Adding an NAA Guardian finger rest to a P32
That's all there is to it.  Carefully compress the magazine spring and replace the spring plate, rotated 180 degrees.   Make sure you place the side with the two little spring catches against the spring.  Carefully slide the Guardian finger rest over the lip on the magazine until the little button snaps it into place.

You're done!  It's really easy, eh?  I am very impressed with the improved grip that I have on my P32.  I wouldn't carry it without it.

By the way, you can notice a little of the muzzle blast powder residue on the white grip in the picture to the left.  It does appear to clean up okay, but I wanted to leave the residue on for these pictures.
Once you are finished, slip the magazine back into your P32 and be prepared for a better grip on the gun!
Here you can see that the finger rest extension is just a little bit thicker than the P32 grip.  The finger rest is not quite flush, but it's not enough to bother me.
Here's a close up of the finished product.  The finger rest doesn't quite flush up with everything else, but it quite comparable to the Kel-Tec finger rest for my P11, so I'm not worried about it.  It functions pretty well, and it actually looks pretty good, too.  (I think it even looks better on the P32 than it does on the Guardian!  See below.)
Now grab yer little spitwad and enjoy!

By the way, these poor looking pictures were taken with a cheap, low resolution digital camera, my Kodak DC25.  I know they didn't turn out too well, but they work for demonstration purposes.

If you are interested in similar directions for replacing the Kel-Tec P32 grip, click on the P32 Grip instructions link below.

Darvell Hunt
Email me!
Instructions for replacing P32 Grip.
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