Sin Eater's Author's  Note

The Sin Eaters started out in the Fall of 1990, my daughter was just born and i quickly found myself spending more time at home.  I took this time to start my Warhammer 40K army, with the hopes of finally getting it painted before i returned to the tables. I already had a couple of squads of Ultra Marines painted and while i liked them i wanted something more. Something that would lend itself to more to my addiction to conversions, I wanted Chaos!

By building a Chaos force not only did i find a more suitable army for my battles but came up with all manner of twisted alterations, The funny thing is most tended to be more Nuglish in nature. Be that as it may the Sin Eaters were born. I wrote out a history for the Sin Eaters (ah yes a fluff Nazi at heart) and went about building a force.   Years later and two updates to the game (2nd & 3rd ed. ) i still have a lot of the old miniatures i painted back then. Now even more were being released, on top of that the miniatures were getting better so i just had to add more and more.  The Sin Eaters  have changed very little throughout the years, at least as far as color schemes go.  The Sin Eaters color scheme is a Bronze with gray trim. While Games Workshop is indeed coming out with better models these days i still prefer my Mark VII ( beakies)  power armor.

As the revamps of 40K have come about i have had to change the structure of my army some, Ah how i long for the good old days when Chaos had equal power to the standard marines.  This Codex is my attempt to offer my chapter for your enjoyment.

Any comments can be send to me at Jerry Bryant

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