Monday, 14th October, 09:37 2002

Hey all... jeez... been a while since i updated (as usual).. just handed in a big piece of shit of a Software assignment... haha what a joke... anyway.. holidays r over now. First day back, and it sucks already, but there is only 3 weeks of uni left, then 1 week of stuvac, then 3 weeks of tests, AND THEN finally the 3 and a half months off that im waiting for!! haha.. umm... Matt has pulled the plug on the band... so at the moment there is no band. He is apparently too busy with work (and pissing up and entertaining Carly) to be in the band.. so yeah.. waiting for Mike to come back from Pommyland in December, so everything is on standstill till then, which is fucked. Although Matt said he could possibly come back in December too... so who knows whaty will happen.. I just wanna get back into it, but its all fucking up in front of me... anyway. Its Porxee's bday tomorrow, so in case i dont update, ill say Happy Birthday to the big poofter now, hahaha. Hes been working in Taree for the last 4 or 5 days on a show with Caine, and apparently it is scary due to certain people's prescence... enough said, hahaha. Lately ive been the tiredest motherfucker... sleeping so much.. To Andy... you r a silly cunt.. hahahaha stop running down hills at insane paces to get away from me, and those ticks arent as bad as u made out they were u big pussy!! hahaha... Ive been prawning a bit lately... went last night, but didnt see a fucken thing.. ummmm.. had Soccer Trip to Port Macquarie last week, fucken tops fun.... was soooooooo pissed all three nights that i was there, very nice.. plenty of insane drunken antics that went on... but cant mention them in here.. Elke, i know u read this news every now and then, just wanted to say... YOU ARE OUT OF THE LOOP, ahahahahahhaah... ok.. im outta here... listening to Pantera at th emoment.. hey Karl... "I fucked your girlfriend last night... while u snored and drooled i fucked your love.. she called me daddy and i called her baby... as i smacked her ass"... hahahahaha what a top song!!

Monday, 9th September, 11:57 2002

Hey... just a quick notice... updated the opening page with a new picture... (was copping too much flack about the fag being there.. so i have posted a pic of a true champion) hahaha... also made up new guestbook questions.. so yeah.. have a look. Kicked ass in that test i was talking about doing last monday... got 47/60.. so i am pretty damn happy with it... spent most of the weekend drunk and off my nut... was very fun, had a sweet night playing Back To Base on friday night... although our main problem was that everyone was too drunk. Andy, u seedy cunt, i will catch u next time im running down a mountain after you... Trav... stop being such a martyr about it all.. we did not ditch u! hahahaha nick and beau, u guys were drunk, but not enough for my liking... Lewis.. i dont know what the fuck happened to you and your mates... Packer, at least u didnt get fucked on this time... and last but not least.. Porxee... u r still a maggot litte cunt... ok in other news.. we r jamming this friday for sure.. well, ive been assured by matt that its true, and since he is usually the one cancelling on us, im hoping all goes well.. gotta run.. enjoy the new updated page.. later

Monday, 2nd September, 10:45 2002

Been a fair bit of time since the last update yeah.. shit hey... noone seems to come here or do any guestbook signing or anything anymore... got a big test for Software in about an hour... shit yeah? weighted quite heavily, whopping 30% for a mid semester... im pretty prepared for it though.. hmm.. whats been going on lately... Nick has left his job, so we celebrated his "freedom" last friday night, which was pretty cool, (nicks buildings r still burning in warcraft 3, haha)... umm.. been pissed a few times lately.. but wont be paying for any grog till the end of this month. Looks as if we will be jamming this friday during the day.. although there is a big maybe we wont... Nick didnt sound heaps keen for it, neither did Phil,.. and Matt said he may have to work, and Porxee sounded dodgey... im starting to wonder what the go is... but i can write that here... haha cause noone reads it anyway... Elke u r a loudmouth biatch.. hahahahahaha (just testing.. cause if she reads it, that means all and any info on this page will get out).. shit im bored... iom prety much only doing this cause i should be studying more... probably should.. ok i guess i better... later

Wednesday, 31st July, 10:26 2002

OK... updated and put a new guestbook in... so all new questions for u to speak shit in... god i need to piss.. gotta empty my dick something chronic... Had a jam with Porxee yesterday, it was pretty cool, fun, and pretty constructive... Porxee pulled out some stuff he had already written, which was fucken sick shit, then i added a bit of a bassline to start up a possible song anyway... so yeah... the wheels r in motion hopefully... (Porxee has nothing else to do all day except "take his asthma puffer" with Trav, so he should bloody well have some stuff up his sleeve, hahaha)... We are having our first sort of jam tomorrow night, at a secret location (hahahah not really secret... im just saying that to make it sound more exciting... why u ask? cause im a fucken tosspot...) but there wont be any drums involved.. just cause its a mission to get them out for a few hours worth of playing when its going to be mainly sorting Phil and Porxee out as in who plays what parts in the songs... hopefully we can get into writing some original shit too... would be awesome to get straight into that... so yeah. everything looks cool at the moment.. Uni is average.. ive been pretty good so far this semester, as in attending almost everything, and been putting a fair bit of work in... (just finished my first Softwate Engineering tutorial, piece of piss... right Phil? hahaha) Soccer is going ok... been playing pretty well lately i guess... too bad we r like a point out of the semi's at the moment.. need the full points from our last 3 games... Band is looking promising as already talked about... things with Rikki have been dodgey, but r going better now... and Marnie is a dropkick... yes... we all know it, just had to put it in here for her amusement. Anyway, i got a maths lecture in 15... so im off, later cunts

Monday, 29th July, 18:39 2002

Hey... just a quick message about what a sick night Saturday was... very much fun... and to Andy... wake the fuck up at your correct station this time, hahaha and not at Burwood 2 hours later, hahahaha u fucken idiot!!! hahahahaha

Monday, 22nd July, 14:39 2002

OK, fuck its been a while, only updatign because im back at uni, and im wasting time, once again... hahaha... also due to Andy's whinging nature.. umm... holidays r over now, which sucks a big fat one, as usual... Starting up uni and doing four subjects now, repeating the Software subject that i failed last year, but oh well, shit happens... Umm.. havent had too many hugely pissed out adventures lately, Nick and Elke's combined 21st and 20th respectively was pretty damn sweet... plenty of pissed otu antics there, with Andy and I enjoying very much the awesome game of "Packer's Shoe Gridiron".. hahaha it was a kack.. lately ive been having huge cravings for Beef Jerky (in particular BBQ flavour, hahaha) i dont know why, its shitty and probably bad for u, but its so tough and salty and good, hahahaha... Ive been working a fair bit lately, mainly saving up for many expensive things that r coming up in the not too distant future... however i seem to keep slowly pissing away any money i save up... Phil's in my software clas now, which is pretty cool... the big poof (he wants me to refer to him as the HUGE poof) has just left to go get some lunch... im gonna go join him soon i think too... fucken starving... Ive been pissing up a fair bit with Hoopsy lately... at the point in Eraring, at our normal fishing spot, so yeah, its all been pretty cool.. Andy has gone off on holidays, not sure when he is back or what, hahaha but yeah, im guessing by his whinging guestbook signing that he is back now... Also, one last thanks to Nick and Elke, for pulling the car over in time for me to spew the other week... Niiiice... later

Wednesday, 15th May, 17:41 2002

New pictures r up on the pictures page!, and i updated some peoples pictures on the friends page and on the "about me" page too... enjoy fuckers!!!

