Lara Croft

Jungle Snakes


Lara walked slowly through the warm, dark water of the marsh, the muddy ground tugging on her boots, inhibiting her progress. The air was incredibly humid, Lara's snug green halter top was soaked in perspiration, her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric. The tall, buxom woman brushed away some hanging vines that blocked her sight, she struggled for breath, the oppressive heat beat down on her, her body yearned to rest.

Lara spun when she heard the displacement of water behind her. She raised her sunglasses, the marsh was calm, birds chirped melodiously in the distance. Lara wiped her hot forehead and lowered her stylish sunglasses that gleamed red in the golden sunlight. She resumed walking through the sticky mud, water splashing around her long, bare legs.

Slick scales brushed around Lara's right calf. She jerked one of her pistols free and aimed it at the black water, nothing sprung at her, the caressing scales slithered away from her leg. Lara peered hard at the water's surface around her, she didn't see the long, undulating shape of a serpent, the water was as smooth as glass. Lara kept her pistol gripped in her right hand as she continued walking, a mound of earth wasn't far away, she was almost safe.

The scales returned, coiling around Lara's left calf, contracting swiftly. Lara swore and fired two shots into the water, the backlash of liquid splashing over her arms and bare mid-riff.

Two needle-sharp fangs stabbed into the back of Lara's calf. She bit her lower lip hard, firing two more rounds into the murky water. Numbness spread up Lara's left leg, she stumbled forward, desperate to escape the black pool. She staggered onto the tiny island of soft earth, the canopy of branches above her swaying in the hot breeze. Lara dropped to her knees, her left leg completely numb, her stomach knotted with fear. She removed her small backpack and searched frantically for the tiny bottle of antidote, she was gasping, her fingers shook as she rifled through her pack.

A long, thick tendril descended from an overhanging branch. The tendril glistened wetly, its black scales reflected the hot sunlight. The snake dropped onto Lara's shoulders, she screamed and tried to shrug the serpent off. Moving unbelievably fast, the serpent coiled around Lara's neck, it wrapped around her right arm, squeezing her limb until the pistol in her hand dropped from twitching fingers. The large snake's weight pulled Lara to the ground, even as the poison in her blood spread through her slim body, draining her strength.

A sharp hiss emanated close to Lara's lovely face, she saw the snake for an instant, eyes black and cold, purple tongue flicking from a slit-mouth, then it was at her neck, needle fangs jabbing into her throat, cold fire spreading across her chest and arms.

Lara rolled onto her back, breasts pumping, her left hand clumsily grasping for her remaining pistol. The second snake tightened its coils around her neck while the first serpent emerged from the black water, scales gleaming with moisture as it slithered towards the prone woman. Lara felt the snake's weight on her leg, it wrapped around her limb, its wedge-shaped head brushing over an inner thigh, a tongue flicking against her crotch. The serpent around Lara's neck raised its ebony head, its forked tongue slid across the poisoned woman's quivering lips, she watched with wide eyes as the snake dipped down and wriggled into her sweat-drenched halter top, slick scales caressing the soft flesh between her enormous breasts.

Lara moaned when the snake inside her halter licked her left nipple. The forked tongue stroked her swollen nub, the snake licking circles around the erect nipple over and over, Lara sighing with pleasure. The woman's long legs fell open when the second serpent coiled between her thighs. The snake burrowed inside Lara's tight shorts, slithering underneath her panties to taste her warm pussy with its agile tongue. Lara arched her neck, moaning when the snake inside her shorts nuzzled her cunt with its scaled nose, its long tongue slithering into her vagina. Lara bucked her crotch while the serpent wriggled deeper into her pussy, slick, black scales caressing her engorged clitoris, her vagina clenching around the snake's supple body.

The snake inside Lara's halter top wrapped around her left breast, its tongue continuously stroking her throbbing, dark brown nipple. Lara moaned when the serpent bit into her yielding tit, its fangs twin icicles that spread a cold numbness over her pounding heart. The suckling snake's tail slipped across Lara's moist lips, she opened her mouth and the tail slithered inside. Lara enfolded the scaled tendril with her lips, sucking deeply on it in her poisoned delirium.

The out-stretched woman was covered in heavy, glistening, obsidian coils. Lara's knees shook as the serpent buried inside her pussy writhed within her squeezing vagina, its wet scales caressing the soft, pink folds of her oozing cunt.

Lara's vision began to fade, her breasts gradually stopped pumping, her open, bent legs dropped to the ground, her pelvis twitching as the snake inside her shorts probed deeper into her belly. The tail wriggling in Lara's slack mouth pulled free, the woman's head rolled to the side, her eyes glazing in the dying sunlight. As Lara stopped breathing, the snake in her sweat-soaked halter top slid smoothly across her bare stomach. The serpent nestled in the woman's soaked pussy re-emerged in a flood of thick cum, slithering down one luscious leg towards its watery home.



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