Disclaimer: Do I have to put this on every chapter?! Prologue! Prologue, I say!

Author�s Notes: Very short. But you people were complaining about Luigi being dead and not wanting to be left hanging, soooo... Here ya go. Something else to leave you hanging.

Warnings: Gore, gore, and more gore! Have fun, kiddies!

After the Outing
Chapter VI
A Super Mario Brothers fan fiction by Pisces

"My god..."

"How could this have happened?!"

"What happened?! Why can�t we find him?!"

Loud voices all around... panicked and excited... He could have sworn there was someone sobbing softly nearby... Why? What was going on?

"What do you mean he got away?! Why didn�t anyone stop him? Are you saying people can just waltz in and out of the Mushroom Kingdom Castle as they please?!"


"Don�t. I don�t want to hear your excuses. Princess, maybe you shouldn�t be here..."

"Just shut up. ...Oh, Luigi..."

Peach? What was she doing here? It was dark and his mind wasn�t working and he just couldn�t see and these people wouldn�t shut up... He tried to call out to the Princess, to ask her what was wrong, but for some reason his voice wasn�t working.

"Where�s that damned star? Who�s going to get the star?!"

"I sent Michael to get one out of the vaults, Princess..."

"Well, where is he?! We have a man dying here!"

Dying? What? Peach, please, what is going on?

"Luigi, hang on... You�ve got to..."

Her voice was so close now. Why couldn�t he talk to her?! He tried once more, only to realized the dull roaring in his ears was actually a pounding headache and something was hurting him and he couldn�t stop it...


"Thank god... Give it to me!"

Scuffling, then blessed silence. Something warm touched his chest; a strange, unnatural tranquility brushing across his skin like a playful tickle. He would have smiled if he had been capable... Then everything came rushing back.

Toadstool winced as Luigi, who had been laying on the marble floor inert and frighteningly still, screamed, eyes snapping open and trying to jackknife into a sitting position. But the mushrooms surrounding him held the plumber down, and Peach herself pressed the brightly shinning star firmly against his gore soaked shirt.

Luigi groaned, half way between a moan and a harsh sob, and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. Tears leaked out of the corners, making paths through the scarlet liquid staining his face and leaving sallow, ashen skin starkly visible. As he struggled for breath against the blinding agony, his thin hands fluttered about uselessly, fingernails weakly scratching the hard, stone floor beneath him.

Struggling with her own sob that threaten to overtake her power of speech, Peach spoke up as calmly as she possibly could, trying to get the withering man�s attention, keep it, and sound comforting all at once. "Luigi. Luigi, listen to me. It�s going to be alright. We�ve got an invincibility star on you. It will keep you alive long enough for us to get you to a hospital and taken care of, but it won�t stop the pain."

"No..." he whimpered softly, only half intelligible. "Make it stop..."

"No, Luigi!" Peach realized with a start that he was asking her to kill him. Unwillingly, her eyes were drawn to the large open wound that once had been his abdomen, and forced down the bile when she saw organs peaking out from the overwhelming sea of blood. In all rights, Luigi should be dead, and she had absolutely no clue how he had even survived as long as he had on his own. "I can�t do that... Just, just.... Hang on, please."

* * * * *

It seems news itself travels faster then messengers do. Mario was quite shocked to hear, on his way into Junon, a newspaper hawker�s booming voice blaring out that morning�s front page headline:

"Murder in the Castle! Mario Brother Killed!"

Mario was rather dazed by this by this startling piece of hearsay, and rightfully so, so one can really blame him for falling off his horse.

Mario blinked as Sol�s boots came into view, glancing up to look into the cop�s tan, lightly lined face from his position on the dusty cobble road. His voice, as he spoke up, held a bleak toneless quality, which only quavered slightly as he shakily got back to his feet. "My brother�s dead."

Sol just sighed and went to go retrieve the hero�s lost horse, leaving Mario behind to stare blankly into space.

Luigi: ::sulking on the couch::

Pisces: ::throws down her book and glares at Luigi:: What is it now?

Luigi: ::pouts and stays silent::

Mario: ::concentrating on his game play and mumbles:: He�s till pissed at you.

Pisces: ::sighs:: Oh, you baby. Is that all?

Luigi: Is that all? You freak. You basically killed me off!

Pisces: But your still alive, aren�t you?

Luigi: ::sputters:: Well, yeah... But-

Pisces: So what�s the matter?

Luigi: I�m now in the process of dying! You don�t kill me off, you put me in utter torment!

Pisces: Uh... ::thinks:: And? I�m not following you.

Luigi: ::wipes off all expression, leaving him deadpan:: You�re enjoying this, aren�t you? You enjoy inflicting pain on me, don�t you?

Pisces: Weeell... ::scuffs feet around a bit, grinning sheepishly:: Yeah...

::with twin yells, the room�s door crashes open, spilling Peach and Bowser onto the floor::

Peach: ::punches Bowser in the arm:: Told you! You owe me five bucks, lizard breath. Cough up the dough!

Bowser: ::grumbles and starts searching through mysterious, hidden pockets::

Pisces: ::sigh::

On to Chapter VII (In Progress), go back to Chapter V, or return to the Fan Fiction
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