Nest of Evil

by PJ


Claire Redfield ran for her life, slender, scratched legs leaping over fallen, rotting trees then sinking into thick mud while warm rain fell upon her. Claire yanked her booted feet free from the sticky morass, she risked a quick glance over her right shoulder, she could hear her pursuers closing in on her, their harsh, wheezing exhalations, their swaying, ungainly, yet swift movements. Claire lurched into motion once more, her lungs burning, her thighs throbbing with exhaustion. The claw marks upon her legs and stomach itched beneath the steady downpour, the poison of her pursuers was in her veins, she could feel it, draining her strength, stiffening her muscles to the point where they would paralyze her and render her helpless.

Claire refused to give up. She ran through the dense, dripping jungle, gasping and sprinting as quickly as her stiffening legs would allow. The grunting of Claire's pursuers was becoming louder, Claire could almost feel their dank breath on the back of her neck, their claws catching the remnants of her red vest, her torn scarlet shorts.

The panting girl slipped on a slick patch of mud. Claire fell heavily into the sucking ground, her hands disappeared into the sticky muck, her arms were swallowed to the elbows in the morass. Claire looked over her shoulder, tugging her thin arms free, sobbing in desperation and despair. She was searching the jungle behind her when the hunter leapt from the thick bushes, howling in triumph, clawed hands and feet thrown out as he hurled himself at Claire.

Claire screamed when the hunter smashed into her. The monster and girl rolled through the mud, clawing and grasping at each other, Claire screamed again when the hunter's claws ripped her red vest open, black nails slashing across her breasts, adding more crimson lines to the scars already adorning Claire's flat belly.

There was a roar of thunder. The hunter jerked away from Claire, he splashed into the wet mud, twitching feebly, then falling still. Claire sat up, blood and smoke poured from the hunter's open stomach, someone had shot the infected creature.

"Are you alright?" inquired a strong voice with a cultured accent.

Claire looked up at the lithe, beautiful woman who offered her a hand up. Claire accepted the woman's aid, she struggled to stand beside the smiling stranger.

"It appears I came just in time," observed the woman, indicating the dead hunter with a toss of her long, auburn french braid.

"Who are you?" asked Claire, peering at the woman intently.

"Lara Croft, and you are..?"

"Claire..Claire Redfield," grinned the girl tentatively.

"Looks like you need something to wear, Miss Redfield," said Lara, reaching into her backpack for a black halter top identical to the one she currently wore.

Claire accepted the halter gratefully, shrugged out of her ruined vest, and slipped into the snug black garment. As Claire dressed, careful of her tender wounds, Lara approached the dead hunter and looked the creature over. The hunter was man-shaped, with dull, gray skin covered in coarse black hair. The hunter's mane was long and wild, his nails were sharp and arched inward, designed to rend flesh with ease. Lara frowned, examining the hunter more closely. The creature was a man, or at one time had been, his full erection was definitely human, and his face, though mutated and bestial, had a foundation of humanity.

"What is he?" demanded Lara, toeing the dead hunter with her right boot.

"The latest product of Umbrella," replied Claire, joining Lara and looking down at the corpse with distaste.

"Umbrella has a facility here? This island is supposed to be uninhabited," frowned Lara, regarding the girl beside her.

"They have another of their secret labs here, one of their oldest, actually," said Claire, meeting Lara's brown eyes. "Isn't that why you're here?"

"No. I'm looking for a ruin, a rumored Atlantean outpost," answered Lara, shaking her head.

"Oh," murmured Claire, breaking eye contact with her rescuer for a moment. Claire smiled bravely. "Well, thank you for rescuing me, I won't keep you any longer."

"Silly girl, I'm not going to just leave you here," clucked Lara, her warm eyes twinkling. "I think it would be best if you remained with me. I have a ship just off the eastern coast, after I find the Atlantean ruin you can leave with me. Is that agreeable to you?"

"Can't we leave now? There are more hunters searching the jungle for me," grimaced Claire.

"I believe we can handle them," smiled Lara, reaching into her backpack again and withdrawing a spare pistol for Claire. "The ruin isn't far from here, we'll be there and gone before Umbrella knows it."


Claire had to admit to herself that Lara Croft was good. The slender, agile young woman passed through the dim, wet jungle with natural grace and speed, Claire had to use every ounce of her flagging energy to keep up with the woman. Luckily they only encountered the hunters again once, a pack of four that Lara and she dispatched efficiently with their pistols. Night fell, so Lara set up a cold camp and shared her provisions with the exhausted girl.

