Disclaimer: I don�t own these people. They belong to... uh, whoever it is that own them. I�m just borrowing for a bit. I�ll return them, only a little bit damaged. ^_~

Author�s Notes: Okay, this is the shortest thing I�ll ever write and actually put up for people to read. I mean, this thing is so freakin� short, it�s only a paragraph long. That is short. I was planning on extending it a bit, but... I�m so lazy, I know I would never get around to doing that, so I�ll just put it up as it is.

Dedication to a Queen
A Looney Toons fan fiction by Pisces

All heads turned, mouths dropped open, and half the room started drooling right then and there. The doors had opened and in had walked the most beautiful toon anybody had every seen. Her slender form clad in a shimmering red, hips swaying seductively as she walked. Long shapely legs could occasionally be seen in tantalizing flashes between the slits of the glittering fabric. Glossy curls cascaded down her back and bunched at her thin shoulders. Her fur looked soft and her purple eyes were large and luminous. She smiled as she passed the crowd, white teeth showing among blood red lips. Finally stopping underneath the banner that read �25th Annual Toon Drag Queen Contest�, the beauty spoke out in a melodious voice saying, "Eh, what�s up, doc?"

Didn�t I tell you is was short? This was just my little offering to who I believe is the queen of cross-dressing. Bugs Bunny will always be the top drag queen in my eyes. Hehe...

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