They Might Be Giants: John Flansburgh

"We like playing fun rock music, for the love of it.
We only pretend to have a plan for world domination."
John Flansburgh - People Magazine, June 1988

I'm sorry to say I can't rant as much on Flansy as I can Linnell. I'm sorry all you fans of Flans! ...That's so much fun to say. 'Fans of Flans'. That's what his fan club's named, isn't it? Fans of Flans, fans of Flans... Trying saying that three times fast. I can't, but it's probably my slow, drawling Kentucky hick accent getting in the way again. Damn you, Kentucky accent! Notice my one, lonely picture of Flans? Yep, that's my only pic of just Flans, all by his lonesome. There's probably about, fifty million different pictures of just Flans out there, but I'm such a Linnell freak, I can't seem to collect any of them. I love Flans to death, I really do, I just can't seem to obsess over him quite as much as Linnell. But that might be a good thing. I think one scary, you-need-help type obsession is enough for one person. But I can say one thing about Flans: he does the best 'oooooo' I've ever heard.
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