Love Song -- Part 5

I got this part done pretty quickly. but I think that's because my writing actually has direction now :P I'm not going to bother with ratings and disclaimers anymore though. But feedback is more than welcome!

'Love Song' Pt. 5- by Meghan

Liana rested with her head on Steve's chest. She felt Steve's fingers twist through her hair, and then smooth it out again.

Liana didn't know *why* she did it. And so soon, for that matter. She had only met Steve the previous day. She had promised herself a long time ago to take things slow. She remembered vividly the day she made that promise. She clamped her eyes shut as all the memories came rushing back.

It was so...real. She remembered how she foolishly began to date Joseph, her boss from the coffee house. Looking back, she realized how stupid she was to believe his lies, to forgive him for breaking his promises, to believe that they might actually have been in love. It couldn't be called a relationship at all. It consisted of him dating her until she was comfortable in his presence, but there were no real feelings. On one of their dates, he led her to believe they were driving down to a restaurant, but instead he drove down a back road, pulled over, and, despite her fierce refusal, had his way with her. But she was too scared to say anything about it to anyone after the incident. She thought she had only herself to blame, for leading him to believe that he could use her.

Liana bit her lip to avoid crying. She told herself she had stopped crying about it a long time ago. /God, I was so fucking stupid.../ she thought over and over. She bit down harder on her lip, until she felt the flesh give way and drops of blood hit her tongue. She took comfort in the taste. It reminded her she was still alive. She gently lifted her left hand to feel the cuts and scars on her right wrist. They were so comforting in a morbid sort of way, they took her mind off of the emotional scars from her rape and doubts. And the tears threatening to spill stayed lingering in her eyes as she slipped into sleep.


Steve was fully aware that he had probably rushed things with Liana. He really didn't intend to sleep with her. But he needed to feel, well, *needed* again. He missed the intimacy the band used to share. Suddenly that intimacy was between Brian and Stef only, and he was left hanging. He wanted someone to give a damn about him.

He also was fully aware that Brian and Stef would probably be upset about it when they found out. He didn't know *why* they would be, but they just probably would, knowing them.

Steve closed his eyes and pushed the negative thoughts out of his mind. He drifted off into sleep, his fingers still tangled in Liana's hair.


Stef was awakened by the midmorning sun streaming through the window, hitting him in the face. He pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes, giving them a few seconds to focus. He looked over to the other side of the bed, where Brian sat, pulling on a pair of pants.

"You're actually getting up on time?" Stef asked groggily.

"Fuck you," Brian muttered.

"Woah there, soldier. What's wrong?"

"Steve and Liana. I feel strangely betrayed. Sleeping on it didn't do jack shit about it," Brian said as he buttoned his pants.

"Why, though? Betrayed? I mean, I don't understand where you're getting this complex from," Stef asked, more awake now.

"You know why he's doing it? To get revenge, that's why! He's hurt by our relationship, so he goes off and fucks my friend!"

"How can you be so sure that's the reason?"

"Why else would he do it? Some people are just out to hurt me."

"Brian. I doubt Steve did it to hurt you," Stef tried reassuring Brian. "Maybe the only way to find out is to talk to him."

"Oh, you can be sure I'll do that," Brian said. Stef saw the fire burning behind those liquid eyes.

"I'll stay out of it..." Stef mumbled, and he pulled himself into the bathroom and began to shower as Brian turned towards the door joining their room with Steve's.


"You fucking bastard."

Steve turned his head in the direction of the voice. It was Brian, nostrils flaring and eyes flaming.

"What?" Steve asked, half-asleep, only waking up because he heard the voice.

"You heard me, asshole," Brian sneered

. Steve gained full consciousness. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You and Liana. Or more like, you fucking Liana."

"Why does it matter to you?" Steve hissed.

Brian's voice raised into a shrill shout. "Don't act like I don't know why you did it!"

"Shut up Brian. You'll wake her up," Steve said, feeling Liana stir beside him.


"Well maybe she needs to hear this too!" Brian shouted even louder. He was fuming, steam practically pouring from his ears.

He heard Liana groan and open her eyes. "Fuck, it's too early. Go fight somewhere else," she mumbled, before her eyes dropped shut and she fell back to sleep.

"Brian, please. Can we discuss this some *other* time?" Steve asked.

"No. We're going to discuss this right now. Right here," Brian said through clenched teeth.

Liana woke up again. "I'm awake now. Thanks." She murmured a string of expletives.

"I can't believe you, Steve. Fucking the technician isn't cool." Brian smirked.

"What about you? Banging Stef every chance you get, huh? Like that's cool?" Steve retaliated.

"Don't you dare bring Stef into it. Don't even *think* about it. Stef and I are completely different. It isn't like that. We're actually *in* a relationship. Which is more than I can say for you, Mr. Pump-and-Dump."


Liana drew back from Steve, almost falling off the bed. "Pump and dump? Is that it? You just used me?"

"No, Liana, I...." Steve began, but Brian cut him off.

"Knowing that sad bastard, he probably did."

