Kids Jump Off Building
Background Information: In Turkey, a 7-year-old girl jumped off a building apparently believing that she gained supernatural powers after watching Pokemon. In the incident, Seda Aykanat broke her leg. Earlier, a 4-year-old boy sustained sustained injuries in a similar jump. Both are from Turkey, and both think they can fly. Yes, your mind didn't play tricks on you, both of them jumped off a building thinking they can fly because they believe they gained supernatural powers after watching Pokemon. Turkey Health Minister wants the Pokemon cartoon replaced with other children's programs, and he also discourages the popularity of Pokemon trading cards. The Health Minister asked these so-called ministry "experts" to study the effects of Pokemon. These experts said that Pokemon distanced children from reality, confused them with "good and bad heroes", and desensitizied them to violence. NOTE: Both incidents occured on different dates.

My Opinion: You know why I put a picture of Psyduck here on this page? One word, stupid. These two kids jumped off a building thinking that he/she can fly after watching Pokemon. Really, how many children out there really think they can fly? Besides, flying isn't huge in Pokemon. They have animal-like characters that look like birds that can fly. What should Pokemon do? Make the birds crawl on the ground? If you want flying, go see Superman and Batman, and then ban them from TV stations when someone jumps off a building. Where were the parents when these incidents happended? Why is it only happening in Turkey? For crying out loud, I can't even get my 4-year-old neice to jump off a building; and she's a Pokemon fanatic. My neice told me that I was crazy to tell her to jump because people can't fly, Amen. If your child or you yourself believe flying is possible after gaining supernatural powers after watching Pokemon, I feel really sorry for you and/or your child. As far as the Turkey's Health Minister and these so-called "experts", they say that Pokemon confuse children with good and bad heroes, distancing from reality, and presenting violence. Oh my, do they have any other cartoons in Turkey. Notice that the Health minister said "replace Pokemon with other children proograms", he didn't say children cartoons so probally they don't have many cartoons there (If any except Pokemon). Maybe Pokemon should only have "good guys" so that those characters can sit there for 30 minutes drinking green tea without any "bad guys" creating a story line. Then to make it not so "distancing from reality", Pokemon should have the character go through the Presidential 2000 Election ordeal and have them debate on the issues. They can also help out by recounting votes in Florida. Barney would have been taken off the air for "distancing from reality", and so would classics like Garfield and Snoopy. Turkey might of blamed Garfield for making children believe that their cat can also consume a huge amount of human foods. Blame Snoopy for making children believe they can fly because Snooppy can do it. One final note, I wouldn't be surprised that "someone" (lets think know) planned these jumps. Because I really can't believe that any person at any age can think they can just jump off a building thinking they can fly because they saw an episode of Pokemon.
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