Claire nibbled on her power bar and drank a little water from the plastic bottle Lara gave her, but the food and water didn't satiate her. A familiar heat was suffusing Claire's body, she was infected again, she realized it the moment her wounds started burning, tainted by the raw T-Virus. Claire sat across from Lara, the lovely woman was sleeping, her tantalizing breasts rising and falling hypnotically. Claire could smell Lara's arousing scent, the leather of her boots, backpack, and gunbelt, the musk of her hair and crotch, the sweat beading across her warm, sun-browned flesh. Claire licked dry lips. She wanted to taste Lara, lick that luscious, smooth skin, suck upon those slightly parted, pink lips, nibble upon the round nipples that even now pressed against the sweat-soaked fabric of her tight black halter. Claire moaned softly and tore her hot gaze away from Lara's prone form, she leaned back into the rough bark of the tree she sat beneath, she raised her face to the droplets of moisture falling from wide, glistening, green leaves, the cool drops splashed across Claire's pretty, flushed face, but the relief they brought the girl was all too brief.


Claire whimpered, then shot upright, gasping for breath, her skin clammy and hot. Lara was gone, but Claire could hear gentle splashing nearby. Rising unsteadily upon quaking, unhealed legs, Claire followed the soft sounds of splashing, she knelt down and parted a stand of glistening reeds, she gasped softly at what she beheld.

Lara cupped water into her palms and poured it over her naked breasts, washing away the sweat and grit from the previous day. Lara stood in a shallow, clear pool, the crystalline water reflecting the golden rays of the rising sun. Lara wore black thong panties that clearly defined her shapely, firm buttocks, Claire licked her lips, the sight of Lara made her stomach knot with hunger, her fingers curled into claws, her heart hammered in her chest, awful need filled her, urged her to act.

Lara ran her palms over her stomach, she turned slightly and noticed Claire's face peering from the tall reeds. "Good morning. This pool is quite refreshing, you should take advantage of it before we continue on."

"Okay," nodded Claire eagerly, tugging her borrowed halter over her head and slipping out of her torn red shorts before she joined Lara in the cool water that lapped at her slim calves.

"I'll wash your back," offered Lara, gathering more glittering water in her cupped palms and raising her arms over Claire.

Claire slowly revolved so Lara could pour cool water over her naked back. Claire shivered when Lara ran her palms down the girl's back, scrubbing vigorously, her nails lightly scratching Claire's hot flesh.

"You feel very warm, are you ill?"

"No, it's just the jungle heat, I'm sensitve to it," answered Claire quickly.

"I see. I won't travel so quickly today," said Lara, pouring two more handfuls of water over Claire and scrubbing the girl until she was clean and pink.

"I'll wash your back," offered Claire, turning to look up at Lara.

"That would be fine," smiled Lara, revolving to offer Claire her smooth, golden-brown back.

Claire's hands trembled as she clumsily gathered water into her palms and poured it over Lara's slender shoulders and down her spine. Lara shivered slightly from the cool caress of the water, Claire cupped more gleaming water, she drew closer to Lara, so close she imagined she could feel the heat from Lara's body, emanating from the woman's delicious, bare flesh. Claire let the water in her palms trickle down Lara's glowing skin, she pressed her pale hands against Lara's shoulder blades, she ran her fingers down Lara's bare back, relishing the warm feel of the woman's velvet-soft skin beneath her fingertips. Unable to help herself, Claire pursed her cold, gray lips and pressed them onto Lara's right shoulder blade, tasting the young woman's sweet flesh, Claire's tongue darting out to lick Lara's skin, the girl's body shivering in ecstasy.

Lara pulled away and spun to stare down at Claire. "What are you doing?"

"I..I'm sorry," stammered Claire, dropping her eyes, cheeks glowing scarlet.

"We're wasting daylight," said Lara coldly, cutting through the water to the pool's bank and climbing out, glittering gold water dripping down her long, slim legs and bare back. By the time Claire climbed out of the pool, Lara was already in fresh shorts and a clean halter top, belting on her heavy pistols with sharp, efficient tugs of her fingers.


The sun was just topping the zenith of the blue sky when the dim, humid jungle gave way to a clearing of mud and clumped marsh reeds. The Atlantean outpost squatted in the center of the mud field, a collapsed dome of gray and green-veined marble, two multi-limbed octopi guarding the short, shattered stairs that led up to the gaping mouth of the ruin.

