History of the Sin Eaters

"Damn the Emperor to his golden throne, it was he that sent us to the cursed place, to root out the evil and purge the planet of the darkness inside. If it were not for a warpstorm, which damaged our ship, we might very well have never known the treachery of he that would be god! Stranded on this garbage heap of a planet, infested with vermin of every kind, I have found truth. A retched pox that has over taken my men and I, it has brought with it the realization of that we were pawns…but no more!

Gods of the warp, grant me POWER give me aide in my time of need, so that in your name I may cut the very heart out of that withered corpse who sit in his gilded throne."

Exerts from the journal of Sabastion Cole

The Sin Eaters were once a proud and noble chapter, loyal to the Emperor; they were given the position of planetary shock troops, sent to the distant reaches of the universe to bring planets into line. Often working with the Inquisition in these missions, they were the slayers of daemons and the secret cults that lurked in the shadows of the Hive worlds, all feared them. The change came about while on one of these missions, the Sin Eaters were sent to a planet (though no one remembers the name now) reported to be host for a genestealer cult. As they dropped out of Warp there was a terrible storm that damaged the ship, their Navigator managed to land but the ship was beyond repair and leaving the planet was not going to come anytime soon. Who knows the reason why, but the Sin Eaters were left and forgotten to that cursed planet. In short order the Sin Eaters did indeed take the planet, crushing the custodian with ease. But the damage was done, their ship a smoldering heap of metal would never fly again, so they sat and waited and waited.

Years passed and the war raged on between the tides of Chaos and mankind, but for Cole and his men the war was just starting. A plague had broken out in the Hive and was taking it's toll rapidly, within a few short months Cole and most of his men had been infected. In a fevered moment Cole's rage consumed him and he gave his soul over to the forces of the Warp. The great Nurgle answered his call and Commander Cole was no more, from his ashes came Lord Pox favored of Nurgle.

No record survived a great purge of the planet but it is rumored that the forces of the Warp sent a great space hulk to retrieve the Sin Eaters and whisk them away to the Eye of Terror, where they now fight for the fall of all Mankind.

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