Waiting for the Man by SweetMaddness

Stefan shuffled around outside Marty's Deli as he tried to work up the nerve to do what he'd come here for. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small roll of bills and recounted, hoping it would be enough. With a heavy sigh, he pulled his jacket tighter around him and headed slowly down the sidewalk.

The boy had his back turned, leaning heavily on a telephone pole like he might fall over without it's support. Stefan sidled up behind him and waited to be noticed. When he wasn't, he tried to think of something to say, some witty line to throw out to the small stranger but instead he settled on just clearing his throat.

He turned slowly, revealing a ghost pale face and hollow eyes. His form swayed gently until he got himself settled again, this time leaning with his back on the post. "Can I help you?" he asked flatly.

"I... um..." Stefan stuttered, and his hand went to his pocket again to caress the crisp bills, wondering if he should just chicken out and keep walking. "Um, I've seen you around... ya know... on this corner alot. I was wondering if... um... well... I..."

The young man smiled, bemused at Stefan's awkwardness. Brian reached a small, cold hand out and trailed it teasingly over his chest. "You looking for a date, baby?" he asked with his most seductive pout.

Stefan once again felt the urge to flee but instead he just shifted from foot to foot, staring at the ground. "Well, um, how much would it cost?" his voice cracked on the last word and a warm blush spread across his face.

"How much ya got?"

Stefan pulled out the roll of bills and watched nervously as Brian discreetly counted it. With a satisfied smile he kissed his fingers and touched them to the other man's lips. "Wait here, I gotta fix first."

Brian sauntered into the alleyway and held a brief conversation with a rather large man. Afraid they may be preparing an ass beating, Stefan took a few cautious steps backwards, ready to run. But all Brian did was hand over the majority of his money in exchange for a baggy then made his way back to the frazzled looking Swede. "all right stud, where to?"


Stefan was pacing around his tiny flat, wondering if Brian would ever return from the bathroom. He finally did, sniffing and rubbing his nose, but he was smiling and there was a strange twinkle in his eyes. He slipped out of his fuzzy coat, dropping on a near-by chair that was already overladen with books and clothing. Walking over to Stefan, he made a soft purring noise, reaching up to remove his jacket as well. "You've never done this before, have you?"

"Of course I have!" he shot back defensively. "What makes you think I'm a virgin?"

Brian laughed softly, running his fingers through the short, blond hair. "No, I meant you haven't done THIS before. Paid for it."

"Oh," Stefan mumbled, feeling his cheeks get red again. "No, never done that. It's not that I have to, okay? I can get laid. It's just..."

Brian placed a finger to his lips, raising slightly onto his tiptoes. "You don't have to explain to me. Just tell me what you want?" His tongue snaked out, tracing the line of Stefan's jaw bone.

"Want? Um, what do you mean?"

He let out a slight sigh, leaning back to look at Stef. "I mean, did you want to fuck me? To be fucked? To get head? Give head? Tie me up? Cum on my face?"

"Oh," he was starting to wonder if the blush would ever leave his face again. " Uh, I guess I wanted to have sex. I mean, that's all right, isn't it?"

Brian tried to hold back his laugh, which just made it come out as a snort. He grabbed the tall man's hand and lead him to the bed. "I am in your service." He shed his clothing quickly, taking delight in the open mouthed staring that Stefan did when he was revealed. Pulling a condom from the pocket of his jeans, he laid down on the bed, holding it out to his client with a sexy smile.

Buttons and zippers didn't seem to want to work as Stefan desperately tried to squirm out of his clothing. He laid down on top of Brian, feeling his black enameled fingers float up his arms and across his back. He forgot how to breath, feeling the velvety soft skin beneath him that was willing to grant him any wish.

Somehow, he managed to get the condom on with his shaking fingers. He was gentle, slipping in with a tenderness that at first sparked confusion on Brian's face, then made him give a slight smile. Stefan leaned his head down, running his tongue around one of the small pink nipples and trying to tease it to erection. He rocked his hips, groaning at the sensation and the soft, musical moans coming from his partner. He lost himself in the wonderful feelings, slipping into a void where nothing existed except the throbbing of his cock and movements of the body beneath him.

His eyes opened slowly, wanting to see Brian's lust, his pleasure. What he saw was something far different. Brian was staring at the ceiling looking bored, moaning and moving from experience rather than real pleasure. Stefan felt himself retreating from the void, crashing back to earth, and he went soft inside Brian's ass.

Sitting back, he tore off the empty condom and flung it across the room. Brian flinched away from him, looking like he was preparing himself to be hit. "What's wrong, lover?" A grimace marred Stefan's face as he realized how bad an idea this was. Money could only buy sex, it couldn't produce what he really wanted.

"Nothing," he mumbled, moving to sit next to Brian against the headboard. "I just... changed my mind."

Brian groaned and started getting up. "Look, I can't give you your money back, I already spent it, so don't even ask."

Stefan shook his head and grabbed Brian's hand, pulling back down gently. "I don't want it back. It's not your fault. Just sit for a minute, okay? Let me talk to you a bit and then you can go." He sat, a suspicious look on his face, wondering if maybe Stefan was a reporter or the police. Stefan just stared at him again, at is beautiful face and soft body. "Why do you do this?"

He shrugged, reaching for his jacket and digging out a pack of cigarettes. "Because I can. Because daddy's allowance covers room and board but doesn't support my extracurricular activities. Because my beauty is power, I can make people crazy with wanting me, so crazy that they'll give me anything I ask for. It beats a fucking day job."

"Is this what you want to do with the rest of your life?'

"Hell no!" he chortled. "This is a past time, it's not a bloody career."

Stef reached for his own ciggies, shaking one to his lips. "Well then what do you want to do?"

Brian stared at him a moment, wondering if he should just say 'none of your fucking business' and make for the door. He shrugged his shoulders, the guy had paid him after all and answering a few question to a stranger was worth a bag of coke. "I'm studying acting at the moment but I don't know if I'll stick with that. I've always had a love for music. Guitar, singing, song writing, things like that."

Stefan's ears perked up, a small smile darting across his face. "Really? What sort of stuff do you do?"

Brian blew out a cloud of smoke, his brow furrowed in thought. He sang a few verses, starting softly but his voice growing with emotion as the song continued. With a shrug of his shoulders he said, "It's called Teenage Angst."

"I play bass," Stefan blurted out, still a bit hypnotized by Brian's voice. "That song... it was fantastic. Maybe we could, I don't know, work together on something?"

Tugging his cloths back on, Brian shot him a smile. "Perhaps." He threw his coat on, making his way to the door. "Times up big boy. If you want me to help you play with your instrument, it'll have to be another day. You know where to find me."

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