Disclaimer: Here we go again. Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within doesn�t... ::sigh:: Do I have to say the rest of it? Do I? Pleeease don�t make me say it, pleeeeeease! No... no, you can�t make me! Stay away! I know the secret ancient art of pencil fighting. Don�t make me use it! That�s it, don�t take a step closer! ::chucks a pencil, with does absolutely nothing except clatter to the floor:: No, no, stay away from me with those lawsuits! NOOOOOOO!! Neil, SAVE MEEEEE!! ::is pulled away, kicking and scream, then deposited back to the same spot a few minutes later, frightened and eyes darting about:: Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within doesn�t belong to me andneverdidsothereareyouhappynow?

Author�s Notes: Uuh... Please excuse the overly long disclaimer. I seem to be having problems with them lately. The treaty I signed with them at the beginning must be wearing off. But, on to the fic notes!

This fic is slightly different in the respect that it�s all conversation. All of it. No description in it anywhere. It�s kinda like a play, I guess, even though I hate those, but even play�s have descriptions in them. And each line of conversation doesn�t have a person assigned to it. You have to figure out who�s saying what from what�s being said. Oh, don�t look at me that way, it�s not as hard as it sounds. The only thing you have to know is it�s all being said on one of the Deep Eyes� random missions over the comm units in their helmets. And it goes from there. Have fun!

Warning: Slight, very sight cussing. And, um, Neil rules? ::glomps her Neil::

A Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within fan fiction by Pisces

"Neil! Will you just shut up?!"

"Oh, come on babe. You know you love it."

"I�m trying to work here. More than I can say of you..."

"Hey! I�m working! Hard, in fact."

"Fleming! Proudfoot! Comms are not used for socializing!"

"Yes, sir."

"Aye, aye mon capitaine."


"...Yes, sir."





"...I�m bored."

"We�re in the middle of a mission, Neil."


"So?! Don�t �so� me, you stupid little prick!"

"Stupid?! Jane, babe, I happen to have the highest IQ outta all you suckers. No offence, Serge."

"Heh. None taken."

"But you got the little prick part down."

"Arg... One day, Neil, one day-"

"That�s enough, people! Look alive!"

"Yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "Yes, sir."


"...That�s it! I can�t take it anymore! I�m dying from boredom. Jane, come on over here and give me a little �mouth to mouth�. I think I need resuscitating."


"Fleming, say one more word and it�s to the brig with you!"


"Just say it, Neil."

"Yes, sir."





"Neil, what did I tell you?"

"But, sir-"

"No, buts mister!"

"I just wanna-"


"Watch out Cap. You�re starting to sound like my mother."

"You stay out of this, Ryan."

"The Serge is right, though, Captain."

"And you too, Jane!"

"No, sir, really-"

"I have had it up to here with your insubordination, Neil."

"But, sir-"

"Hehe. I don�t think he�s gonna stop anytime soon, Cap."

"What is your problem today, soldier?"

"Well, sir, if you�ll let me expla-"

"Put �em in the brig, sir. I think he deserves it."

"Now, Jane. You�re not helping our comrade�s predicament any."

"That�s the whole point, Serge."

"Will you people just shut up for a minute and LET ME TALK?!"




"Go ahead, Fleming."

"Not like any of you care what I have to say, even though I am a genius."


"Ooooh, noooo. Don�t listen to the one who actually has a thought worth giving a damn."


"You guys just keep on talking, and talking, and talking and you never get anywhere. Now, I, on the other hand, have conversations that actually have merit. When I open my mouth, you know something good�s gonna come out. It�s gonna have value. If people just listened to me more often, the world would be a better place."


"Now, some of these people nowadays, woo-wee buddy. I�m not quite sure... Oh, sir, you want something?"

"What were you going to tell us?!"

"Oh. Oh! That. Phantoms coming in from the east, sir."




"Why didn�t you tell us that earlier?!"

"Shit! Jane, take point. I want to know the second you get a phantom sighting. Ryan, take the rear. Come on, people, move! We�ve got phantoms to kill!"

"See, we wouldn�t be having this problem if you had just listening to me in the first place. But, noooo, don�t listen to the smart one. They never listen to the smart one."


"Yes, Jane, sweetheart?"

"Shut up!"

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