Son of Bhaal

Defying Madness

Bain leaned against the galley's starboard rail, looking down at the churning, black waters of the ocean. It was still several hours until dawn, the sky was as dark as velvet, the stars veiled by large, slow-moving, ebony clouds. The night air was crisp, Bain's face and hands were cold and hard. He didn't react to the chill, his thoughts were of Imoen, would he arrive in Spell Hold in time to save her, what was the mad wizard, Irenicus, doing to her?

Nalia crossed the ship's deck to Bain. She reached up and draped part of a thick, furred cloak over the Son of Bhaal's wide shoulders. Bain slid his right arm around Nalia's thin waist, she snuggled against him as they both watched the sea dance before them.

"We should be docking in Brynnlaw soon," murmured Nalia.

"Thank you for arranging passage..and for coming with us," replied Bain.

Nalia looked up into Bain's troubled eyes. "You appeared to need the company."

Bain hugged the young woman tightly, Nalia nestled in the crook of the warrior's arm, happy within his embrace.


The galley slid into dock with barely a bump to shake the deck. Bain and Nalia gathered Jaheira, Yoshimo, and Aerie. The companions left the galley and walked along the dock. Taverns and festhalls lined the docks, the sounds of drinking and song still poured from the establishments, even at such a late hour.

"Any suggestions?" asked Bain.

"Lady Galvena's is a fine place," offered Yoshimo with a smile.

"We'll rest there until morning, then head out to Spell Hold at first light," said the Son of Bhaal.

Two towering guards dressed in black tunics and breeches stood before the iron-bound door of Lady Galvena's. Yoshimo joined Bain and showed the guards a circular, golden medallion hidden in his black kimono, the huge men nodded and stepped aside.

Unlike the boisterous festhalls neighboring Lady Galvena's, this establishment was quiet. The entry foyer was well-appointed but empty, the carpet-covered floor and tapestry-draped walls illuminated by decoratively placed beeswax candles.

A tall, slender woman emerged from a drawing room to the right. The woman had a striking, heart-shaped face, a waterfall of golden hair that fell to her small waist, and the elegant eyes and ears of an elf. The elf woman's dress was blood-red, it clung to the elf's lean body and shimmered like liquid fire.

"Welcome to Lady Galvena's, I am the mistress of this festhall," smiled the elf woman warmly.

"We require three rooms," said Bain.

"I have rooms already prepared, each will cost two pieces of gold."

"Expensive," whispered Nalia while she dug into her coin pouch.

After Nalia paid the madam, the elf led the companions upstairs.

"Will any of you be requiring..entertainment?" asked the elf woman over her slim shoulder.

"No, we just want to get some rest," answered the Son of Bhaal.

The elf woman nodded, then indicated the rooms belonging to the companions. Jaheira took one room, Yoshimo and Aerie took a second. Bain allowed Nalia to open the door to the third room, the bedchamber was already alight with several racks of bright candles.

"Enjoy your stay," bowed the elf woman before she departed down the hallway.


The Imoen clone waited until her black-clad partner was half-way up the wall before launching her own line of rope. When the hooked end caught upon the festhall's rooftop, the pink-haired, young woman tugged sharply on the rope, then began ascending towards the candle-lit windows. The assassin leading the attack was waiting for Imoen when she reached the bank of second story windows, she looked through the first pane of glass.

Yoshimo was kneeling behind Aerie, pounding roughly into her little ass. The elf girl was naked and gleaming with perspiration, her golden hair clung to her face as she clutched the damp bedsheets, her tiny hips flexing with the motion of Yoshimo's pelvis.

The hooded and masked assassin looked at Imoen, she shook her head and motioned to the next window pane. The two rogues swayed over to the next window, the glass was dark, neither assassin could see who slept within. The hooded assassin withdrew a cutting tool from his obi, Imoen shook her head again and pointed at the next pane.

The third window glowed with candlelight. Imoen peered through the glass. The young woman's eyes widened when she saw Nalia riding Bain's crotch, her breasts quivering from every thrust of her sensual hips. The Son of Bhaal's eyes were half-closed, his powerful chest was slick with sweat as he held onto Nalia's small, clenched buttocks with his strong fingers.

Anger swelled in Imoen's breast. Even though she was a clone of Bain's sister, she still felt possessive of the Son of Bhaal, catching him entwined with another woman enraged the rogue. Imoen nodded to the hooded assassin. The black-garbed man drew a katana from his obi, he pushed away from the festhall's wall, feet pressed together as he swung into the pane of glass.

Imoen swung into the bedchamber after her companion. She found the assassin struggling with Bain, the Son of Bhaal held the swordsman's wrists, the shining katana upraised above them both. The woman with Bain wrapped a sheet around her body, Imoen drew her short sword and advanced on the harlot.

