Who are we?
And why are we here?

This site was originally dreamt up by the DePauw University Media Fellows class of 2003.  In the Fall semester of our freshman year, we were assigned to think up what the ideal site for getting middle-schoolers involved with politics would look like.  The class divided into groups and each developed their own section of this site.  At that point, it was all hypothetical.  However, as interest and enthusiasm for the project grew, our professor, Dr. Glenda Balas, also grew more enthused, and decided (with input from students) that this project should become reality.  Dr. Balas chose four students from the class -- Stan Jastrzebski, Natalie Deer, Renita Leichty, and Charlie Carlin -- to oversee the project.  Through the end of the Fall semester, and now into the Spring, we have been hard at work tweaking, editing, making pretty and just generally putting together what you now see before you. This site has been the cumulative effort of months of hard work, and we hope that you appreciate and enjoy it. Please send all comments, criticisms, and love letters to [email protected] -- we welcome your input.

Thanks and enjoy!!
(click on a name to see more about us!)

Stan Jastrzebski, Web Maestro

Natalie Deer, Design Babe

Renita Leichty, HTML Chick

Charlie Carlin, Copy Dude

Glenda Balas, Groovy Advisor

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(c) 2000 Politeens

No Media Fellows were harmed in the making of this website...

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