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PlanetDreamcast | Hardware | System

The Dreamcast will be the most powerful console system in the American market, at least for the next year or so. Here's what makes the Dreamcast tick.

System Specs


  • CPU: The Dreamcast
    Hitachi SH4 CPU
    200MHz clock rate
    360 MIPS (millions of instructions per second)
    1.4 billion floating-point operations per second
    3D calculations
    800+ MBytes/second bus bandwidth
  • Graphics:
    NEC/Videologic CLX1 graphics chip (AKA PowerVR Second Generation)
    3 million polygons/second peak rendering rate
    Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping
    Point, Bilinear, Trilinear and Anisotropic Mip-map filtering
    Gouraud shading
    Colored light sourcing
    Full scene anti-aliasing
    16.7 million colors
    Hardware based, fog, bump mapping, and texture compression
    Shadow and light volumes
    Super sampling
  • Memory:
    16 MB main operating RAM
    8 MB video RAM (VRAM)
    2 MB sound RAM 128KB Flash RAM
  • Sound:
    Yamaha AICA Sound Core
    DSP for real-time effects
    64 sound channels
    Full 3D sound support
    Hardware-based audio compression
  • Storage Media:
    1 Gigabyte data storage
    12X speed
  • Other
    56K Modem (included, upgradeable)
    Four controller ports
    Built-in expansion ports

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