Monday, 13th May, 13:03 2002

Hey. Once again, im doing the "fill in time at uni" move for an hour... Not much going on, just drunken antics a fair bit. Uni is shitty as usual, tests r looming, and their is a fine line between failure and success in the air. hahaha.. Band horizon is looking good, but thats pretty quiet at the moment. Happy Birthday to Rowan whose party we celebrated last week. Umm.. am listening to God Am by Alice In Chains right now... sweet song yeah.. I dont hav emuch to say today to be honest, go download some files of the show Jackass if u get the chance, fucken funniesty show, hahahahaha just these dickheads who like pain, being paid to do stupid shit and hurt themselves. hahaha soooo funny. Hi to Mick, Stef and Vicki if they r reading this (like i told them to)... Mothers Day yesterday, had a family party at Owasan's house... pretty cool, none got drunk though, except George i think... well he was telling us stories about having sex in everyones houses and at Nelson Bay on the beach, hahaha but thats just George, maybe he was sober? hahaha who can tell... Had a big spew effort at ROwans party, hahaha we went out for dinner on saturday night (Me, Rik, Nick, Elk, Caine and Greasepit) to a chinese place in Toronto, which was cool, something different. Then went to morrytown pub to piss up more, which was excellent fun. Just like the old days.. Then the night before that, went out for dinner with Rik and her parents, which was awesome fun.. everyone got heaps drunk, lots of laughs, very good night. ummm... on another note, My (well Rik's and mine) Angel fish (Harper and Baites) have just laid another couple of hundred eggs... should be interesting. After the survival rate of 0% from their last batch, it makes me wonder how many will survive from this one.. hahaha Ok, should hopefully be adding new pictures sometime soon from Marnies party.. thats all for now. Fuck ya

Monday, 29th April, 9:13 2002

Hey all... sitting at uni right now, bored shitless... got 2 hours to waste till my next lecture at 11.. anyway, been very fucken busy over the last 2 weeks on holidays. cant remember exactly went on in the first week of the holidays, mainly drunken idiocy, but last week was a very very awesome week. Last tuesday night I got to see Tool plat at Newcastle Entertainment Centre, and it was soooo fucken good. The stage show was better then last years, BUT the setlist last year was a tad better i thought, (but hey, it was still fucken awesome). Actually caught one of Danny Carey's drumsticks, which was very cool, Lewis caught one too, a snapped one. Then the next night, we had organised a minibus to take a group of us down to Star City Casino in Sydney, which was interesting, a good night all round though... Highlights included coming home $40 richer then what i went there with... Doggy spewing before we even got to the casino... Caine being $300 up, then suddenly being $200 down?... Porxee spending $40, but didnt gamble once (hahaha).. buying 3 drinks, and costing $17 (my ass is still hurting from that rodgering)... watching my oldies play the pokies (they had to have the worst luck ever, hahahaha)... so yeah, all in all, it was a fucken sick ass night... thanx to everyone for coming, i had a great night, good to be with the people i care about. hahaha ok enough mushy crap. Movign on. Then on Friday night, had some drinks at Porxee's house (his parents are away for the next 2 weeks), and saturday night we went into town, thanx to Katie Rowe for the double bourbon and coke that she humorously bet we couldnt spin up on the money wheel... also cheers for the singing... hahaha funny. And then yesterday was my bday, big 20 year old now... how sad, no more being a teenager. Pretty sinking feeling actually, got some very very cool stuff so im quite happy all round there, but i wont go into detail of naming everything for fear of forgetting someone or something. hahaha. Oh yeah, some small messages.. Caine... u r a Rockspider.. hahahahaha (you know what im talking about...), Andy, you r a dog cunt, u better have picked up a chick... or else!, Porxee, if u read this, we r going Darkie fishing this arvo. Thats about it i think.. apart from the updates ive done, new guestbook today, updated my profile in the "about me" part, might update some more later on today. Anyway, this should keep elke and andy happy for a while.. (bloody whingers, hahaha)... take care. Later

Sunday, 28th April, 11:16 2002

I'm an old prick now. *sob*

Wednesday, 27th March, 17:33 2002

Ok, following on from yesterdays message... we r all hitting the town tonight for Mat's 20th celebrations.. not sure where we r going at what time etc, only thing i know is that i shall get shitfaced, hehehe... Going in Joel's car with me, Rikki, Porxee, Joel and Caine.. caines back on the scene these days now that he has broken up with Danielle.. so yeah.. umm.. what else has/is going on... umm... oh yeah, got us some tickets to see Tool on the 23rd or April in Newcastle, should be fucken unreal... cant wait.. Happy birthday to Ben Saxon who turned 21 the other day too... sorry Benny i almost forgot.. haha Ben's 21st thingy in town last saturday was quite excellent. Great group of people at a top spot, (especially the sex shop across the street hey Elke!!! u loved it,... not to mention how Elke finished the rest of the night... attempting to spew! i still love u though cousin dear....) anyway.. Andy is hopefully coming up for tonights festivities. which should be good since he is constantly a maggot. Got friday, monday AND tuesday off uni, which is fucken tops!!! gotta love that. But it is all pretty busy, like friday is easter with my mums side, saturday night is Rikki's house (shes having a bit of a get together since her olds r away), sunday is easter with dads side of the family, and monday and tuesday is camping with Rik and whoever wants to come at Fraser Park. On a totally unrelated subject... i wonder if Joel is going to harrass the Quickie Mart tonight,.. hahahah he has been quite the deviot in that shop of late, and im wondering if he is giong to continue the trend. Caine on the other hand in town, is just a "fucken hell... look at that chick" kind of guy, always has his 'radar' switched on.... but anyway, moving on. This is a pretty long news so far isnt it? i have been speaking plenty of shit though. This is cause i gotta waste time between now and my lecture at 6... almost time to go so im gonna leave now. Speak to u all later, sign the guestbook fuckers!!! and i dont mean talk random shit in there only Nick. hahahaha... he seems to be the only one contributing to the guetsbook (if u can call it contributing... more like downgrading, hahahaha) c ya

Tuesday, 26th March, 13:46 2002

Just a piece of piss quick message to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Matt... no longer a teenager u old bastard.. hahaha no worries... ill be following u in that category in a month!.. have a top night mate.

