
A Noodle By Any Other Name

First it was called spaghetti,
and I knew just what that meant.
Noodles were also spaghetti,
but flat, and fat, and bent.
But now people only want their food to have a stylish name,
so it's 'pasta' this and 'pasta' that,
but it's noodles, all the same.

Tasty, But Hard to Rhyme
Nothing rhymes with orange,
and really, that's a shame.
It's such a lovely fruit to have
such an awkward name.
Nothing can remind you more
of sunshine, bright and clear.
The scent, the taste, the texture
say summertime all year.

If you want me to eat my vegetables,
put them on a pizza pie.
I'll eat anything on a pizza.
Well, almost--and that's no lie.
I'll eat olives, black and green,
or peppers, green and red--
even onions and jalapenos
on a crunchy pizza bed.
I think I could manage spinach
under mozzerella cheese.
I think on an all the way
you could slip in broccoli and peas.
Just add lots of pepperoni
and sausage to finish the dish.
But please, hold those stinky anchovies--
I can't stomach hairy fish.

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