From C.R. in Texas - 10/5/2006 - Great job, I am down 13 pounds
From J.W. in Texas - 10/5/2006 - These products really work and they are really effortless ... I have just implemented these products into my lifestyle and it has made a tremendous difference ... I feel better than I have in years (I just turned 45), I have more natural energy than I have had in years, and I am sleeping better than I have slept in years ... On Friday evening September 29th I started the STACK plan and I weighed in at 251 pounds (I had been on the ACT for two weeks prior to this) ... On Sunday October 1st I started with the Vitalagy ... As of this morning Thursday October 5th I weighed in at 241 pounds.
From J.W. in Texas - 10/8/2006 - On 09/29/06 I weighed in at 251 ... As of 10/08/06 I weighed in at 239... I have followed the plan and I have not been skipping meals... This really works.
From J.W. in Texas - 10/14/2006 - Also for an update on my STACK progress I am down 15 pounds in 15 days and I am not skipping any meals or going hungry, I am doing great. Of course I have lots of energy from the ACT....
From J.W. in Texas - 10/19/2006 - Just a quick update.... As of today I am down 16 pounds and I have lost 2" in my waist line... Now mind you that this is without exercise or skipping meals....
From J.W. in Texas - 10/23/2006 - As of today I am down 19 pounds and I have lost 2" in my waist line...Now mind you that this is without exercise or skipping meals. There are also two women in the church I pastor who have lost 16 and 13 pounds.
From J.W. in Texas - 10/24/2006 - Update 20 pounds / 2" (Day 26) as of today !!!!
From J.W. in Texas - 10/29/2006 - Well I just wanted to give you all an update on how I am doing on my 1 month anniversary. I started my STACK plan on September 29th, 2006 and I weighed in at 251 pounds. As of October 29th, 2006, I am down to 229.5 pounds. I have also lost 2 1/2' in my waist... "This is without dieting (that's boring), eating "special foods" (that cost more money), skipping meals (that makes your stomach grow), and without exercising (who's got the time)... I just simply added STACK to my current daily lifestyle... I call it the "No Diet Weight Loss System" ~Incredible wouldn't you say... Well I'm off to church to preach the Word of God... Pastor J.W.
From A.H. in Texas - 10/20/2006 - I haven't tried it (A.C.T.) yet, but my husband who has tried many energy drinks (He works shifts) drank one yesterday while working a double shift and really liked it. He said there was no rush of energy, then the fall. I will try mine on Sat and probably order them this weekend.

The weight loss is going slow, but I am only having the ice cream drink for breakfast, but I am doing the nitro and tune up each meal. I think I have lost 3-4 lbs, but I have noticed I don't seem to have the afternoon "fades."
From T.B. in California - 10/9/2006 - I just began my Stack program today. I am drinking the Ice Cream Drink for breakfast, and then taking the Tune up and Nitro Boost before lunch........
From T.B. in California - 10/11/2006 - Hey Preston, things are ok, I haven't seen any difference in my body yet. However, I am more thirsty now that I have been and I don't really have any cravings for any snacks. Yesterday I actually went through the majority of the afternoon not wanting anything to eat, so that was good.....Haven't lost any weight, but I do see my appetite controlled.

.....Also, since I've started to take this product I don't have such a hard time getting up anymore. It's weird, I used to lay in my bed and fall back asleep in a heartbeat, but now when that alarm goes off, I still lay in bed, but I don't fall asleep, I get up and I'm not as grumpy....
From C.C. in Maryland - 10/25/2006 - Hi Preston. Just wanted to let you know that so far, so good on the Stack products. I have thus far lost 4lbs since starting the products on October 18th. I hope it continues! I will keep you updated!!
From C.C. in Maryland - 11/7/2006 - I received the ACT packages on yesterday. Thanks! I weighed in again on yesterday, and have lost 4 more pounds to date. 8.5 so far.
We recommend consulting your physician before starting any nutritional support. All information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Everybody is unique and we cannot guarantee you will see results as experienced by others. This information is not intended to replace advice given by your health care practitioner. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any statements and claims made about products on this site. You should read labels carefully before taking any nutritional supplements.
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