Friday, 8th March, 11:06 2002

Wow, two entries in the one day!! do u feel special yet? ok then, not much been going on lately, am back at uni again, joined by Rikki and Marnie, which is pretty cool. Ummm... oh yeah, got a hair cut 2 weeks ago today. Had the old dreads lopped off. A sad day. Very sad. hahaha... but alls cool i guess... only hair... moving on. Went out on the town on Wednesday night, had a car full (Porxee was driving, had me, Rikki, Marnie and Grease Pit in the car...). But firstly i started drinking in the arvo when Rikki had a lecture on, and Porxee and I won free wedges!!!! well 10c wedges anyway, due to lucky draw prize in bar trivia, hahaha... that was sweet... then when we all went out on the town, we kicked ass on the pokies (rotten things), i ended up getting extremely drunk, came home with more money then i went out with, avoided a hangover, made a touch of a fool of myself (fucken dancefloor.. hahaha), and my lab that was supposed to happen at 2pm thursday arvo was called off, hahaha so it was a fucken top effort in the luck department. Not sure whats going on this weekend. We did have a big drunken chat about a 'shack' effort on Saturday night, BUT who knows... Rikki wants to go to fucken Club Troppo (Sloppo) cause Becky has just turned 18... sounds like 'heaps of fun'..... but yeah, moving on... Porxee has been sober quite a bit lately... ive been maggot quite a lot lately, Rikki is fine, she was stressing about uni at first, but is cool now, Marnie is being a twat, Nick i havent seen in a while, Greasy is the drinking master, and yeah, thats all i can think of at the moment.. a failry fucken large news entry i think.. should keep Andy and Elke happy for a while at least. Oh yeah, also got a fishtank in my room now, hahaha... fuck the filter is loud.. but i can handle it. cause im hard.... hahahahaha Oh yeah, also updated the "about me" page, and also the guestbook as ive already mentioned... c ya

Friday, 8th March, 8:51 2002

Ok, looks as if Elke's constant nagging has payed off.. hahaha im updating.. also put up a new guestbook, with all new questions, so hope that keeps u all interested for a while... umm... ill do a decent larger update when im not rushing to get to a lecture like i am now... later...

Friday, 8th February, 15:55 2002

Hey... fuck im a lazy bastard arent i.. hahaha... plenty of shit has been going on... saw System of a Down play twice, we played at my sisters 18th party which was at our house, which was awesome fun... ummm... Phil has officially left us, and wont participate in any more shows, jams, orgies etc etc... which is a big shame and a great loss... so yeah, once again, we r on the lookout for a new guitarist.. so if anyone is interested, give me a buzz.. I have plenty of photos, of jams/coffs harbour/random photos/big day out/system of a down/marnies party to put up, also got videotapes of 3 of our 4 shows that we have ever played, got them today, and they r pretty funny for a laugh... hahaha... so yeah i have plenty of shit i can put up on the net, so much to do... so little motivation or time... hahaha.. Rikki is sick at the moment... poor girl, I hope she gets better soon... Porxee is the usual maggot... Marnie is gettign used to the life of an 18 year old, whilst my uncle George is chasing 18 year olds, hahahahahaha... anyway.. go sign the guestbook to tell me that u actually read this, so im not just wasting my time... or if u know anyone who can play guitar, or is motivated to, etc etc... one last thing, to anyone that played "Hoops gets fucked on" at Marnies party, it was a sick game wasnt it? i should start up an added extra bit to my page, about fucked up shit uc an do whilst drunk, hahaha such as playing that one particular game... anywya, im speaking lots of shit.. speak to u all later. bye

Sunday, 20th January, 16:38 2002

Hey all... long time no see, fuck im a lazy bastard. Been away at Coffs harbour during december, had a great Christmas and New Years, and then spent the last week at Scotts Head, so all in all an awesome last few months.. umm... in band news, Phil has decided to quit us, but he will play one last show at my sisters 18th party, on Feb 2nd. Ill update more later... busy now.. later.

Sunday, 2nd December, 23:02 2001

Got a show we r playing at Eggy's g/f's birthday party this weekend... should be good, as long as we arent as sloppy as when we played at fucken Porxee's party, hahaha... we r having a jam within the next few days i think, which should help to iron out the creases.... ummm... then on saturday Beau, Nick, Porxee, Packer, Andy and I r going up to Coffs Harbour for a weeks piss up trip, should be pretty fucken good... looking forward to it heaps, followed by another week up there at Coffs with the family, so yeah, should be a good fortnight coming up,... bit worried at the moment about Rikki being up at schoolies... but yeah, i trust her.. hahahaha ummm... yeah, thats all i have to say right now... except, Nick, you r a rude cunt, hahahahahahahaha

Friday, 30th November, 00:02 2001

Happy 18th Birthday to Rikki... i risk sounding corny, but yeah, hope u have a great day, tonight should be cool, Love you...

Wednesday, 21st November, 18:12 2001

Going into town tonight. New guestbook is up and running. Fuck you all.

Friday, 9th November, 15:54 2001

First, Elke u fucken whinger, hahaha stop constantly reminding me to update... got a bit to say today, am in the middle of my gay assed uni tests, 2 down, 2 to go... so im sorta studying... need to pass them all, and the oldies will purchase me 2 bottles of JD... hahaha so study seems worthwhile suddenly... Tomorrow night we play a gig at Porxee's 18th, should kick some ass... Mike (my cousin, and Matt's older brother) will be filming it on his digital video camera, so if possible, i might be able to put some film of us up here on the web, who knows, hopefully... ummm.. so yeah, playing our usual 9 song set tomorrow at porxees, then getting heaps shit faced afterwards... other news... ummm. System Of A DOwn will be here for Big Day Out this year, i think it has cemented my views on purchasing a ticket... wouldnt miss it for anything... anyway, going back to study so i can go out tonight... later...

