Make Your Own Pooh Bear

Felt Pooh Bear

You can make your very own Pooh felt bear by following our simple instructions. Basic sewing skills are required. So if you can sew and have a little patience, this is the craft for you.

You will need some felt (1 square foot will be surely enough), some stuffing material (polyester fibers are the best) some thread (matching color with the felt and some black thread too for the features of the face), some black beads, and some time to do the project.

First of all, print out the felt pieces outline below. You can click here to view the outline in a separate window in order for you to print it. You may want to enlarge the outline if you wish by photocopying it, but it is not required to do so.

Cut out the outlines from above and place on top of felt pieces. Cut out the felt pieces, following the outlines. For each outline shape, cut out the felt the number of times written on the outline shape (for example, you need two felt pieces of the "body" outline).

Once all the felt pieces have been cut out, you can start sewing the head pieces together as followed. Place the side of head pieces together, then you want to place the top of head piece between the top muzzle part of the previous two pieces. Make sure you don't sew up the whole head or not you won't be able to stuff the head! Look at diagram on the right.

To stitch the felt pieces together, use this basic looping stitch.

When you've sewn the head pieces correctly, stuff the head with the stuffing like this. -->

 To sew on the ears, use the technique from above. 

To finish off the head, sew the bottom ends together like this...

Next, sew and stuff the remaining body and limbs according to the diagrams.

When you've completed all of the above, you'll have a head, a body, two arms, and two legs. Now, you'll have to connect all the parts together.

To connect the head and the body...

The rest of the limbs will similarly be joined...

When all the parts have been assembled, you can sew on beads for eyes, and stitch on a nose and mouth.

And voil�! You should have yourself your very own Pooh bear! If you wish, you can add a red shirt, eyebrows, other clothes, etc. Anything you can think of and make. And once again, here is a picture of the finished product. Click on the picture to see a larger version of it if you like.

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