Claire saw no sign of the hunters' movements or heard their awful, wheezing breath. The infected girl's sight was starting to blur, her eyes itched and throbbed, her lips were cracked, her skin pale gray and feverish. Lara hadn't looked at Claire at all since their encounter at the bathing pool, she didn't see Claire's increasing deterioration.

"This is it," sighed Lara, standing at the foot of the outpost's broken stair with hands on curvaceous hips. "It would be best if you remain out here, I shouldn't tarry long within the ruin."

"O..okay, Ms. Croft," panted Claire, dropping gratefully upon the bottom step of the short stair, dizzy with fatigue and the growing strength of the T-Virus in her veins.

Lara climbed the stair without acknowledging Claire's reply. Lara drew her pistols at the entrance to the outpost, Atlantean script ran along the length of the doorway's marble frame, but the inscriptions were worn past legibility by constant jungle rains over centuries.

Lara entered the cool shadows of the outpost. The roof lay broken overhead, but enough of the dome remained to cast the outpost's interior in thick pools of darkness broken by shafts of brilliant radiance. Lara started when something brushed against her left cheek, it didn't feel like spider web, it was wet, slimy.

At last, another to feed my hunger.

Lara spun, searching for a target, but she saw nothing, the darkness was complete around her. Lara realized she hadn't heard the repulsive voice with her ears, the voice had whispered in her mind.

A violent tremor shook the outpost. Stone cracked loudly beneath Lara. The marble flooring gave way beneath Lara's boots, the young woman was swiftly swallowed by the bottomless abyss below her.


Lara roused gradually. The first sensation Lara experienced was heat, her body was on fire, her skin drenched in sweat, lungs seared and struggling, mind numb with fever and disorientation. The next thing Lara realized was that she was hanging, suspended over a black abyss that made her head swim. Lara shifted, she lay in a matrix of slimy strands, they clung to her outstretched legs and arms, she could barely move upon the net of glistening slime.

Fearful of the slimy strands breaking and dropping her into the bottomless pit below, Lara became still, she simply hung from the sticky fibers, licking dry lips, enduring the raging fever that burned through her veins.

You feel the fire from my kiss. I shall bestow many upon you before I finally consume you, sweet morsel.

A slick tendril enveloped Lara's dangling right leg. Dozens of tiny suckers bit into Lara's skin, she felt her leg go briefly numb, more poisons mixed with her blood, the suckers slurped wetly as they pierced hot flesh and leeched Lara's blood.

"Don't..don't touch me!" groaned Lara, struggling in her slimy bonds, tugging on her tendril-trapped leg.

More clammy tendrils slithered over Lara's hanging body, slipping into her black shorts, wriggling underneath her sweat-stained halter top to enfold her heavy, shivering breasts.

Your body tastes sweet, sweeter than the others before you. I shall savor you for a long time before you die.

Lara moaned weakly from the horrible, hissing purr that resonated in her foggy, disoriented, poison-ravaged mind. Lara's head fell back to hang in empty air as her tormentor's suckered tendrils caressed her hot, perspiring skin, sharp thorns piercing tender flesh, then hungry suckers covering the bleeding wounds, slurping the sweet life flowing from Lara's helpless body.

"," moaned Lara through shivering, gray lips, her body shuddering within the embrace of glistening threads of slime, her sweat-soaked halter top parting for the bulging gray/blue tendrils that writhed underneath it, encircling Lara's yielding breasts, squeezing and drinking the warm milk that filled the golden-brown orbs.

Now the nectar from your sweet-smelling flower.

Lara gasped when her captor inserted a swollen tentacle into her pussy, the slick tendril wriggling deep into her vagina, suckers latching to the folds of her cunt, piercing pink flesh and slurping the hot juices welling from her love tunnel.

"No..stop it!! sobbed Lara, her crotch bucking as the creature of the pit dug its sinuous limb into her belly, the tendril throbbing and bulging from the fluids it drained from her, slime dripping down her bound legs, running in thick rivulets between her tentacle-trapped breasts, along her arched, quivering neck.

Your body melts from my touch. I want to devour you, to taste your flesh upon my tongue.

