The Dreamcast will be the most powerful console system in the American market, at least for the next year or so. Here's what makes the Dreamcast tick.
System Specs
Hitachi SH4 CPU 200MHz clock rate 360 MIPS (millions of instructions per second) 1.4 billion floating-point operations per second 3D calculations 800+ MBytes/second bus bandwidth
NEC/Videologic CLX1 graphics chip (AKA PowerVR Second Generation) 3 million polygons/second peak rendering rate Perspective-Correct Texture Mapping Point, Bilinear, Trilinear and Anisotropic Mip-map filtering Gouraud shading Z-buffer Colored light sourcing Full scene anti-aliasing 16.7 million colors Hardware based, fog, bump mapping, and texture compression Shadow and light volumes Super sampling
16 MB main operating RAM 8 MB video RAM (VRAM) 2 MB sound RAM 128KB Flash RAM
Yamaha AICA Sound Core RISC CPU DSP for real-time effects 64 sound channels Full 3D sound support Hardware-based audio compression
Storage Media:
GD-ROM 1 Gigabyte data storage 12X speed
56K Modem (included, upgradeable) Four controller ports Built-in expansion ports