Last Minute Gift

Here I wrote a fic.... yepper.. and then started another one right after I finished this one. It is kinda christmasy... or something like that. Hope you guys like it.

Much love, funky old soul, and all that jazz,

Princess of Slacker Sappiness

Last Minute Gift
By: Leela Ganey
Part one of one

Disclaimer: No claim to PLACEBO. Making no money off this fic. It's just for entertainment.

Note about this fic: Fluffy Stuff, nothing too deep. Just go with it.

Rating: PG...sooo.. very PG... it is so PG is make me afraid...

Last Minute Gift

"Explain to me why I am here again," Steve whined

"Because," Brian answered.

"Because is not a good enough answer."

"Sure it is."

"No, it's not."

"Well, the real reason you're stuck going through this shopping nightmare is because you said yes."

"Next time I say yes, remind me to say no."

"Nope, can't do that. Besides, I need your help."

"You," Steve starting to whine again, "don't need my help. You just get more joy than should be allowed to a human from dragging me around the mall."

"That's not true," Brian stated, "and I do need your help."

"What are you looking for again?"

"A gift for Stefan."

"I thought you got him something ages ago, didn't you?" Steve asked.

"No, besides... I never know what to get that man," Brian said, taking his turn now to whine. "He is so damned content with his life and belongings. One would go stalk raving mad trying to figure out something to get for him."

"Stalk raving mad?" Steve echoed Brian

"Yes, stalk raving mad!" Brian assured him. "Besides, you came on this because you love me and you think I am an easy target to be mugged."

"Well, I would argue with you but you're right, love." He thought for a moment. "But this whole stalk raving mad thing. Are you sure about it? It is just a gift after all."

"I am sure about it." Brian sighed. Looking at the shops they were passing, he noted one called Build a Teddy Bear. Build a teddy bear? Stefan was a big teddy bear; why not get him a teddy bear? "Steve, darling, I have found the answer to the last minute gift for Stefan. Look." He pointed to the Build a Teddy Bear shop.

"Are you sure you want to get him a teddy bear?" Steve questioned Brian. "A teddy bear?"

"Well, you know Stefan, he practically is a giant teddy bear himself."

"If it makes you happy to get him that for Christmas, then I say get it."

"It does make me happy to get him a teddy bear for Christmas." Brian smiled. Steve did always think his choices were the best, but always for being whatever made Brian happy. "You know something?"


"I love you," Brian said.

"That's good, because you know what?"


"I love you, too."

And there, for all the other holiday shoppers who noticed, the two hugged and kissed. Then Brian went and bought Stefan the cutest teddy bear known to man. Or at least that's what Steve told him.

The End

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