Wayne Township, Mifflin County
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"Wayne Township Business Notices"
COLWELL, JT, Farmer PO Newton Hamilton
CASNER, Jacob, Dealer in dry and fancy goods, Notions and everything pertaining to a first-class Country Store. Trading on a cash basis with my experience enables me to defy competition. Give me a call and be convinced. PO Shanks Run
COULTER, Geo. W. Farmer PO Atkinson's Mill
DYSART, JC Farmer, PO Newton Hamilton
EWING, S. Proprietor Carriage and Wagon Shop. New Work and Repairing of all kinds done to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. I am also prepared to do all kinds of undertaking. Business and Residence, Corner High and Front sts. PO Newton Hamilton (see Newton Hamilton index)
FORGY, DS, Farmer. PO Newton Hamilton
HEISTER, David, Proprietor Grist and Merchant Mill. Flour, Feed, and all kinds of Mill Goods always on hand and sold at lowest market rates. PO Newton Hamilton
JENKINS, David, Retired Farmer, PO Newton Hamilton
KINSLOE, RM and Son, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Hats, and everything else. PO Newton Hamilton (see Newton Hamilton index)
KAUFFMAN, JR, Watchman PRR PO Shank's Run
KINER, John, Farmer, PO Atkinson's Mills
LUKENS, WB, Manufacturer and Dealer in Grain, Flour, Feed, and Lumber. PO Atkinson's Mill
MILLER, JD, Farmer PO Newton Hamilton
MCVEY, JR, Farmer, PO Newton Hamilton
MILLER, John, Retired Farmer. PO Newton Hamilton
MORRISON, E., Retired Farmer, PO Newton Hamilton
MCDOWELL, J. Retired Farmer PO Newton Hamilton
NORTON, Felix, Retired Framer, PO Newton Hamilton
PENEPACKER, E. Farmer, PO Newton Hamilton
PECHT, John E. Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, and General Merchandise. Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Terms low as the lowest. PO Shanks Run.
POMEROY, SW, Pastor, Presbyterian Church. PO Newton Hamilton (not found on map)
POSTLETHWAIT, John, Farmer PO Newton Hamilton
POSTLETHWAIT, LV, Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, and General Merchandise. Doing business on a cash basis. I am prepared to offer superior inducements to buyers, PO Newton Hamilton (see Newton Hamilton index)
SHADE, Phillip, Farmer, PO Newton Hamilton
THOMAS, BB, Manufacturer, Pig Iron. Chas E. Lockett, Supt. PO Mount Union, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
WHARTON, GB, Farmer and Proprietor Saw Mill. PO Newton Hamilton
WILSON, MAJ. Wm. Farmer and Aprarian. The Major is said to be the oldest inhabitant now living, born in Mifflin County during the 18th Century. PO Newton Hamilton
WITHROW, D. Owner, Beaver Dam Mills. Flour, Feed and all kinds of Mill Goods always on hand and sold at lowest market rates. Also Lumber of all kinds sawed to order. I have on hand a choice lot of lumber and am prepared to fill all orders at prices that defy competition. PO Newton Hamilton.
The following names appear on the 1877 map of
Wayne Township, Mifflin County, Pennsylvania
Allyser, J
Arnold, H
Bardine, J
Beany, W
Beatly, R
Beck, Mrs
Berlew, H
Bire, J
Bowersox, GW
Bryan, J
Buckley, G
Calbertson, J
*Calwell, JT
Campbell, J
Capeland, Mrs.
*Casner, J
Cawdan (?) Mrs.
Cochran, T
Coon, C
Cornelius, J
Cough, A
*Coulter, GW
Coulter, T
Cummings, A
Delaney, G
Drake, E
*Dysart, JC
Emery, J
Ewing, J
Fager, G
Fields, W
Fleming, HM
Fonner, S
*Forgy, DS
Forgy, HW
Forgy, J
Foster, G
Foust, JW
Furguson, A
Furguson, A
Gaff, J
Gill, B
Gilliland, J
Gloseow (?) J
Graham, L
Grimes, H
Hanawalt (?) D
Harshberger, D
Harvey, G
Hazlett, A
*Heister, D
Heister, S
Henderson, G
Herr, H
Hinds, JW
Hoover, DH
Houck, Mrs.
Hughes, D
Hughes, J
Huller, J
Jann (?),Dr. JE
Jeffreys, Mrs.
*Jenkins, D
Jenkins, D
Johnson, L
Johnson, T
Johnson, T
*Kiner, J
*Kauffman, JR
Ktefhaber (??), B
Landis, WJ
Lane, JT
Lane, JT
Lane, SM
Lead (?) H
Leply, Mrs
*Lukens, WB
Marvut (?) Mrs.
McCarthy, JR
McCarthy, WJ
McCormack, C
McDowall, WR
*McDowell, J
McFarland, J
McKendric W
McKinstry, JM
McLaughland, A
McLaughlin, J
McNear, JF
*McVey, JR
McVey, JR
*Miller, J
*Miller, JD
Miller, Misses
Mitchell, G
Moore, W
Morgan, W
*Morrison, E
Morrison, WR
Norton, B
Norton, E
Norton, F
Norton F. Sr.
Norton, J
Norton, MV
Norton, SW
Pastlethwait, T
Patterson, Mrs.
*Pecht, JE
Pecht, WA
*Penepacker, E
Pennepacker, E
Pennopacker, Mrs.
Pollack, AL
Pollock, J
*Postlethwait, J
Postlethwait, SD
Postlethwait, T
Potter, Rev. L
Raup, J
Reichart, P
Rhodes, B
Rhodes, L
Rosenberger, Mrs.
Ross, W
Rothrock, G
Rutherford, W
Sarton (?), D
Sayers, G
Sechrist, S
Shade, J
Shade, Jno.
*Shade, P
Shade, S
Shade, W
Shaffer, J
Shaffer, JW
Shier, S
Smelker, S
Smith, L
Smucker, J.
Snowden, H
Snyder, Mrs.
Spickler, G
Stein, D Sr.
Stein, D. Jr
Stein, SD
Stine, W
Stine, W
Sunderland, J
Sunderland, W
Sunderland, W
Sunderlund, Mrs
Taylor, J
Taylor, Jos.
*Thomas, BB
Vansand, WI
Wallace, W
Walton, TB
*Wharton, GB
Wharton, J
Wharton, Mrs.
Wilson, J
*Wilson, Maj. W
Wilson, W
*Withrow, D
Wolfkill, L
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