Friday, 19th October, 18:36 2001

Ok, just added about 10 new pictures to the picture page, yes thats right, u can see more lovely pictures of us beautiful fellas, including our new guitarist, the mysterious Phil hahaha also updated Elke's info, AND updated porxee's picture, what a stud, hahaha ok, so ive been a busy boy, sign the guestbook, and elke and andy, i hope u will stop whining about lack of updates, so fuck off, hahahaha

Friday, 19th October, 11:33 2001

Alright, wednesday night kicked ass, everyone was pretty damn drunk, good to see... am supposed to be finishing off this assignment i have due, but doesnt look like that will happen, hahaha.. we have the definite 6 for coffs harbour now.. Porxee, Andy, Nick, Beau, Packer and I.. should be a fucken good week.. looking forward to it heaps.. umm.. our band, (still trying to work out a name) r going to be playing at Porxee's 18th party on November the 10th, i thikn thats like 3 weeks from tomorrow, so im pretty keen for that, also Greg tells me he can line us up for a gig at the Cambridge late November/early December, so that should be awesome too, anyway, better run, just a quick update, Porxee, how is your head? Andy, u little maggot, how was yur first time in Newy? Elke, hope u jhad a good night, im sure u did, hahahaha same message for someone else, he knows who he is... ok im gone, trying to work out a good place to take Rikki tonight, fuck im a doughy bastard, cant come up with a thing... hahaha bye

Wednesday, 17th October, 19:45 2001

Ok, have got Porxee, Elke, Owasan and Packer over, just having a few pre-going out drinks, before we go out on the town for Porxees 18th... not sure where we r going, nor what to say, Andy is forcing me to write this, cause he is a fucken cock sucking faggot... Porxee says "im 18, and fucken ecstatic", Packer says "Yippykiay muthafucka", Elke says "i dunno", Andy says "im a poofter", hahahahaha... he really said "lets all get drunk"... ummm... not sure what else to say, we have to go soon, guess how many pubs porxee and andy will get kicked out of? ok we r out of here... catch ya...

Wednesday, 10th October, 12:20 2001

New guestbook is up and running, so go sign it fucker... haha... ok, sitting at uni, listening to System Of A Down, wasting time, waiting for 3 for my next lecture, hahaha... might go grab some uni wedges or something... they r awesome... going down to the shack tonight with Lewis, Porxee, possibly some of Lewis's mates, possibly Emily and some of her friends too.. possibly Nick, Beau, and also Rikki hopefully... who knows though, hahaha thats alot of "possiblies" isnt it... we shall see.. im still going out to the shack, even though i have a bloody maths lecture at 9 tomorrow morning, we shall see how i handle it, hehe.. dont think i shall be drinking any alcoholic beverages... just chilling and watching the other maggots i guess... did a bit more odd tinkering on the homepage, added a secret page, see if u can find the link to it somewhere in the site, noone has been successful yet... anyway, back to wasting time for me... later

Tuesday, 9th October, 19:00 2001

We played our first show with Phil as guitarist on the weekend, which was pretty fucken awesome, i thought we did pretty damn well (if i do say so myself) no major fuck ups, (just the odd small ones from me, big surprise) but otherwise it was awesome, cant wait for the photos of it to come back, and also looking forward to playing at Porxees 18th party which is on November 10. So yeah, he turns 18 in approx 6 days, so thats a bit of a shock for the pubs in Newy. They wont know what hit them. Ive updated my info page, and should be updateing the picture page finally with pictures from the October 6th show at Packer's, aswell as photos from one of our jams, (23rd September i think) which ill be gettign scanned in tomorrow.. so yeah.. about time i updated, if i get the chance tonight, i shall go and redo the guestbook too, so there should be new questions and all that bollocks for anyone who cares... anyway, Uni has started up again, so that sucks a big one, but what can u do? not much... later

Wednesday, 19th September, 15:12 2001

Ok stil havent done the Software engineering assignment that i previously mentioned that i got a one week extension on, it is now due in 2 days, hahahaa fucken im a bludging lazy piece of shit, but yeah, i just want the holidays to come in now... wash it all away, hahaha... hey there to Stef and Vicki if they r reading this, good to see, umm... Andy, you r still a poo pishing 8-ball sinking hoebag hussy bitch, and matt, stop whinging u big girl, hahahaha... Ok, play at Packers 18th party in approx 2 weeks time, so im looking forward to that, everyone better be there to watch us. haha... having a shocked of a day today, fucken accidently locked the keys in the car at uni, which is... in a few words.... FUCKING ANNOYING!!! so yeah im a tad agitated right now... trying to avoid this assignment that i have to do...i thik i might go to the bar, yeah fuck it, go have a beer, hahaha... anyway, im off now, got soccer presso this weekend, and a party/get together at an unnamed friends house, and hopefully do something on friday night with a certain someone, so yeah, ill speak to u all later, oh yeah, also going out on the town tonight with Jerry, so i think we r gonna do the very classy "drink goon bag at wyee station" and then head into town and drink $2 schooners from customs house, hahahaha later

Thursday, 13th September, 15:12 2001

Ok, sitting at uni listening to the debut Chimaira cd, and its fucken awesome... awaiting for its release in December... just found out that my assignment that was due in tomorrow (that i hadnt done by the way) has been given an extension to next friday, fucken sick... so now i can have a good bludge, hehe... been a while since i updated... the abnd is going pretty cool, gotta decide what we are doing soon, cause we got a gig at Joe's Garage in gosford in about 2 weeks, but we can play due to matt being a dogs cock and going camping, but we still have Packers party in the first week of October, so hopefully some of u will come to see us at that one... Porxee turns 18 in October too, so the women of the world will have to look out in the pubs, they wont know what hit them. Umm... have been going to the shack to get pissed quite a lot lately... Porxee the little stoner, lewis and his mates the vodka alcos, and to Lewis's older sister, tell us a scory about bombory, hahahahahaha.... things r looking up in my life at th emoment, so everything is cool (except the uni workload, but when is that ever actually good?).. Tomorrow night we (Porxee and i) r going to the shack etc to get drunk again, joined by lewis, eimly and some of her friends, and possibnly Rikki (hopefully), so yeah, umm... im outta here, later

Tuesday, 21st August, 23:08 2001

Cunt? ok then, a bit hs been going on, stupid uni as usual, same old shit, playing in the soccer grand final in 2 weeks time, which should be cool. Missed out on seeing Fantomas in sydney last saturday due to soccer. Ummm... organising trip to coffs harbour at the end of the year again, so hopefully things work out this time. Our band has a "gig" coming up, hahaha well a party, for Little Packer's 18th, which is in about 5 weeks time or something... so that is exciting (for e anyway, everyone else seems like "oh..", dickheads). I updated the friends page for Nick and Porxee, also am thinking of making a new part to the page going on about our idiotic escapades around where we live here in Eraring, but not sure about it yet, i am feeling keen though, anyway, im off, later

Sunday, 5th August, 18:31 2001

Fuck its been a while. Got the computer back now, after it sorta kinda caught fire a while back there... just havent been fucked updating, but here it is, cause im bored shitless... started up uni again now, which is going ok... saw Tool the other week, the best fucken show that i have ever seen!!!! a religious experience.... it was fucken so good... got photos back from it (due to sneaking the fucker in) but they r a bit dark, can see maynard's silhouette alright, hahahaha so i might try to scan some of them in if i ever get a chance... not much else going on, the band is still jamming quite well... Matt is constantly whinging about mnot wanting to do covers anymore, yet when i say "ok lets write an original" he gets the shits, figure that one out???? Rowan is hardly ever there, but not his fault, he has some recital thing he is in... and Phil, he seems always keen, although i get quite disturbed at the way he eyes off my chickens... especially the little bantam ones... hahahahahaha other then that, just been going out on weekends, fucking around, friday night was a top night, very random, so at the moment all seems cool...