The assassin smashed the hilt of his katana into Bain's face. The warrior fell back onto the bed, the assassin stabbed down with his blade, slicing across Bain's ribs on his right side. Bain grimaced as the cold steel cut through his flesh, he punched the hooded assassin in the face. The naked warrior wrapped his right arm around the stunned assassin's neck. He threw the struggling man onto the bed, grasping the killer's skull with his left hand and twisting sharply. The sound of breaking bone reverberated within the bedchamber, the assassin twitched violently before falling still.

Imoen slashed at the retreating woman. Bain's lover lashed out with her right foot, striking the back of Imoen's left thigh. The rogue girl stumbled, but cut down with her blade, slicing the woman's left leg from thigh to kneecap. The blanket-garbed woman fell to the floor heavily, clutching her bleeding limb. Imoen raised her dripping sword, prepared to impale the whore's heart.

A strong hand snatched Imoen's upraised right wrist. Vice-like fingers forced the girl's hand open, her sword clattered onto the wooden floorboards. Imoen was spun around, Bain towered over her, his eyes bright with anger.

"Imoen?" gasped Bain.

Tears welled in the Imoen clone's eyes. "How could you make love to that whore?"

Imoen slapped Bain across the face. Bain's fingers loosened, Imoen jerked out of his grasp and dove through the shattered window. She snatched her dangling rope and slid down to the street, she didn't look back as she fled into the night.


Jaheira removed her hands from Nalia's slim leg, the sword cut was healed, not even a scar remained. Nalia thanked the half-elf before she tugged her leather breeches on. Jaheira left the bedchamber and joined Bain, Yoshimo, and Aerie in the festhall's dining chamber. The elf madam had prepared a full table of fresh fruit, milk, mead, soft bread, butter, jam, and sweet rolls. Yoshimo and Bain were eating heartily, Aerie nibbled on a piece of bread and looked up quickly when Jaheira entered the chamber.

"How's your wound?" asked Jaheira, taking a warm piece of bread and adding jam.

"Taken care of," shrugged Bain. "How's Nalia?"

"My magic healed her wound, she can come with us to Spell Hold."

"I don't want her to," said Bain, sitting back in his chair and regarding Jaheira.

"She won't like that," replied the half-elf.

"This is my battle, not hers. I think the four of us can handle Irenicus."

"I agree," nodded Yoshimo.

Jaheira scowled at the rogue. "You're feeling confident."

"If Irenicus is sending clone assassins after Bain, it means he's desperate, he fears the Son of Bhaal."

"I don't think Irenicus is as afraid as Yoshimo would like to think, but I don't want to put Nalia in danger either. If you want to keep her out of harm's way, I won't argue with you," said Jaheira.

"After you finish breaking your fast, get your gear together and wait outside, I'll join you," said Bain as he rose. Jaheira watched the subdued warrior depart, then she turned to meet Yoshimo's cool gaze. The rogue smiled, Jaheira ate silently.


Nalia was closing her backpack when Bain entered the bedchamber. Salty ocean air blew through the broken window, it was tangy and crisp, Bain drew in a lungful before approaching Nalia.

"I'm ready to go, is there any food left downstairs?" grinned Nalia, shouldering her bulging pack.

"Nalia, you're not coming with us to Spell Hold. I want you to take the next ship back home."

"What are you talking about?" frowned Nalia in confusion.

"I don't want you coming with us. You..shouldn't be with me."

Nalia lowered her pack to the bed. "Is this about seeing Imoen last night?"

"...Yes. Even though that woman was a clone, I remember the look of betrayal she wore when she saw me with you."

"I guess this was coming sooner or later," sighed Nalia.

"I told you that I loved Imoen. I'm glad we shared some time together, but my feelings for Imoen remain the same, I have to save her..and I have to be with her."

Nalia opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She lowered her head briefly, then snatched her pack and walked past Bain.

"Good-bye, Bain," said Nalia as she passed through the open doorway.

Bain stood like a statue in the middle of the bedchamber, head heavy, hands helpless at his sides.


The path wound up the cliffside to the wide outcropping where Spell Hold rested. The gray castle was weathered and crumbling, the outer wall had several large gaps along its length. There were no guards upon the battlements, the gates were hanging from broken hinges.

"I'll scout around," offered Yoshimo, grasping the hilt of his katana and crouching as he jogged through the yawning gates into the debris-filled courtyard.

"I expected stronger defenses," said Jaheira from Bain's left.

"I did too," agreed the warrior. "Maybe there are wards in the castle itself."

"Perhaps, the magic emanating from the fortress is very strong, the air vibrates with it," murmured the half-elf.