Lara wept as an enormous, slime-soaked tongue ran up between her open, ooze-bound thighs. The bulbous tip of the monster's tongue stroked Lara's drenched, tentacle-stuffed cunt, it circled around the opening of her pussy, soaking her crotch in clammy saliva, fondling her clit until her hanging body quaked in response to the pleasure running through her. Sobbing softly, Lara offered no resistance when a dripping, sucker-adorned tendril caressed a feverish cheek, then slithered past her quivering lips into her mouth. Lara moaned in pain when sharp thorns pierced her tongue, tears flowed from her closed eyes while the fat tendril wriggled down her throat, slime pouring down her quaking chin.


Claire jolted awake from her doze in the warm afternoon sunlight. The stairs had shivered briefly beneath her, Claire looked up at the black doorway, dust rained down from the eroded mantle.

Grimacing from the pain of moving stiffened limbs, Claire rose clumsily to her feet, then shuffled up the stairs to the gaping entrance. Claire's nostrils flared, she smelled something strange, something old and reeking of rot and death. She realized what she smelled, it was the very same scent emanating from her own infected body, raw T-Virus, the source of the terrible mutagen.

Claire yanked free her pistol from her belt and carefully crossed the doorway's threshold. She entered the blinding darkness, but somehow she could see slight details, the shattered dome far above, the network of glistening strands that filled the chamber, and the yawning hole that plunged into oblivion.

The girl knelt at the edge of the pit. Claire gasped when she spied Lara hanging thirty feet below, trapped in a webwork of dripping threads, her slender body being ravished and slowly consumed by a bulging, many-limbed thing that nested at the bottom of the black abyss.

I feel you, girl. Your blood boils with my poisons, you are tainted, unfit for consumption.

A single enormous red eye regarded Claire briefly, then it closed to a slit as it returned its attention to Lara, lapping the honey dripping from her outspread legs with a huge, engorged, green tongue, stroking her lush buttocks and bare back gleaming with fever sweat and run-off slime.

Claire leveled her pistol at the monster's swollen crimson eye. She bit her lower lip when she squeezed the weapon's trigger, the muzzle flashed brilliantly as heavy slugs punched through the horror's hooded orb, collapsing the sphere in a spray of green blood and scarlet gore.

The monster of the pit screamed in Lara and Claire's minds. Tentacles flailed around Lara's bound body, slashing and tearing the spread-eagled woman's slime-soaked flesh. The tendrils dropped away from Lara's bleeding body, the monster bubbled as it dissolved in its own foul fluids, rancid steam rising up to engulf Lara and send Claire into a coughing fit.

Clearing the foul vapors from her throat, Claire called down to Lara. Lara hung limply upon the binding strands, head thrown back, mouth open and filled with sticky goo. Sticking her pistol underneath her belt, Claire carefully climbed down a rock face to where Lara's bonds were anchored to the jagged stone. Stretching out over the sticky threads, Claire crawled to her unconscious companion and freed the young woman from her bindings.


Claire lay upon the wide bunk, aching so much she couldn't move, vision swimming, mouth parched, tongue swollen. Claire barely registered the nearby shower shutting off. She turned her throbbing neck, Lara emerged from the bathroom, drying her long, auburn hair with a fluffy white towel, her naked body covered with healing scratches. Lara smiled at Claire and tossed her towel aside, she climbed into the bunk with Claire, she lay on her side, facing the flush-faced girl.

"The cruiser's set on auto-pilot, we can just let the ship sail for awhile so we can get some rest."

"Okay," smiled Claire softly, resting her cold hands beneath her pale white left cheek.

Lara kissed Claire's gray lips, then closed her weary eyes, instantly falling into an exhausted sleep. Claire snuggled close to Lara, she rubbed her small nose in Lara's shampoo-scented hair, she lightly kissed Lara's left cheek, Lara smiled and sighed softly. Claire licked cracked lips and gazed down at a particularly deep cut running down Lara's right thigh. Claire slid down the bunk till her face was close to the narrow wound, she could smell the rich aroma of Lara's warm blood, still slightly tainted with T-Virus, but fading. Claire moaned softly and licked the inside of Lara's lush thigh, Lara sighed deeply in bliss but didn't waken. Placing her young, pretty, corpse-pale face between Lara's legs, Claire ran her tongue across the deep scratch upon Lara's thigh. Claire's tongue tingled when she tasted Lara's blood from the re-opened wound, she lapped up more, strength returning to her thin body, her limbs no longer stiff with feverish pain.



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