Tuesday, 26th June, 10:38 2001

Ok, just finished my Elec 180 test, piece of piss... only worth 20% and was open book too, hahaha good shit... ok then, gathering a list of songs that people wanna play in the band... not sue if Phil has joined us yet, hes still the jam man though, lets hope... Ummm.... have been a complete maggot whilst getting drunk lately... wont say anymore on that subject. Andy's 18th is tomorrow!! happy bday andy if i dont update this tomorrow (most likely i wont), also Elke's 19th on friday, and Nick's 20th saturday, fucken hell.... hapy birthday to each of them too... i suppose there is the most hype for andy cause hes been whinging about not being 18 for so long, yes we all know u r a whining little bitch Andy, although u seem to be proud of it? To Emma, who so pedanticly picked out a spelling mistake, or misinterpretation of lyrics at the top of one of the pages, no im not gonna change it, u can live with it bugging u... unlucky... Packer u pissed bastard, if u ever read this, i smashed u in UT, and u r lucky we were ont he same side in D2. So here i am trying to waste 50 minutes till i meet Joel and Nath in the bar... jeez.... boy am i gonna speak a lot of shit... nah fuck it. To Phil (aka the sack master) iof u ever read this, then go dowse someones sack in vinegar u dirty bastard... hahahaha c ya yeah ijust went through and updated a shitload of bits on the pages, like stuff in friends section, page titles, updated band page a bit, by removing nick finally, hahaha... ok c ya

Thursday, 14th June, 12:15 2001

Alright, just finished my physics exam, am at uni trying to burn some time till i meet packer at the bar... physics test was ok... had to bullshit my way through a fair few conceptual questions though.. it happens... umm... after the bar, I think Packer and I shall be going into newy to check some shit out, im gonna buy some shit including the Dry Kill Logic cd... Packer is just wasting time till his training later tonight. Ummmm... damn maths exam on saturday, so i miss out on going out this weekend, aswell as missing out on playing soccer. Gay shit, but it happens.. not much else to say, just trying to fill in time. Elke, u r a bitch (just trying to get a reaction, and a guestbook signing), Andy u rape goats, Nick find that mic, Rowan buy a mic cord, Matt stop being a pansy cunt, Porxee the cd sodomiser, and Caine the sexually deprived perverted gimp who hunts 15-year olds, hahahahaha arent we all though?

Wednesday, 13th June, 22:39 2001

Nothing to say here as usual, just updatign it to keep the whining maggots like elke happy... i have an advanced physics test on tomorrow, FUCK... hahaha jeez... gotta do well, should be ok though i think... umm... listneing to plenty of Chimaira and Dry Kill Logic lately... awesome stuff... and got out the old slipknot cd too, haha havent listened to it for ages, love the song Purity, awesome... ummm... not much else to say, except Andy, almost your bday mate, no need to strive for a fakie anymore.. and oh yeah, Andy, i smashed u in almost all tables on Epic now... just cant get u in fucken crash and burn, piece of shit, who the fuck gets 3 billion? hahahahah ok later

Monday, 11th June, 21:33 2001

Bored shitless... ignoring study, im fucked, hahahaha.... as u can tell... not much is happening right now, hence im in here typing out some bullshit. Umm... cant wait for the tests to be over.. they r sitting in the back of my mind like some mother fucka.... anyway, apart from that, not much going on, first test is on thursday, a physics one, can u spell Cunt? ok enough of my bullshit, Andy, make sure u turn on channel 20 man... its the Basil thrashing the car with a shrubbery episode!!! fucken awesome!!! hahahahahaha

Sunday, 10th June, 20:28 2001

Hey... long time since ive updated this, i would be lying if i said it was cause i was too busy, im just a lazy fuck... my hands r cold, and its making it hard to type, haha what a piece of shit.. anyway, its been a while since updating, a lot has gone on... went to see Pantera on May 15., and it fucken kicked ass!!! very awesome, umm... am on Stuvac for uni right now, which is ok, doing plenty of "pretending" to study, which is fucked, but yeah... there u go, umm... still getting bass lessons, am broke too... and we had a jam with Phil James last sunday, which was pretty damn awesome, played a few songs but mainly concentrated on Tool's "Sober" and "Stinkfist" which sounded fucken good... he hasnt decided wether or not he is joining us yet, to take up the guitar position, but he wants to jam again soon after our uni tests, which should be in about 2 weeks time... umm... not much else to say, except ive been flogged too many times in the last few weeks, so a quiet one tonight for sure.. later oh yeash, updated "about me" bit aswell...

Wednesday, 25th April, 22:14 2001

God damn i was soooo drunk last night, a top night all round i believe... good way to take out your angers and shit, hahaha, cheers to Packer, Matt, Beau, Lewis and Porxee for coming out, good shit. Highlights of what i remember, is Porxee greening out, the poor bastard, thats right man, you use that concrete pillar for a pillow, nice move... Packer u keep on sculling your bourbon u dirty bastard!!, hahaha and Matt, i know u wanted to watcgh baywatch when u got home, but were too tired, jeez... u musta been very tired to miss that, i know how u feel, hahahaha... anyway, after being a complete fucken tool last night, a major drunken idiot, i dont have much else to say, i payed for it today, cause i still feel like shit, had a bass lesson too, which was very cool, working some shit out. Ummmmm... Still working everything out with the whole guitarist situation, Matt is going into town with him tonight to sort things out and talk about what he wants to do etc... anyway, im damn tired, gotta go get some beauty sleep, fuck knows i need it, hahaha, speak to u later... bye

Saturday, 21st April, 11:57 2001

Hey, not sure if anyone reads this anymore... so i dont know why im writing here, most likely for myself, not anyone else, but yeah, going to see Operation Lager play tonight, which should be pretty cool, then going to a party at Katie's house, dont think ill drink or anything, not in the best of moods for that sorta thing, also have tests and shit next week at uni, that i have done absoulutly fuck all for.. shattered dreams... feeling a tad seedy from last night, an alright night, good to see everyone out, i was pretty fucken flogged, i just wanna say that the bay car park is a quite comfy and hospitible place to sleep in your car to sleep the booze off, and yeah, anyway, birthday is in a week, excitement plus... pffft... fuck it, speak to u all later, all 0 of u, bye

Tuesday, 17th April, 21:33 2001

Marnie had a party last night, which was pretty cool, good to see porxee, lewis, packer and rowan pissing it up with the rest of them... and cheers to beau for coming... good shit... Nick and Al... where did u 2 get to? i remember speaking to u on the net nick, but not sure of the reasons or whatever etc etc... i was pretty fucken drunk... wake up with all bruises on my arms from climbing this stump/tree near the chicken shed, fucken drunken idiot... also thanks to beau for helping me and porxee break the hammock whilst sitting on it... my back still hasnt recovered, hahahahaha... anyway apart from all the drunken antics last night, not much is happening, on holidays at the moment, so im enjoying that, trying to bludge as much as possible, but i think ill go into work the next few days cause i need dosh (as u may all know by now...), also have bass lesson tomorrow, which is pretty cool. Ummmmmmm... not much else to say, apart from the party this weekend, good shit, and hope everyone had a good easter or whatever u celebrate... c ya

Friday, 13th April, 22:44 2001

Just a quick message to Porxee.... i was haaaaaaaaaalf a semi.... haaaaaaaaalf a mongroul!!