Aerie moved close to Jaheira. The elf woman took the girl's small hand.

Yoshimo appeared in the open gateway. "It's clear."

Bain led his two companions into Spell Hold's courtyard. The castle loomed before them, the windows were gaping black mouths, the stone walls were slick with ocean mist and long strands of green moss.

The lightning bolt snapped out with no warning. It crackled into the courtyard and formed a fence around the companions. Orbs of sizzling blue energy split from the lightning wall and circled round the party, spinning faster and faster, snapping so sharply it was almost deafening. The lightning orbs spat out tongues of electricity, a mere brush of a sparking tendril would reduce its victim to ash.

Jaheira shifted to the center of the group and thrust out her arms. The lightning tendrils coiled to her fingers, she chanted swiftly as the tendrils wrapped around her arms, snapping and spitting like angry serpents. Jaheira raised her arms into the air, the lightning rose like a geyser, roaring as it blossomed harmlessly in the sky. The lightning wall dissipated, the courtyard was empty and silent once more.


Imoen couldn't hear the screams of Irenicus anymore. She was in the water cell again, hands chained above her head, naked body soaked in cold, biting water. The gleaming white tile underneath Imoen was slick with moisture, the sun sent golden beams through the ceiling grate to illuminate the empty cell. Hunger twisted Imoen's stomach, she had lost track of how many days it had been since she had eaten. The mad wizard had forgotten about her, his minions were mindless puppets, they would only act upon his spoken word. The heavy iron around Imoen's wrists dug into her flesh, the skin was bleeding and raw, the magical runes inscribed upon the bands trapped her hands inside them. Imoen flung her head back, she opened weak lips to drink from one of the leaking water pipes. The water was cold and slimy, but it kept her alive, at least until she starved to death.

The cell door squeaked open. Imoen lowered her head, hoping a servant had finally brought her some food. She didn't recognize her twin until the pink-maned clone was almost on top of her, unlocking her thick manacles. The Imoen clone pulled up the naked girl and half-carried her out of the damp cell.

"What does he want now?" croaked Imoen as she tried to keep her bare feet under her.

"Irenicus is through with you, he's through with all of us, he's immortal now," replied the pale clone.

"Did he order you to kill me?"

"No, I'm letting you go."


The clone kept silent, guiding Imoen through the dark, twisting, halls of Spell Hold. They emerged from a secret door into the rubble-choked courtyard. The clone draped a simple white cotton shift over Imoen before handing the swaying girl a sheathed dagger.

"There's a town called Brynnlaw at the bottom of the cliff trail, you can find your way from there."

"What about you?"

"I'm staying here a little while longer."

The clone walked back through the secret door and sealed it behind her. Imoen clutched the dagger in her trembling hands, then began stumbling across the uneven courtyard.


Yoshimo pried open the laboratory door, then he padded quietly across the floor, winding through the large nutrient tanks. Bain pushed the door open wide before entering, sword held lightly in his right hand. The Son of Bhaal marched into the lab, eyes taking everything in, from the dead bodies floating in the spherical tanks to the upraised work area and desk on the far side of the room.

Irenicus stood before the wall-to-wall windows that looked out over the crashing ocean. Several of the tall windows were tilted open, allowing the cool, fresh, ocean air to blow through the spacious lab. The thin wizard's white robes ruffled in the breeze, the man's slender hands were clasped behind his back as he watched the waves rise and fall.

"Where's Imoen? What have you done with her?" snapped Bain, advancing on the mage.

Irenicus glanced briefly over his right shoulder, he nodded once.

A shurikan bit deep into Bain's right arm. The Son of Bhaal turned, and barely blocked a chop of Yoshimo's katana.

The black-garbed rogue launched a series of swift slashes at Bain. The Son of Bhaal stumbled back, knocking the swings aside, sparks flashing when the two swords struck together. Yoshimo jumped and lashed out with his left foot, he smashed his heel into Bain's stomach and sent the warrior flying across the lab floor.

"I knew it, you bastard!" snarled Jaheira, hefting her heavy mace.

Yoshimo grinned and flung three metal slivers at the charging half-elf. Two of the metal razors embedded in Jaheira's left thigh, she stumbled, then fell when the leg collapsed beneath her. Jaheira grasped her numb leg, with her magic she could feel poison flowing in her veins, paralyzing everything it touched.

While warrior and rogue continued to trade sword blows, Aerie knelt next to Jaheira. The elf girl placed her palms on Jaheira's bleeding wound, she murmured softly, calling upon the power of her goddess. Sharp heat filled Jaheira's leg, she bit her lip as Aerie's magic purged the poison from her blood.

