Backcountry Medicine

Hypothermia - Know what to look for!

Contributed by: W. Lee Tebbutt

Hypothermia is one of the leading killers in the backcountry. Many people do not understand how dangerous it is or how fast it can set in. Hypothermia is the subnormal temperature of the body. Mental and physical collapse can occur. Hypothermia is caused by exposure to the cold. Wetness, wind and exhaustion can make matters worse in a hurry.

When your body starts losing heat faster than it can produce it, exposure has started. If exposure continues long enough it leads to hypothermia. After hypothermia starts the cold soon reaches the brain and you are quickly deprived of judgment and reasoning power. Loss of your hands and other motor skills can soon follow.

You will probably not notice these signs in yourself. If the body's internal temperature drop is not slowed or stopped stupor, collapse and then death are sure to follow. Most people don't realize that hypothermia generally occurs with air temperatures between 30 and 50 degrees. To avoid hypothermia, stay warm. More importantly stay dry. Most clothing loses most of its insulating value when wet. Wool and some synthetic insulations do much better than cotton and down. Always wear good rain gear if its wet out. Raingear that completely covers your body is best.(Head and legs too)

Most Hypothermia victims wont see there own symptoms. It's up to other members of the party to keep an eye out for any signs. If you or any member of your group is exposed to cold, wind or rain be alert for shivering, slow or slurred speech, memory loss or incoherence. Stumbling, signs of exhaustion and drowsiness are key signs as well.

Anyone exposed to these conditions and showing any of these signs need immediate treatment. Denial is common, but someone needs to take control and do what needs to be done. The first thing to do is get the victim out of the conditions that have caused the problem. (wind, rain or cold) Remove all wet clothing and put on warm dry clothes. Give them warm drinks and put them in a sleeping bag. If the victim is badly effected strip them of their clothing and put them in a sleeping bag with another person. (also stripped of there clothing) Start a fire to warm up the area or use hot water bottles for extra warmth. Don't let the victim sleep. To sleep in this condition is to die, that simple. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, Hypothermia will kill.

Don't let this article scare you, just take note of the signs and symptoms and be aware of the situation. Good common sense and a little level headedness goes a long way.

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