Friday, 13th April, 00:32 2001

Ok, having a top night so far, just started holidays from uni, which is awesome! bout time we got a break, not that people who do "construction management" need a break... right Jerry? u bludging fuckwit, hahahaha... Saw Mark Of Cain last night, sooo fucken good, an awesome show, well worth it, then drove Ben, Nick, Beau and Jerry out to the Brewers after that, ended up getting home and going to bed at 3:30 in the morning, and having to get up at 6 in order to go to uni, yeah... im fucken tired, which is why im gonna head off soon... Ummm.. had my first bass lesson yesterday too, so i have commenced on the road to hopeful self-betterment, hahaha if that is such a word... but otherwise, everything in my world is slowly pulling itself together, happy easter i suppose to anyone who cares about all that, so yeah... umm... enough outta me, except apparently Matt spoke to Adam Janek (hope i spelt that right) and he is our new guitarist.... apparently, more talk happening in the near future... anyway, i feel like im sitting in a car and its rolling backwards... but im not, so its time to get some sleep, catch ya...

Tuesday, 10th April, 14:39 2001

No shit, same time as last news effort, good shit... Going to see Mark Of Cain tomorrow at the uni, should be fucken tops... i think jerad is going with me, not sure if nick or beau are aswell... havent heard from them... umm... Pantera tickets r now on sale, $60, but u get to see corrosion of conformity as well as segression opening for them, should be awesome... ummm.... in a bit of a confused state the last few days, trying to work some shit out, matt is working hard, good to see, raking in the dosh, i haver even been to work the last 2 days, hahahaha, u know im desperate for money when that happens.... i dont have much else to say, except if u wanna have a few beers, come over to my joint thursday night, thats about it, hahaha... c ya...

Sunday, 8th April, 14:39 2001

Hey, still no news on the guitarist situation, still trying to get in contact with the fucker about it all... umm... Uni is going alright, except for the fact that i havent had the chance to work, hence i am now a poor bastard, but im going in to work tomorrow to try to rake up some dosh... especially with some good cds coming out soon, and with fucken Mark of Cain playing this wednesday, and Pantera playign in May, so i need money hardcore!!... Got pretty damn drunk the last 2 nights, had a fucken top weekend, now back to uni and work, fucken hell, good to see that holidays r coming up... only for a week though! oh well, better then nothing i suppose. Ok, not much else to say except, Katie, that message was from jerad not me!!, Matt, u drunk bastard, convincing chicks to show u their underwear in the streets!, Jerad, hope u didnt get raped by those gangs of Aboriginals on the train on the way home, Nick, what the fuck happened to u last night? where were u? and why was your mum calilng my house this morning wondering where the fuck u r, hahahaha.... there u go, not much else to say just yet... ill try to be a bit more efficient with the news updates yeah, and one last message to porxee, top fucken find about the double n dimethyltriptamine mate, tops...

Sunday, 25th March, 21:46 2001

Got some big news today, we seem to have found our new guitarist!!!... I wont say too much yet, until everything is finalised, but yeah, at the moment it looks as if we r complete again.. top shit, so yeah im pretty hyped about it. Umm.. happy birthday to Matt tomorrow... big 19 year old cunt, hahaha... i dont have much else to say except, Andy, throw in the fuzzy dice and ill definately think about it.... hahahahaahahaha desperate piece of shit.

Wednesday, 7th March, 20:42 2001

Updated the contact page to fit us better. If anyone wants to go onto the friends page, like anyone who isnt on there, and wants on, then let me know, and get me the info... I dont have much to say otherwise... just bored shitless... and i cant be fucked going and doing uni work. Otherwise only happenings r with looking for guitarist, got another possiblilty, that im trying to talk into it... he sounded kinda interested, not sure, but if i can get him, it will be fucken awesome, however he has a record of not wanting to.. hahaha. Uni is going alright... although the beers there r too frothy, haha, right Packer? hahaha... and they also cause u to miss half of the lectures.... anyway, thats about it.

Thursday, 1st March, 18:10 2001

Ok,... Andy i finally updated your info, i got it right this time man... ok, we r still looking for guitarist, i have 2 particulars up my sleeve at the moment, but we shall see what happens... Matt, u seedy gimp, get a job, hahaha... Im at Uni at the moment, and it is pretty cool, dont mind it at all... Im not sure why i am updating this, cause i really dont have much to say, ummmm...... Karl, keep up the teaching to that guy named Dimebag and that other guy named Kerry, hahahahaha, u fucken froth.... and Porxee wants to let everyone know, that he didnt mean to break Lewis's leg, and that his leg is better now anyway... ok, thats enough of my crap...

Wednesday, 21st February, 14:24 2001

Yep, im feeling pretty up for updating the page today, updated the friends page, well andy's bit anyway, so i hope he will stop whinging, and give e some decent answers for it. Also updated my info on the about me bit for anyone who cares. Anyway, we still dont have a guitarist, we r checking into 2 new posibilites that have arisen, so it is pretty exciting and cool. I start Uni in a week, which is even more exciting, but kinda fucken scary too, plenty of damn good chicks at uni though, so Jerad is happy with that. Umm... i got my wisdom teeth taken out last thursday, which was pretty fucked, bloody painful, looked like a chipmunk for the last week, and been stuck with eating mushed up food, and soup. Anyway, enough of my griping... random news section, greg has been keeping up his standards of being a drunken froth. Packer is the master at playing drunken rugby, and injuring himself, hahaha. Speaking of being drunk and injuring people, yes, Lewis's broken leg has now healed, thanx to porxee for breaking it for him. Good luck finding a job Matt, and good luck to Eggy and Andy starting uni in sydney... good luck to any people starting any type of education and shit like that, anyway, im just talking crap now, im off, later.... go download and listen to some mudvayne