Yoshimo's katana raked across Bain's chest, parting leather easily, slicing deep into flesh. Bain crashed into a work table. He swung out with his sword, Yoshimo dodged easily. The rogue made an under-the-arm stab, his katana slid into Bain's right thigh, striking bone. Bain howled, he chopped down with his blade, Yoshimo jerked his katana free before Bain's sword could cut his arm.

"Let's see if you can grow a new skull," grinned Yoshimo as he drew his bloody katana back, aiming for the gasping warrior's throat.

"Stop it," said a soft, female voice.

Yoshimo turned, his eyes grew when he met Aerie's hard gaze.

"Shut up, you little bitch, or I'll really make you pay when I'm done with Bain and Jaheira."

"I won't be afraid of you anymore," replied the elf girl. She raised her hands, palms upward, her lips begged her goddess for strength.

The ceiling of the lab began to shake. Irenicus looked up idly, his cold eyes narrowed.

The bolt of divine fire blasted from the ceiling and bathed Yoshimo. The rogue's screams were drowned by the roar of the column of fire, the flames blinded Bain and Jaheira, Aerie never looked away as the burning spire devoured Yoshimo. The pillar of flame disappeared as suddenly as it had arrived, nothing remained of Yoshimo, not even ash.

A bolt of lightning impaled Aerie, it sent her across the lab and into a wall. The elf girl whimpered while sliding to the floor, her small chest smoking.

Jaheira crawled towards the motionless girl, face filled with anguish.

Bain struggled away from the work table, his leg was mostly healed, his chest no longer bled but it still burned with pain.

Warrior and wizard faced each other across the lab, Irenicus was emotionless, detached, Bain grimaced, his heart pounding, his blood afire with anger.

"Did you kill Imoen?"

"No, I dismissed her once I achieved immortality. She's somewhere in the castle, I forget where."

"Tell me where she is!" roared Bain.

"I think I'll just kill you instead for disturbing me," sighed Irenicus, raising his right hand.

Lightning blasted from the wizard's fingertips. Bain dove beneath the sizzling bolt, crouching low with sword pulling back. Irenicus rose into the air, evading Bain's blade swipe. Bain spun and hacked at the floating wizard, Irenicus aimed his right hand again and hurled more lightning at the enraged warrior.

The bolt smashed into Bain's chest. He roared as he flew across the lab, crashing through the panoramic windows, falling towards the thundering sea until he caught an outcropping of rock. Bain released his sword and clung to the rock with both hands, the stone was slick with sea water, Bain's fingers fought to find purchase.

Irenicus floated through the shattered window. The mage's hair and robes snapped in the wind, he smiled coldly as he lowered his right hand.

"Say hello to your father for me," sneered the wizard, lightning dancing across his fingertips.

Imoen crashed into Irenicus, her pink hair bright as she dragged the surprised mage down towards the roaring ocean. Lightning poured from the wizard's hand, bathing the smashing waves just before he disappeared beneath them. The sea along the beach flared with azure light, the glow was blinding, Bain could still see the glow even through his closed eyelids. The searing light slowly faded away, the waves boiled and smashed against the cliffs, Irenicus did not emerge from the sea's embrace.

"Imoen," moaned Bain, his eyes burning.



Exhausted and stumbling, Bain, Jaheira, and Aerie made their way back to Brynnlaw. Bain held Aerie in his arms while Jaheira looked for a quiet inn they could rest and recover in.

A girl sitting on a rain barrel hopped to her feet and rushed to meet the trio. Bain blinked his swollen eyes, it was not an illusion, it really was Imoen.

Imoen was crying when she threw her arms around her brother. Jaheira took Aerie so Bain could embrace his weeping sister. The siblings just held each other for a long time, then Imoen raised her tear-streaked face.


"Gone. One of your clones dragged him into the ocean."

"Did she have pink hair?"

"Aye," nodded Bain.

"Why did she sacrifice her life?" frowned Imoen.

"Maybe she discovered something that broke her heart," murmured Jaheira, shooting Bain a dark look.

Bain glared at Jaheira over Imoen's head, the half-elf shrugged and carried Aerie to a waiting inn.

"What did Jaheira mean?" probed Imoen.

"Forget it," dismissed Bain with a shake of his head. "It doesn't matter. You're safe, that's all that I care about."

Imoen smiled and hugged Bain tight. The Son of Bhaal kissed his sister's hair, then tilted her face up so he could kiss her soft lips. Imoen kissed her brother hard, she stroked his tongue with hers, her hands strayed to his buttocks.

"Let's get a room, I'll bring you back to life," purred Imoen.

Bain allowed his sister to lead him to the nearby inn. Memories of Nalia blew away on the ocean wind, Imoen was safe, his place was with her.



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