Northern Reefs
A beautiful but sometimes turbulent aquatic haven for different kinds of pokemon. These reefs also provide shelter for different species of fish and other marine creatures. A favorite pokemon watching spot of Professor Oak himself, he occasionally dives into the waters and studies them up close.

Among his Favorites are:

Squirtle - this turtle pokemon is occasionally seen in groups which the Professor Oak named " squirtle squads".
Able to shoot large jets of water, these are good companions for a picnic water fight.


MagiKarp - Often called useless by some pokemon trainers, Magikarp are seldom used in battle. A common pokemon found in marine areas in and around the island, they are hard to evolve, but when they do they change into their primordial form: Gyrados.


Staryu - These psychic/water pokemon reside in these reefs. Sometimes attached to rocks or lying on the sea floor. Staryu are considered rare pokemon not because of number but because it is so hard to catch one due to their ability to evade capture



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