Tuesday, 6th February, 20:07 2001

Ok, where to start...a sad day.... Nick, i know u will read this going "fuck he was quick to put this up", but im urged to write in the news section today, be it a month or so since i last have, anyway, Nick left the band today, so good luck to him, it is understandable if thats what he wants to do. As for the 3 of us, we r working out what we r doing now, and possibly going to have to seek for a new guitarist, so yeah, thats about it on that front. Packer, if u r reading this, we shall not be playing at your party for obvious reasons, makes sense.... anyway, thats all i have to say, except i am getting bass lessons soon, so yeah, thats it, later

Tuesday, 9th January, 0:47 2001

God damn, it is early but I cant sleep, so i decided to fix up and work out some shit on my page, such as the new guestbook, with all new shithouse questions... and the swanky looking counter that i upgraded, hehehe... so go sign the guestbook cunts, especially u No Frills... anyway, news... news... umm... my oldies are going away for 10 days starting tomorrow, which is some good shit. News on the band, we jammed on sunday, which was pretty cool, getting everything tight and together, even though Rowan couldnt join us, after he missed about 4 trains. A quick message to jerad, SLIP IT INAHHHHH. hahaha, On another note, im all psyched for Big Day Out, and im hoping Nick gets his ticket soon, or else im going to be a nigel there... unless Hamish gets back from overseas soon... anyway, im rambling, cause its late at night, and im bored shitless.... later

Wednesday, 3rd January, 20:44 2001

hey, i know it has been fucken ages since i updated this, but i am feeling that today i can be bothered to actually do something on here... hehe... umm... i finally got my new bass... a custom 5 string Ibanez... and have plenty of pictures of the band jamming, and me and friends just doing randomly idiotic things to put up.. so yeah thats that, i am broke.. so yeah, if anyone wants to conveniently contribute to the "get bon out of debt" fund, then please go ahead, hope everyone had a good christmas, and a good new years, and to porxee... who will most likely not be on the net, or speak to me, or see anyone ever again... u poor bastard... u fucken idiot... hahahahaha, jeez... ok, im off, ill update with pictures and shit as soon as we can go to nicks dads school next, and oh yeah, i think we r jamming in the next few days, as well as sundays... so we r finally looking as if to pull our fingers out, (also news of possible parties to play at, my sister is having one at the end of these holidays she wants us at... and also Packer's 20th party in February... ok, im outta here)

Wednesday, 25th October, 12:37 2000

ok... we r jamming this sunday... or else rowan leaves... thats pretty much the ultimatum thats been given, so im guessing we r jamming for sure then, we fucken better... umm... im going down to rowans tonight to try to write a song with him... and also going to jam with alan during the day today, which should be cool, cause thats always fun... umm... oh yeah, good luck to my cousins and friends who r doing the hsc... it will all be over soon... umm... oh yeah, i need one definite, possibly 2 or 3 people who wanna come on a trip to coffs harbour at the end of the year, haha... everyone is starting to dog it on me... which sucks... ok.. umm... Porxee... if u ever read this... F4... u know what it means.. ok then, im gone, bye

Sunday, 22nd October, 19:56 2000

yep... im obviously bored shitless... cause im updating this thing... anyway, not much is happening at all... I put money down on a new bass im paying for, its a 5 string custom Ibanez... which i think is awesome... or else i wouldnt be shelling out such a fucken amount of money... anyway.. umm... didnt jam today, cause matt didnt get in touch with us.. which is fucked.. so we didnt get to jam... umm... we r learning a cover of the classic Chili Peppers song "Suck My Kiss" which should be very cool, and also doing a cover of the classic Operation Lager song (from their vintage days) called "Fists Of Fury" (for more details on what the song is about.... just message Greg, he will enjoy telling u about it im sure, hahahaha) umm... Nick is mr dvd at the moment... i havent worked in the last week and a half.... not much else to say... except to pull your fucken thumb out...

Wednesday, 20th September, 20:43 2000

ok, I know its been fucken ages, but what can ya do yeah? anyway... umm.. nothing much happening, working, bludging, thats about it. We have been working on an original the past few jams... thats if we can get everyone at a jam with all their equipment sometime soon, hahaha... ok, enough of my shit.. not much to say actually... good luck to elke, andy and matt, and whoever else i forgot who r doing their hsc soon.. umm.. Nick... i want my Staind cd back, hehehe... Andy, seen any "Hadoukens" lately? hahahahaha, ok, enough of my shit, im only writing here, cause of elkes whining and whinging in the guestbook, so yeah, go sign it, NOW, we r jamming this sunday, thats if everyone can be bothered and make it as i said b4, ok, im outta here, later

Friday, 18th August, 22:56 2000

Hey all. We got a gig coming up, eeeeeexcellent... we are playing at some chicks party in about 2 weeks time. I think it is like the 1st or 2nd of September, its a saturday night, so go figure.... Anyway, it should be pretty cool. Thanx to Gregory of Operation Lager fame for getting us that gig... oh yeah, speaking of op lager, go hassle greg to buy Operation Lager shirts, they kick ass... and are cheap too!!!, a bargain.. anyway.. We are finally jamming tomorrow... thanx to Matt having finally fucken finishing his trial exams, so now that shit is over, we can get on with things. Speaking of Matt, he ikes to think of himself as the "Twankage" master, hahahahahahaha, or so he reminds us when he is drunk (especially twankage on top hey matt??). Nick, whose brain is fried, nothing much to say about him. Rowan, hahaha, u mexican wrestler u, my burrito is bigger than yours, hahaha. Nothing else to say. So go sign the guestbook, haha. Later

Friday, 11th August, 0:26 2000

yep, as usual, nothing interetsing is happening in my life. A big happy birthday to Katie and Stuart who both turned 18 within the last week, good shit!! And Katie's party is tonight, which i shall be attending, but not for long, due to grand final on saturday. Umm.. I am now savign up for a new bass amp.. possible Ampeg, SWR, or Mesa Boogie head, who knows, they r fucken expensive, ummm.. Nick finally got a job, about fucken time u fucken bum!!! We are having a jam tomorrow, me, Nick and Joel Smith i think... And Matt promised us a jam on sunday, so the band can have a good old jam, about fucken time... Rowan has put us down to play at a festival that his tafe is organising ont he central coast in november.. should be pretty cool, and yeah, i think thats all there is to say right now, i am guessing im wasting my time, cause i dont think anyone reads this anyway, hahaha... c ya

Thursday, 3rd August, 21:27 2000

Ok, not much been happening, not much at all... Ive been working pretty hardcore, raking in the dosh, soccer, final on this weekend... and Hopefully the band will be jamming on sunday, now that Matt had his hsc trial test today. Umm... Me, Nick and Rowan sat down on sunday night at Rowan's house, and we actually started work on an original, very fucken nice, we r very impressed, very epic sounding, we wrote heaps, and it is just the intro, hehehe.. who knows what will happen with it. Anyway, not much else to say.. so im off, yeah, later... oh yeah, one last thing, to the fucker, Mikey, hahaha, i know who u are cunt, keep on signing the guestbook, not only does it raise my hit counter, but it provides me and my friends with a lot of humour, to what is normally a shit boring guestbook, cheers!!

