No band at the moment. Stop reading this. Its all fucked!

my band

Bon Scevak - Bass

Rowan Cowley - Vocals

Matt Scevak - Drums

Phil James - Guitar

gigs to date

Elke's 18th - Elemore Vale Hall, June/July 2000 (original lineup, Nick - guitar, Bon - bass, Rowan - vocals, Matt - drums)

Little Packer's 18th - Packer Residence, Bonnell's Bay, October 6th 2001 (late lineup, Phil - guitar, Bon - bass, Rowan - vocals, Matt - drums)

Porxee's 18th - Porxee's House, Eraring, November 2001 (late lineup, Phil - guitar, Bon - bass, Rowan - vocals, Matt - drums)

Marnie's 18th - Bon's House, Eraring, 1st February 2002 (late lineup, Phil - guitar, Bon - bass, Rowan - vocals, Matt - drums)

I suppose I've always wanted to be in a band. I can't speak for the others...but I always have. And for the last few years I've wanted to start one up, but never got around ot it, or couldn't play an instrument (which i still can't), or we couldn't find the right person, but this time around, things seem to be working. This started off a few weeks ago, I think around the end of February, Nick (guitarist) and I have known each other for a fair while, went to school with each other, and we had been talking about being in a band for ages. But the problem was that we both played guitar, and we didn't know a singer or bass player. I had been working for a while and saved up a bit of dosh, so i went out and bought a BC Rich Warlock Bass guitar, and so there was the two of us bass and guitar. I started talking with my cousin Matt, who i knew played drums, and god damn he played them well. He was talking about how he had bought a new set, which overall for his whole kit cost him about $8000. Matt was already in a band, with his mates from his school, but he was getting pissed off with them, cause they never practised or got anywhere, even though they were a great band. So Matt agreed to come with us. Next task was a singer.....I had known Rowan for about 2 years, after my parents made me change schools, and I had heard hiim sing heaps of times, all thoguthout English, writing lyrics, and he was in a band with our other friends, which was a sick arsed band, their name was Roy Shiner. I was speaking to Rowan on the net about the band, asking him, since he was a singer, if he knew any other singers who needed a band. Rowan thougth about it, then told us he wanted to be in it with us, even though he was already in another band. Now Rowan has an awesome voice, so we took him on immediately, but some sad news came in just the other day, Roy Shiner is no more....Apparently they all had different commitments, some going to uni in sydney, others tafe etc etc. So Rowan is only singing for us now, but he is doing some side projects with a friend of ours, Cammo. We have an Mp3 of Cammo and Rowan having a bit of a jam together here. Download It. (Rowan is singing and playing guitar).

������� Ok, so that is how we came to be. Our band doesnt actually have a name yet, everyone is still throwing around a lot of ideas, but nothing seems to come out for everyone. Like Nick will have an idea, but only he will like it, or someone will hate it, and so on. So we are still searching for a good name. So far the only good thoughts from us band members have been these :

Home Circumcision

Zeke and the Bearded Ladies

Jacksie Driver

Penis Extension

The Dirty Arabs

Ruining Other Peoples Lives With Your Penis

Rear and Pleasant Danger

Witness To Prostitution





������� Ok, there you if you have an idea, then go to our guestbook, and have your say. The band is havig our first get together this friday night (24th March) at my house. No Instruments though, just a piss up, cause I am the only one who knows all members, wheer as, Nick has met Rowan and Matt, but doesnt know them too well...and Rowan and Matt have never met. So hopefully being in a drunken stupor will get everyone to become good friends, and hopefully we will be able to do some awesome shit as a band. Who knows......Anyway...Ok, here is a list of some possible songs that we are looking at playing-

Champion - Grinspoon

Sickfest - Grinspoon

Sliver - Nirvana

Nosebleed - Deftones

Birthmark - Deftones

7 Words - Deftones

Whip It - Devo

Spiders - System Of A Down

Sugar - System Of A Down

Gentle Art Of Making Enemies - Faith No More (If Nick can find decent tabs of it)

I'll put in the full list of others later...they are just the main ones for now. And we aren't going to be a covers band....we are just playing these as we start off, so that we can get tight, and used to each other, timing, shit like that.


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