Days of Awards and Rumours!

The following article appeared in New Musical Express on March 27, 1964.

A huge crowd, despite rain, congregated outside the AR-TV Kingsway studios last Friday. The Beatles were coming! Inside the last preparations were winding to a noisy finish. "Ready, Steady, Go!" was to be transmitted in an hour-writes Cordell Marks.
Compere Keith Fordyee chewed on a cigar and looking Hollywoodish. Attractive girls held tightly to pieces of paper waiting for their prized autographs.
When they did arrive they came appropriately enough by Mark 9 Jaguar. There was a last-minute rehearsal and the show went on. A success and everybody happy!
Afterwards The Beatles held a Press conference and talked about, among other things, John's book, Jane Asher, and of being The Beatles. They had come from filming and looked tired.
"We get up about five in the morning," said Paul. "It takes some doing. The film is going very well, though we never seem to learn our lines. The idea is that we are given our lines and we supposed to learn them that night for the following day. But it never works out like that. We all read them frantically in the car going down to the studio. A bit like school."
Then John's turn to talk: "There was never any real thoughts of writing a book. It was something that snowballed. It started back in my school days. When I was about 14. I remember they gave us this book in English literature. It was Chaucer or some guy like him and we all thought it was a gas. Whenever the teach got that book out we would all collapse. After that I started to write something on the same lines myself.
"Then came the illustrations and then the book. An awful lot of the material was written while we were on tour. Sheets of writing and drawings got lost.
"Some I gave away. A friend took all the remaining material to the publishers and they accepted it. Marvellous!
"There's a wonderful feeling about doing something successfully other than singing. I don't suppose the royalties will ever amount to much, but it doesn't matter."
Paul came back in to the conversations. "Jane and I, I'm sorry if it sounds corny, are just good friends. There are some horrible cliches in this business, yet to describe something like this there is absolutely nothing else.
"The fantastic thing about the rumours that Jane and I are married is that it is only a short time before everyone believes them. Unfortunately, because of certain newspapers, they think everything they read is true. In this case it definitely isn't!
"Yes, Jane and I date together when I'm in town. But she isn't the only girl in my life. Yes, I do see more of her than any other girl."
And finally, The Beatles on being The Beatles. "Do you like being who you are? I asked. "Yes," they all said. And they mean it.

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