Monday, 24th July, 21:13 2000

Fuck, its been a while, well, too bad, I'm updating now, I was inspired to do so by a certain No Frills Coke (Owasan), ok... Umm... sounds to me that Katie and Stuart are calling their party off, FUCK DAMNIT. This means not only can we not get pissed and celebrate their bdays, but also we have no where to play as a band in the future at the time being. So yeah, send email to Katie or Stuart to convince them to put their party back on!! and to find somewhere to have it!!. ok. Umm.. lets see... not much else happening, Rowan is spending all his money on cigarettes and other drugs instead of on fixing his fucken amps and getting a microphone chord, well done Rowe!! hahaha, Matt is at home studying away, and too busy learnign songs for his trials to jam right now, and Nick....fuck....what can i say there, hahahaha, I think i wont say anything, except, Nick.... NEVER ever trust any men in clubs with the name Simon, and who wait for you outside the toilets ok, hahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha. Enough said. Umm.. and that leaves me. Not much to say about me, I had about 2 weeks off work, did jack shit, went out with Nick and Joel Smith which was very cool... and i am now working again.. So thats about it.. nothing much else to say, except hopefully i can be fucked to update this page more... c ya round. Later

Sunday, 9th July, 22:24 2000

Ok, fair bit to say today... My oldies have been out of town for the last week with my sister, so i have had the place to myself for that time, which was damn cool, even though i was only "alone" for about 8 hours, due to constant friends/relatives/friends of relatives dropping by. But all in all it was damn cool. We finally played our first "gig" at Elke's 18th, and we kicked some arse if i must say so, hahaha. It was awesome, except for a few things. Firstly, Elke, when u introduce a band, there r 4 people in it, not just your two cousins. Secondly, Elke, You dont get up and dedicate songs to yourself, as you did twice, hahahaha. Ummm... Nick and Alan had some shit stolen from Nick's car, which sucked arse, sorry to hear about that shit happening boys... Anyway, back to the band, we played for about 30-40 minutes, and i loved every second of it, it was mad!! My cousin Michael got it on video, but we had to edit some parts out (before abnd after the band playing) due to a certain cousin of mine who was extremely maggot, (good one Owasan, try not to pass out in those storage rooms lying on a vacuum cleaner ok buddy?). Anyway, a big thanx to Stuart who lent me his amp to use for the night, good shit man... Umm... Yeha thats about it... I dont wanna mention any more names, cause 2 certain people get real nervous and thinmk they will get stalked whenever their names are mentioned, yeah, thats right, u both know who u r, anyway, good shit, speak to u all later, hopefully we get someplace else to play soon, HINT HINT...hahaha

Wednesday, 28th June, 20:48 2000

Ok, no shit, it's been ages since I updated, my bad... Umm... whats been happening, Happy Birthday to Andy, who turned 17 yesterday, and a big happy birthday to both Elke (who turns 18 tomorrow!!) and Nick (who turns 19 the day after tomorrow). Nick and I are at "the school" right now, and Nick's about to get his arse kicked.... We are all getting hyped up for playing at Elke's party, it should go off!!! Only worry is Matt not learning all the songs in time... Damn drummers... Anyway... Nick has some input tonight, it goes as "Hello, I shred on guitar" hahahaha. Umm.. possibly getting some extra speakers and fallbacks or something like that (thats what Nick said, well... i wasnt paying much attention at the time... so that sounds alright..) for Elke's party. Not much else to say except i need sleep real bad... and Matt Moore, hahaha, the Hilux kicked your arse in the maccas drivethrough!!

Sunday, 18th June, 22:41 2000

Ok, the word of the day is FUCK. We were supposed to jam today at my house, but things got totally stuffed up. Firstly, Nick was hung over, yet would be able to make it for the jam... Rowan couldn't get to my house cause of CityRail's fucked up trackwork, so all times were changed, and Matt couldnt get to my house, so it all stuffed up didnt it!!!. Piece of crap. Anyway, on the brighter side of things, we have a list of songs that we are going to learn for Elke's 18th, I wont release any names just yet, as we are still working it all out, but yeah, check back whenever and i might put them up, thats if anyone gives a shit about them anyway, hahaha. Umm... I learnt Sober (Tool) fully today, and also learnt My Hero (Foo Fighters) today, which is a damn good song, hehehe. So even though we didnt jam, it was pretty constructive for me. Ummm...... NEW DEFTONES ALBUM COMES OUT TOMORROW!!! I am very excited about this one... I've been waiting for so long, and finally the day is here, anyway, sorry to those who asked to be put ont he friends page and i havent done it yet, i shall get around to it as soon as possible ok, c ya all....

Saturday, 10th June, 22:50 2000

��������������� FUCK I AM PISSED OFF. Bloody news page got replaced by my old "copy" from when i first made the thing back in March. FUCK, so u all miss out on the last 3 months of news...yeah big shit, who cares. Hello to Mr Hurt (Lachlans dad) and Mrs Kate (Lachlans g/f's mum) who visited my page recently, Umm... yeah, sorry that u found this place. Anyway, we are jamming tomorrow at Matt's house. We were supposed to learn Sober (Tool), but Nick didnt learn it the lazy piece of shit, hehehee, nah, not his fault (or is it??). SO yeah, we are going to get some original's work done tomorrow, which should be DAMN cool. Ok, umm... in pointless news. The other night Nick wore a fucken little girls dress, thinking it was a trendy fucken 80's shirt, until we realised that the bits sticking out of his stomach, were meant for his hips. not a pretty site. UMm... thanks to Nick for pulling the car over in time last night. Your front seat was not tarnished in any way thanx to my forewarning, hahahaha. Matt got to see Ben Harper on Wednesday, you bastard. We have our first "gig" coming up, in case u didnt know, it will be either at Nicks 19th, or at Elke's 18th. Who knows... we might get up and play a few songs at Nick's... Anyway, i am speaking for myself here, we havent all talked it over. Umm... A shitload of pictures are up, enjoy.... or don't, i dont care. And also, pictures have gone up in the "Friends" section of my friends/family that i have pictures of. Ok, c ya later. Oh yeah, before i go, i apologise to all those people who were on my friends page, and who arent at the moment, when that pager got replaced by the old one, the old version of the friends page didnt have u on it, so if u wanna get back onto the page, then send me all the details again, and ill get it back in as soon as possible ok, sorry about that, lets all blame it on my lack of knowledge, and Nick's forceful hand. ahhahahaha.


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