"Brian, you aren't in any position to say that!" Steve growled.

"Oh, honestly. You're just out for revenge. You're jealous of my relationship with Stef, aren't you?" Brian hissed angrily.

"Don't listen to him, Liana, it's not true, I..." Steve started.

Liana didn't want to listen. She felt two tears escape from her eye, and hurriedly pulled on a shirt and jeans, and ran out the hotel room without a word. She was overwhelmed.

She knew she shouldn't have slept with Steve. It was a stupid idea on her part. She should've known she was just being used again, someone's little toy for the night. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and rushed out of the hotel and onto the tour bus.

She wanted to be at peace. She felt used, hurt, and angry. And an overwhelming fear that she would never be loved and would only be used gripped her. She doubled over, sobbing. She located her carry-on bag and pulled out a bottle of pills. The comfort was in the palm of her hand. Without hesitation, she downed a handful of them and laid down, and waited for the darkness to come.


Stef avoided Steve and Brian's angry words that morning. The last thing he wanted was any negativity. The band needed to be back out on the road that afternoon to make it to the next city in time for their concert.

He took the liberty of packing Bri's things. It wasn't going to get done any time soon, with the way things were looking. He sighed heavily, troubled, and carried the luggage down the hotel corridor and towards the parking lot. Struggling with the weight of Brian's bag, he stopped for a moment to rest. But then he picked up the bag again and made his way to the bus. He threw the luggage off to the side. He'd take care of it later. He was about to turn and leave, when he saw a mane of dark brown hair spread across the floor of the back of the bus.

Stefan raised an eyebrow, puzzled. He walked towards the hair, his anticipation growing with each step. As he got closer, he made out a hand, clutching an open bottle of pills. His breath caught in his throat, his stomach heaved. His walking quickened into a run. He slid down on his knees and checked Liana for a pulse, which to some level of relief, was there.

"Oh God. Oh Jesus..." he murmured under his breath. His brain drew a blank for several seconds. What would he do now? He took a deep breath. /Don't panic, don't panic.../ he thought. He dug through his pocket for his cell phone and called for an ambulance, and sat with Liana's head in his lap while he waited for the paramedics to arrive.

/God, what if I had shown up only a matter of minutes later? Or didn't notice her? Oh, Jesus Christ.../ Stef thought. His mind swarmed with so many thoughts he didn't see a tear drip off his cheek and land in Liana's hair.


"You fucktard, Brian! God knows where Liana's gone, because you opened your big fucking yap!" Steve roared.

"Like she really matters to you!" shouted Brian.

"She means more to me than I mean to you."

"What?" Brian raised his eyebrow skeptically.

"Just...forget it, forget I said anything," Steve moaned. "I'm going to find Liana. We can discuss all of this later. When I'm awake, at least."

Brian shrugged, shot a look of fire at Steve, and said, "We better talk about it."

Steve glared as Brian left the room. He quickly dressed and headed down to the hotel lobby. /She's probably on the tour bus, hating me and Brian./ he thought sadly.

He walked out of the hotel and around to the back parking lot when he stopped dead in his tracks. An ambulance was parked right behind the bus, lights flashing. Steve opened his mouth, and ran. Stef was standing against the bus, embracing himself.

"What happened?" Steve demanded.

Stef nodded his head in gesture towards the stretcher being wheeled towards the ambulance. Steve saw Liana, looking pasty and white as a ghost, with her brown hair dropping off the edges of the stretcher. Deep inside, he knew what had probably happened, but he asked Stef anyway.

"Did she...?"

Stef nodded. "OD'ed on something or other. I didn't check to see what she had taken. Doctors will tell us as soon as possible."

"Will she be OK?" Steve asked, nervously wringing his hands.

"The paramedics are going to pump her stomach. They think she'll be fine, might be in the hospital for awhile. More than likely will be recommended a therapist."

"Hrm." Steve nodded, and looked down at his feet, and kicked a small pebble at the side of the bus. "I'm going to go the hospital. Can you take care of my luggage for me?"

"No point, really, we're not going anywhere until Li's out of the hospital," Stef mumbled, before he broke down into silent shuddering weeping.

"I suppose you're right." Steve hugged Stef for a moment and broke off, walking towards the ambulance. He spoke briefly with a paramedic and climbed into the back of the ambulance. He looked at Liana, her face completely lacking in color and warmth. He wrapped his hands around one of hers and felt his tears dripping onto their entwined hands.


Brian stood in shock as Stef told him what had happened. His anger had died down slightly, although rage still swirled inside him, only mixed now with shock and sadness.

"Attempted suicide? What the hell for?" Brian asked, slightly choked up.

"Dunno. There were no notes," Stef said, with stray tears exiting the corners of his eyes.

Brian reached up and stroked away the tears. "As long as she'll be fine...God, what if it was my fault?" he sobbed.

Stef took Brian into his arms and hushed him. "We might not know. But she's alive and that's what matters..." Stef choked on the last word and broke down again.

Brian wrapped his arms around Stef's neck and they both cried into each other's shoulders.

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